# g0v 第參拾捌次在家黑客松 Hack from Home Hackath38n

- [首頁 Home](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-hackath38n)
- [報名 Register`👈👈👈`](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/SkCQVLi4L)
- [活動流程 Run-down](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/H1NHduoE8)
**時間 Date**
2020/03/14 Sat.
09:15 - 18:00 GMT+8
**地點 Venue**
Online `首次線上松`
👉 Youtube, Slack & Jitsi Meet
**報名 Register**
* 報名方式詳細圖解 Graphical Instruction 👉 https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/SkCQVLi4L
* 報名網址 URL 👉 https://intro.g0v.ronny.tw/event/show/g0v-hackath38n
> 報名秘訣:
>1. 請於網址註冊 join.g0v.tw/登入 g0v Slack。
>2. 點選 **Allow**,同意網站權限。
>3. 輸入及錄製「你的暱稱」 + 「三個關鍵字」。 `感謝 Ronnywang 開發工具!`
>4. 完成後,若有出現在頁面上,即是報名成功。
>5. 眾人的自我介紹,將會在大松當日的自我介紹時段輪播。
>1. Login to g0v slack (or register on join.g0v.tw)
>2. Click **Allow** to grant permission to the website
>3. Login and record your nick name + 3 keywords that represent you
`Thanks Ronny for making the tool!`
>4. After you finish, you should see your avatar on the page.
>5. Everyone's self-introduction will be played during the introduction section.
詳細流程點這裡 More run-down:https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/H1NHduoE8
|時間 Time |活動 Subject|
|9:00 - 9:20|電腦開機,準備開始 Ready|
|9:20 - 9:40|新手教學 Newcomer Guide|
|9:40 - 10:40|三分鐘提案 3-min proposal |
|10:40 - 11:00|三個關鍵字自我介紹 Self Introduction|
|11:00 - 17:00|分組開工 Hacking|
|11:30 - 12:00|新參者.旅行團 Guideing Tour for Newcomer|
|14:30 - 15:30|短講 Short Talk |
|17:00 - 18:00|成果報告 5-min final presentation |
## 活動連結 Event Link
- [主頻道 Youtube 直播 g0v Youtube](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/rkK-AtX4I)
- [各專案視訊會議網址 Project Concall](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/H1WDEuj4L)
- [各專案實體小聚 Where the pit(project) at](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/SktGdVAVU)
- [g0v Slack 聊天室 Slack Channel](https://join.g0v.tw/)
- [松前哈拉 03/13 Pre-Hackathon Community Hangout](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/SJIv1q7V8)
- 放輕鬆!只要有心,人人都可找到小坑跳。
- 請在三個關鍵字寫下「你的暱稱、三個跟你有關的關鍵字」,並鼓起勇氣在主頻道聊天室發言提問,找坑跳下去就對了!
- 確定成案的專案,會有專屬的視訊會議網址,讓大家找到坑主,開始 hack!
- 主頻道會有一條龍專案導遊團,可鎖定主頻道找坑。
**For Newcomers**
- Relax, there is a ~~hole~~ role for everyone.
- Please write down "your nickname, 3 keywords that represent you". Don't hesitate to ask questions in the main channel. Just go for it!
- Confirmed projects will have dedicated video conference URL. Please find the project owner and start hacking!
- There will be a tour guide to all projects on main channel. Come take a look to find interesting projects.
[**松前哈拉 👋**](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-hackath38n/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2F%40jothon%2FSJIv1q7V8)
- 大松前夜.線上開講:「松前哈拉」是伴著 g0v 雙月大黑客松,約兩個月舉辦一次的線上會議,在每次雙月大黑客松的前一天晚上,讓關心 g0v 的社群朋友有聚焦討論議題的機會,會議內容透過線上會議平台全程直播。來聊天!來哈拉!說說你最近關心什麼,在大黑客松想做什麼?(↖↖↖ 詳細資訊請點上方連結)
[**Community Hangouts 👋**](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-hackath38n/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2F%40jothon%2FSJIv1q7V8)
- "Community Hangouts" is online meeting at the night before hackathon. We will have a chat for people who are interesting about g0v. Welcome to join the hangout and share your idea.
## 要提案!看提案! Propose Your Idea
- [三分鐘提案、短講、成果發表登記 Sign up for 3-min proposal, 8-min talkm and 5-min presentation<br>Project List `3/10 12:00 GMT+8 提案收單 Deadline`](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RsUGPSchbHWuosKsyH0wELCepNRTkEWAHI_OI6R5d4g/edit?usp=sharing)
- [CfJ 參戰本次黑客松共筆<br>CfJ @ g0v Hackath38n](https://hackmd.io/@codeforjapan/rk9KbKerI)
##### 👆 若您有提案實作的構想<br>👆If you have any idea to share,<br>👆 請在此登記提案或短講<br>👆Sign up through the link above.
## 新參者專區 Newcomer
- [新參者指南 Action Guide](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/HkiKWKmNU)
- [新手教學投影片 Newcomer Intro](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h5aKb4DqM2HAJNAlDNJn33hCWl52ghkoKKpBC3ZsIMs/edit?usp=sharing)
## 其他連結 Others
- [g0v 宣言 Manifesto](https://g0v.tw/zh-TW/manifesto.html)
- [與會守則 Code of Conduct](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@hackpad-importer/BJWlQ-dtsUm)
- [FB Group 後勤社團](http://www.facebook.com/groups/g0v.general/)
- [上期共筆 Note of g0v Hackat37n](https://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-hackath37n)
## [g0v 黑客松香油錢投置處 Donate](https://ocf.neticrm.tw/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=30)
**🙌 給所有公民的黑客松-用行動撐起 g0v 大松 !**

### 大松主辦團隊 Host: g0v jothon
### 合作夥伴 Partner: HackMD

{"title":"hackath38n - 第參拾捌次在家黑客松","tags":"hackathon,38th","description":"g0v 首次線上百人黑客松,運用 youtube+meetjitsi+slack+hackMD+github,讓 g0v 協作工具,效用發揮到極致,讓您在家也能參加黑客松。"}