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放輕松 Rand0mTh0n 大全
## 社會行動的產地|是學校,是平台,是相遇的機會
## The birthplace of social action | It is school, platform, opportunities for encounters

## [Introduction / Home Page](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@B9Iwh2UoQuuqL3vJQFC5lw/rand0mth0n)
### [什麼是放輕松 What is Rand0mTh0n](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@B9Iwh2UoQuuqL3vJQFC5lw/rand0mth0n)
放輕松是繼 g0v Summit 2024 之後由揪松團發起的定期線下聚會,目前暫定是每雙週二舉行一次。參與者可以在活動期間帶著自己的晚餐還有筆電,在這個地方做自己的事情,同時也提供公民們一個線下聚會與討論的空間。
因為陸續有其他專案的夥伴也想辦 g0v 放輕松(如某些學校的 GDSC、vTaiwan),為了讓更多朋友也有機會辦放輕松,故在思考,由揪松所主辦的 g0v 放輕松的名稱將自「g0v Rand0mTh0n|g0v 放輕松」是不是有機會改為「g0v Rand0mTh0n with g0v Jothon|與 g0v 揪松的第x次 g0v 放輕松」
g0v Rand0mTh0n with vTaiwan
g0v Rand0mTh0n with GDSC NTPU
起草人:放輕松坑主(之一) Tofus
如果放輕松是個 品牌(例如基礎松、韌性松)
→ 把這個名字拿去用會造成混淆,讓本來在使用的社群(揪松、Summit)困擾
如果放輕松是個 形式 (例如小松、桌遊松、簡報松)
→ 其實用專案名字就好、不需要問 Jothon
舉例來說,如果是 vTaiwan(g0v 專案) + 放輕松(方式),可以叫做 vTaiwan 放輕松,不用問 Jothon
但如果是 NTPU GDSC,因為他 不是開源社群也不是 g0v 專案 ,要自己辦放輕松(方式)也可以,但不適合掛 g0v
結論:可能可以用類似的邏輯在各個專案間辦放輕松,但 g0v 可能不適合出現在所有專案或社團的前綴(不見得都符合開放文化精神)
### [前來放輕鬆的你可能會需要的東西 Things you might need when attending g0v Rand0mTh0n](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@B9Iwh2UoQuuqL3vJQFC5lw/rand0mth0n)
### [下次放輕松的共筆 ](/RuhCfavuRkKWYL63Gv9wQg)
📍 參與者人類本體 participant itself
📍 食物 food
📍 一顆願意交流,且願意遵守 [g0v 宣言](https://g0v.tw/intl/zh-TW/manifesto/zh-TW/) 並願意遵守 [行為守則 Code of Conduct](https://g0v.hackmd.io/s/COC) 的心 A heart that is onwilling to communicate, and is willing to abide by the g0v Manifesto and the Code of Conduct.
📍 用於做事的各種傢私 (學校作業也可以) Micellaneous for your work (schoolwork is acceptable)
一些資訊 Information
- [NPO Hub 附近的食物攻略! Foods Near NPO Hub](/KS7BHZy8Q42ztO709hVsTA)
## 各次放輕松列表
- [20241210 Rand0mTh15n 第拾伍次](/-YHAVW9TQqmH8RmepOXH_g)
- [20241119 Rand0mTh14n 第拾肆次](/nIQitAjBSwC7JJxLQh2U6g)
- [20241105 Rand0mTh13n 第拾參次](/3mwH4PpdS2W5RbpAGkM93Q)
- [20241022 Rand0mTh12n 第拾貳次萬聖節屍鬼松](/S0-mGchPSyikuvmNUHS6RQ)
- [20241008 Rand0mTh11n 第拾壹次](/eVgsxStlQx2GjN5duoEf9A)
- [20240924 Rand0mTh10n 第拾次](/R781rLPjQqu5VNbyHTjZuw)
- [20240910 Rand0mTh9n 第玖次](/jjuwA751T7G2kVIvzD2p9Q)
- [20240827 Rand0mTh8n 第捌次](/RuhCfavuRkKWYL63Gv9wQg)
- [20240813 Rand0mTh7n 第柒次](/e05C1nUpSG6xzZTn8kD8OA)
- [20240730 Rand0mTh6n 第陸次](/H5HUCwuLRuiJGFEVwgVbYA)
- [20240716 Rand0mTh5n 第伍次](/hkDJPiZUSfCBVaISxcStBg)
- [20240702 Rand0mTh4n 第肆次](/0_zLPNmtQvO8udkjmC5MBw)
- [20240618 Rand0mTh3n 第參次](/h_ASN318TUSlf9FhNhQHQQ)
- [20240604 Rand0mTh2n 第貳次](/YsGvF1BpSNGr0owRylG3Vg)
- [20240521 Rand0mTh1n 第壹次](/d9UgT5LTRRKywSPEo6jA5w)
- [20240507 Rand0mTh0n 第零次](/qzELuqNARKKBjWr2mIiY8A)
**幕後故事 Behind the Scene**
(English below)
>g0v 的雙月大黑客松 12 年來,是一個數位公民廣場,在專業型社運團體之外,維持了一個公民協作空間,支撐著每一位「沒有人」,陪我們走過家鄉許多角落。
>在 g0v 大松,大家能夠彈性結社,也能運用科技提出解方,彼此學習,形成網絡,在危機不斷的台灣,集結「沒有人們」也成為公民的核心肌群。
>g0v's Bi-monthly Hackath0n has been a digital citizen square for 12 years. It maintains a citizen collaboration space in addition to professional social movement groups, supports every "n0body", and accompanies us through many corners of our hometown. .
>In g0v Hackath0n, everyone can flexibly form groups, and can also use technology to propose solutions, learn from each other, and form a network. In Taiwan, which is constantly in crisis, gathering "n0buddies" has also become the core muscle group of citizens.
>[name=ipa, Daisuke, Yi, g0v jothon]
12 年來,g0v 已經舉辦了 60 餘次的 g0v 雙月黑客松,作為數位公民聚集的廣場。Tofus 跟揪松團的社群朋友們想要在 g0v summit 過後作出一點不一樣的嘗試
受到「 g0v summit 放輕松」以及「da0 c0w0rk (by Yian)」的啟發,Tofus 發現,提升聚集的頻率有助於提升對 g0v 感興趣的朋友參與進來的機會
例如 Solana 基金會的朋友曾在 2023 年的此時造訪台灣,當月並沒有舉辦大松,但他們還是透過參與 da0 c0w0rk,接觸 g0v 的朋友,並因此對於 g0v 社群有了初步的認識

da0 c0w0rk 是由 da0 零時道的朋友 Yian 發起的專案,以下是坑主 Yian 對於它的介紹

> da0 從今年 3 月開始舉辦雙週的 c0w0rk,讓社群有實體的交流時間。
>不論帶著自己筆電坐下專心做事,或者想要聽聽大家在討論的內容,都是 c0w0rk 的使用方式!
>10 月的兩個場次,都會繼續舉辦在圓山站的 FAB LAB Taipei,歡迎各位坑主、坑友和社群夥伴,可以一起來用 c0w0rk 實體開會、自由分享、招兵買馬!
>也歡迎新朋友用 c0w0rk 的時間來更認識 web3 的社群![name=Yian]
聚集不一定是為了產出或是達成一個硬性的目標,反而是為了增加相處在一起以及彼此交流的機會,面對公民衝突不斷以及時局頻繁變動的今天,討論的需求大量提升。因此,Tofus 認為提升線下聚集的頻率,將有助於提升凝聚共識的機會,同時也增加新朋友參與 g0v 社群的機會
(雙月黑客松有時會剛好撞到中學或大學的期中期末,有的學生一年可能都沒有辦法參與超過 2 次,提升頻率也有助學生族群參與 g0v 社群)
為此,我們將在 5/7 於 NPO Hub 的廚房實驗室進行第零次實驗,以 da0 c0w0rk 的活動形式為基底,進行為期 2 小時的 co-working hour,歡迎各個專案在這個時間段帶著自己的晚餐來這邊做事,食物有助於維繫情感,也歡迎自行攜帶食材並借用廚房實驗室的廚具,又或者是帶家裡快要過期的零食前來分享(inspired by g0v 韌性松),讓我們一起在吃喝中聊天、做事、一起想像並試著實踐出理想的公民社會!
Over the past 12 years, g0v has hosted more than 60 g0v bimonthly hackath0ns, serving as a forum for digital citizens to gather. Tofus and the community friends of the g0v Joth0n group want to try something different after g0v summit 2024.
Inspired by "g0v summit relaxth0n" and "da0 c0w0rk (by Yian)", Tofus found that increasing the frequency of gatherings will help increase the chances of friends interested in g0v participating.
For example, friends from the Solana Foundation visited Taiwan at this time in 2023. There was no g0v Hackath0n event that month, but they still came into contact with g0v friends by participating in da0 c0w0rk, and thus had a preliminary understanding of the g0v community.

da0 c0w0rk is a project initiated by da0’s friend Yian. The following is the project-owner Yian’s introduction to it.

> da0 will hold biweekly c0w0rk from March this year to allow the community to have physical communication time.
>Whether you sit down with your laptop and concentrate on doing something, or you want to listen to what everyone is discussing, this is how to use c0w0rk!
>The two sessions in October will continue to be held at the FAB LAB Taipei at Yuanshan Station. All pit owners, pit friends and community partners are welcome to come together to use c0w0rk for physical meetings, free sharing, and recruitment!
>New friends are also welcome to use c0w0rk’s time to get to know the web3 community better! [name=Yian]
Gathering is not necessarily to produce output or achieve a rigid goal, but to increase the opportunities for getting together and communicating with each other. Faced with constant civil conflicts and frequent changes in the current situation, the need for discussion has increased significantly. Therefore, Tofus believes that increasing the frequency of offline gatherings will help increase the chances of building consensus and also increase the chances of new friends participating in the g0v community.
(Bi-monthly hackathons sometimes coincide with the midterms and finals of middle schools or universities. Some students may not be able to participate more than twice a year. Increasing the frequency will also help the student group participate in the g0v community)
It takes time and effort to form trust and consensus. This is something that today's advanced technology, which emphasizes efficiency and convenience, cannot yet fully achieve it. Increasing the frequency of offline gatherings is necessary and is the foundation for building meaningful communities.
To this end, we will conduct the zeroth experiment in the kitchen laboratory of NPO Hub on 5/7. Based on da0 c0w0rk’s activity format, we will conduct a 2-hour co-working hour. All projects are welcome to bring their own ideas during this time. Come here to work on your own dinner. Food helps maintain emotions. You are also welcome to bring your own ingredients and borrow the kitchen utensils in the kitchen laboratory, or bring snacks at home that are about to expire (inspired by g0v DigiResiTh0n). Let us Chat, do things, imagine and practice an ideal civil society together while eating and drinking!
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