g0v Summit2018 collaboration notes overview
- [Agenda](https://summit.g0v.tw/2018/agenda) [target=_blank]
## 【10/5 Day1】
### R0
#### 09:30 ~ 11:00
- [Participation Officer System: challenges and visions (translated) 開放政府聯絡人制度的挑戰與展望](/AJoegfXqSDm6o1rndW_O_A)
#### 11:30 ~ 12:30
- [Data for social good: what’s the right formula? 對社會好的資料:什麼才是對的配方?【譯】](/hF2ttQlKTkyFo5whdbVNpQ)
#### 13:30 ~ 15:00
- [Building social media monitoring networks, tools and techniques for Asian elections 建構社交媒體觀察網絡:亞洲選舉的工具及技術【譯】](/ZA7Bh26sRO-skwavBhqgaw)
#### 15:30 ~ 17:00
- [Why don’t you ask your mayor? (translated) 好市長,不問嗎?](/pyl6LFqOTZi5JRnQ5kxpuw)
### R1
#### 09:30 ~ 11:00
- [Smart and data-driven agriculture / Data collaboration in smart city in the case of taxi service (translated) 公私協力:資料驅動與新世代農業管理 / 智慧城市跨界資料協作-計程車營運資料為例](/HAJ5q2JdR0eF8jhAKM6Yqg)
#### 11:30 ~ 12:30
- [Civic “security” tech: digital security applications powering the civil society 安全的公民科技:讓公民社會更強壯【譯】](/qSqDiMlcRDGV6pDjFSMgrw)
#### 13:30 ~ 15:00
- [Can technology come from deafness? (translated) 科技能否來自聾性?](/WrQ5crk8RXmxTDmuu_QOAA)
#### 15:30 ~ 17:00
- [Cofacts: hands-on workshop 沒有人來做 Cofacts 編輯啦!](/T-SGzTt8TVmPg9FMBMxKpg)
### R2
#### 09:30 ~ 11:00
- [Community-engaged computer science: lessons learned in the pursuit of social justice 有社區參與的電腦科學:追求社會正義學到的教訓【譯】](/88qXfOKlTaWhr5ORDlLOPQ)
#### 11:30 ~ 12:30
- [Computational characterization of participation in civic technologies 參與式公民科技的運算特徵【譯】](/v9AJfImFRBiNQuq5Zakw9g)
#### 13:30 ~ 15:00
- [Towards an organized tech sector 科技業工人組織起來【譯】](/zA2HH5-sSw6ibho4puPAvw)
#### 15:30 ~ 17:00
- [CodeforGender design thinking workshop for gender issue #CodeforGender 性別議題設計思考工作坊【譯】](/Mq1Xt7csQtyxaigliMDKqQ)
### R3
#### 09:30 ~ 11:00
- [Tutorial on data visualization: government water pollution data as an example (translated) 資料視覺化的快速上手:以環保署水污染資料為例](/V7ohyo3fRTCC1xiduSVCMg)
#### 11:30 ~ 12:30
- [Making the transparency report complete: detailing the surveillance part 透明度報告補完計畫:關於政府監控【譯】](/TazW_4lLTr-pQ65yygxiKw)
### Keynote
#### 17:00 ~ 17:30
- [How not to design open data programs: lessons from the last 5 years 開放資料踩雷歷程:五年經驗甘苦談【譯】](/-zXhqQaRQVGeg0SZq9WUIA)
## 【10/6 Day2】
### Keynote
#### 09:30 ~ 10:00
- [Mobilizing mistrust 酸民起義【譯】](/IHIQXIv5TfOHpbznvKRT9A)
#### 10:00 ~ 10:30
- [Decolonising the Internet: possibilities for Asia and beyond 網際網路解殖:從亞洲的可能性出發【譯】](/Q4wF8P4PQIu-0LoZLs4AYQ)
#### 17:00 ~ 17:30
- [g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant 2018 final presentation
g0v 公民科技創新獎助金 2018 成果發表會](/BMTi4RYWQ36ma0xiBJpubQ)
### R0
#### 11:00 ~ 12:30
- [On informed discussion 你的明白不是我的明白](/lrjusrc0Q0u1Uciwol8RbA)
#### 13:30 ~ 15:00
- [“ElectionTech” 科技與選舉](/GDZ3QYsrRaKojzZn4GRfCg)
#### 15:30 ~ 17:00
- [When nobody becomes somebody 社群參政](/6gvJlSUuTRaZjmW9kPbcrQ)
### R1
#### 11:00 ~ 11:20
- [g0vhk.io and civic hacking in Hong Kong g0vhk.io 與香港的公民黑客【譯】](/MWInzdhbTpy3VP7Zq4ROHQ)
#### 11:20 ~ 11:40
- [Culture clash? Civic tech and public funding 文化衝撞?公民科技與政府補助【譯】](/JPoATowIR6KsKeCVwXaPpg)
#### 11:40 ~ 12:00
- [Legal issues amongst civic tech: legal stories of g0v projects (translated) 公民科技發展中的法律環節:也說說 g0v 專案的法律故事](/e3Xng9sERhyeXLEpv3jHcw)
#### 12:00 ~ 12:30
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/5UBeccwOSKikABrvsXolLQ)
#### 13:30 ~ 13:50
- [Open-source cooperation between corporation and community: Agri Weather as an example (translated) 社群與企業之開源專案合作經驗分享:以阿龜微氣候天眼通為例](/st9EHKP9SAOF4Qc_Ld1vZA)
#### 13:50 ~ 14:10
- [Why Did I Delay Graduation? A Case Study of “g0v.tw” on Open-source Collaborative Citizen Engagement in Hacking Community (translated) 為甚麼我會延畢?從 g0v 檢視黑客社群開源協作式的公民參與](/Vb9mf8SwRHC1SmJRzfcIqQ)
#### 14:10 ~ 14:30
- [Civic tech takes a stand 公民科技不可妥協的核心價值【譯】](/86bjiov2QCG4QkJ_1upuHA)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/XLUAtEdKQtygs117Sg-yGA)
#### 15:30 ~ 17:00
- [Imagining a digital nation (translated) 推動國家數位轉型的想像](/CfWCQP23SdyOD39kehgMoA)
### R2
#### 11:00 ~ 11:20
- [Political contribution open data: a journey from community, media to government (translated) 政治獻金開放資料從社群、媒體到政府的實作旅程](/FRlcOIEBSi-29LtCoR4vkQ)
#### 11:20 ~ 11:40
- [Examining the role of technology in the operations of Follow The Money Nigeria 審視奈及利亞「追金流」中科技的角色【譯】](/DdfJpfiaSGmsaFcxQGlyYQ)
#### 11:40 ~ 12:00
- [Mixing together Madrid’s and Taiwan’s toolsets to improve participatory budgeting in New York City 改進紐約市參與式預算:馬德里和台灣的工具混搭【譯】](/_bbVMlFmQCqpMFn4thk4Ow)
#### 12:00 ~ 12:30
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/HnisPXabRwqoNkdBfGoAiA)
#### 13:30 ~ 13:50
- [Pegabot (Bot Buster): an online tool for media literacy and bot monitoring Pegabot:媒體識讀及機器人辨識工具【譯】](/4SqmFSJ3RbGIr9USMQRguA)
#### 13:50 ~ 14:10
- [Behind-the-scenes at Indonesialeaks 「印尼解密」幕後觀點【譯】](/oaMe9lOvQZy8_drCQ7Ja-Q)
#### 14:10 ~ 14:30
- [Beyond the code: how hacktivism affects modern journalism? 不只是程式:黑客行動主義對當代新聞的影響【譯】](/2D9h1jUtQRyh673yyvFArQ)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/QZVEKEjTRa21ZyodK5cO_Q)
#### 15:30 ~ 15:50
- [READr: experiments on open journalism production (translated) 開放新聞製作的實驗:READr](/NL6QAjJARtilBlDUN2zhPA)
#### 15:50 ~ 16:10
- [Open data and open gov for investigative journalism 調查報導、開放資料與開放政府【譯】](/vl55Pk8uS1mSe9LWQNT4-g)
#### 16:10 ~ 16:30
- [Illegal factory and dark data (translated) 違章工廠黑資料](/LK9mYf4pR5Wh0cGDVxHk_Q)
#### 16:30 ~ 17:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/klFoAiMuTSmr_AnsyuQTrA)
### R3
#### 11:00 ~ 11:20
- [Mudamos: a toolkit for democratic participation Mudamos:民主參與工具包【譯】](/pfXIj1-ESM67VMBOqlseeQ)
#### 11:20 ~ 11:40
- [Democracy in our lives: Parti’s experiments for democratic life and culture in South Korea 生活中的民主:Parti 在南韓的民主生活與文化實驗【譯】](/Ey8H9N73T-irwdouUltuaw)
#### 11:40 ~ 12:00
- [OK NTU, let’s cast e-vote! 好的台大,我們來電子投票吧!【譯】](/mLYu5GQsSBa-Y6Uye9Etjw)
#### 12:00 ~ 12:30
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/YTs8AHqXRnWX3vFHpygxOg)
#### 13:30 ~ 13:50
- [Plurality of civic tech: from Taiwan to the world and back (translated) 從台灣到世界,再從世界走回來:比較公民科技的眾聲喧嘩](/Wq_vKnvhRVea_TwfoqpFTg)
#### 13:50 ~ 14:10
- [Grow an exhibition from the community: g0v at Ars Electronica Festival 2018 (translated) 社群長出展覽的可能性:以 g0v 在林茲電子藝術節的展覽為例](/WnJnc1UhSzGxFDSOoM9Q4Q)
#### 14:10 ~ 14:30
- [Achieving community goals with open-source and Fedora 以開源與 Fedora 達成社群目標【譯】](/3r7lslYKQqeDMkIlEqPglQ)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/jilshvFeRHKvA8viMCWwcw)
#### 15:30 ~ 15:50
- [The double helix of open and convergence: possibilities of cross-domain cooperation learning from living standard and income survey and open rental data (translated) 收斂與開放的雙股螺旋:從薪資居住品質調查 × 開放租屋資料,談另一種跨界合作的可能](/Y_lMw4gcSZmEhn0-rVIv2g)
#### 15:50 ~ 16:10
- [Reducing mountain incidents with OpenStreetMap and open-source tech (translated) 以開放街圖資料與開源技術降低山難迷途事件的經驗分享](/zF9m4G08RnmPMT2QziXfpg)
#### 16:10 ~ 16:30
- [Agriculture product tracibility data: farm to recipes (translated) 從田間到食譜的鏈結農產品產銷履歷資料](/wFeWCkooRQSpcJQ3XKs3TQ)
#### 16:30 ~ 17:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/qxWhdMnoT8WNAHaCT1evMQ)
## 【10/7 Day3】
### R0 Keynote
#### 09:30 ~ 10:00
- [When we say “open”...](/iAvgpqAdTBGa0M73MmESJg)
- [當我們說「開放」⋯【譯】](/iAvgpqAdTBGa0M73MmESJg)
### R0
#### 13:30 ~ 13:50
- [From data to decision: making good use of public assets in Taipei City 從資料到行政:台北市公有資產資料活用接力](/FoQ4cPBlQQ6iGQ_z0SsE8w)
#### 13:50 ~ 14:10
- [Case studies: involving government officials and companies to civic tech movement 個案觀察:把政府官員和企業拉進公民科技運動【譯】](/MJsV9SjQRVeqosVTKwZvSA)
#### 14:10 ~ 14:30
- [Data collaboration for better public services and innovation 為更好的公共服務及創新一起來協作資料【譯】](/42NaSderSjiDOGCkaZIaPw)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/boQDnxV3Rgy4f5rVewpB7Q)
### R1
#### 13:30 ~ 13:50
- [Bringing open data to the community in developing Southeast Asia 開發中的東南亞:把開放資料帶進社區【譯】](/LzCn-pMaSdKIIdhNwynydg)
#### 13:50 ~ 14:10
- [AsiaMRL: Controlling the chemical residues in fruits and vegetables AsiaMRL:控制蔬菜水果中的化學殘留【譯】](/3V9Km4ddSuW1zX13WJQX7w)
#### 14:10 ~ 14:30
- [A nation and her lost treasures 一個國家與她失落的寶藏【譯】](/Sb9U92NxQTSwRV4pwr35XQ)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/8oM04q8wR0OjiX_y8Gn76A)
### R2
#### 13:30 ~ 13:50
- [iTaigi: build our own dictionary (translated) 家己的辭典家己編:iTaigi 愛台語](/99CvGtwPTHulff5VonTKHQ)
#### 13:50 ~ 14:10
- [Community-supported food production system (translated) 社群支持型友善糧食生產系統](/uur9bd9BR_WWtyN0qN8HFQ)
#### 14:10 ~ 14:30
- [Environmental sensors and blockchain for reducing cost and creating incentives (translated) 藉由區塊鏈降低環境感測器維護成本並創造經濟誘因](/Tkn4vLZUSMmg5MRdyj7uVg)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/XEWUDzEhSyWa2te_6UgNZw)
### R3
#### 11:00 ~ 12:30
- [Mistrust & tech: can tech re-open dialogues? 不信任與科技:科技能否重啟對話?](/5Sj5YKQNQzewDSysguW0lw)
#### 13:30 ~ 13:50
- [Politics of technology: reflections from National Conference on Judicial Reform (translated) 技術的政治與去政治:來自司改國是會議的省思 ](/xZH309WLRqaYJbgxuIo9-g)
#### 13:50 ~ 14:10
- [Civic deliberation on alternatives to death panelty: an experiment on democracy (translated) 民主實驗:「死刑替代方案公民審議」](/f_xWG4ShSCWGM4z9pjByLw)
#### 14:10 ~ 14:30
- [Digital participation at National Cultural Congress (translated) 全國文化會議的數位參與](/7bpo7oFlR66jGYN07xU6xQ)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Questions & dialogues 提問與對話](/nKdsCkRsSc214qLX969PpQ)
### R0 Keynote Afternoon
#### 15:30 ~ 16:00
- [Civic tech scenario in Myanmar 緬甸的公民科技現狀【譯】](/LkuSP-46Sz-Vtc2wXB7u6g)
#### 16:00 ~ 16:15
- [Open Collective: What have we Hacked? 懷疑者的告白](/y1jf_Z4bQxWyDsym7pB0rQ)
#### 16:15 ~ 17:15
- [Lightning talks 閃電講](/5ByiYdosQWeFqQcLHg2NtQ)
{"tags":"overview, summit2018"}