# g0v Summit2020 collaboration notes overview
- [公告區 Announcements](/@summit2020/HJrLqDGiv)
- [Welcome Notes](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1s1w2jRP1DOg6hW0hwOQUpViAEIZZvMi6yE5qEEtIvR0/edit?usp=sharing) [target=_blank]
- [議程表 Agenda](https://summit.g0v.tw/2020/agenda) [target=_blank]
- [開放工作坊 Unconference](/sEwt-CimSG-V0MzX4oazdA)
- [開放工作坊結果&場地分配 Unconference Result & Distribution](/iS_BC3ucS9a6Y3N3x7rOuQ)
- [閃電講 Lightning Talk](/sEwt-CimSG-V0MzX4oazdA)
- [行為準則 Code of Conduct](https://summit.g0v.tw/2020/code-of-conduct) [target=_blank]
- [台南活動與美食共筆 Tainan Events & Foods](/@summit2020/ry-7sRsqw/)
## 【12/04 Day 1】
### A 臺南市美術館 2 館 跨域展演廳
#### 09:30 ~ 10:30
- [Sch001 2020 Final Presentation<br />零時小學校 2020 成果發表會](/@summit2020/H19XKDziD)
#### 10:40 ~ 12:00
- [Stop Schooling, Don’t Stop Learning<br />停學,不停學](/@summit2020/rysmYPfiw)
#### 13:30 ~ 14:00
- [What are the interns of Code for Japan doing?<br />Code for Japan 的實習生們都在幹嘛?](/@summit2020/BJxsmFvGow)
#### 14:00 ~ 14:30
- [What are the actual cases in the online course database of innovative teachers?<br />創新教師的線上課程資料庫有哪些實際案例?](/@summit2020/HJhXtDzoD)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [A Preliminary study on Mapping the Classroom with Participatory Politics and Citizen Journalism in the Digital Age<br />初探大學課堂裡的數位新聞想像與實作─ 「淡哩來數位新聞實驗室」](/@summit2020/HJT7YDGsP)
#### 15:30 ~ 16:00
- [<br />NullFull - Introducing Korean civic hacking community](/@summit2020/Hyx67KwGsD)
#### 16:00 ~ 16:30
- [<br />Ùi台語到台文,討論社會大眾ê母語語文態度轉變kap社群經營](/@summit2020/rJ07FvGjv)
#### 16:30 ~ 17:00
- [Developing story of 'Amis MoeDict<br />眾人協作台灣原住民族字典-阿美語萌典的發展歷程](/@summit2020/r1JVKvMjD)
#### 17:00 ~ 18:00
- [Jothon Online "Jo Jitsi Plus" Workshop<br />線上揪松「揪己家」工作坊](/@summit2020/ByeyNKvGjD)
### G 好想工作室
#### 09:30 ~ 10:30
- [Revitalizing Tainan’s IT community and industry<br />地方空間經營與創生](/@summit2020/r1mmKvziv)
#### 10:30 ~ 11:30
- [Redefining IT education with self-exploration<br />自我探索的資訊教育](/@summit2020/BkeQ7YwMjP)
#### 13:00 ~ 13:30
- [The mask supply map<br />口罩地圖事件](/@summit2020/rkNXtDzoP)
#### 13:30 ~ 14:00
- [After the mask supply map: What can we prepare before the next crisis?<br />口罩地圖設計後感,下次災難前,我們還可以準備什麼?](/@summit2020/H1S7tvfjD)
#### 14:00 ~ 14:30
- [COVID discriminates? But data doesn’t<br />COVID種族歧視?但數據不會](/@summit2020/rJgH7twziD)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Data journalism: when tech meets the news<br />科技與資料新聞的碰撞](/@summit2020/SyIQFwfsD)
#### 15:30 ~ 16:00
- [Herding cats – project management in g0v projects<br />牧貓人 —— g0v 混亂有序開放協作專案管理](/@summit2020/HkP7Fvfjw)
#### 16:00 ~ 16:30
- [How we proposed and developed “libot”: the neighborhood reporting LINE bot<br />讓公務員颱風天不再崩潰—我們怎麼向市政府提案開發里長回報 LINE bot](/@summit2020/ByxDmFvfiw)
#### 16:30 ~ 17:00
- [Open-source your own NHI card agent<br />自己的健保卡 Agent 自己開源](/@summit2020/r1OQKwMsP)
#### 17:00 ~ 17:30
- [Public people relations open data – from data point to collaborative data system<br />台灣政商人物資料庫,從點到線的資料協作](/@summit2020/SytQKvGjD)
#### 17:30 ~ 18:00
- [<br />資料與應用,從地方政府談公私協力是轉機還是困境](/@summit2020/SJgtXtvMiP)
### W 吳園藝文中心 原台南公會堂
#### 09:30 ~ 11:00
- [Survival and living as a young adult in Tainan<br />開島在台南:青年的生存與生活](/@summit2020/SkgNKvziw)
#### 11:00 ~ 12:00
- [The first NGO-run social housing in Taiwan<br />台灣第一個NGO自營社會住宅經驗分享](/@summit2020/ByWVtwMov)
#### 13:00 ~ 13:30
- [Open government in Tainan<br />台南市開放政府經驗談](/@summit2020/HJxZEtvziw)
#### 13:30 ~ 15:00
- [The clash between cultural heritage protection and urban planning in Tainan<br />開發古都?文化資產與都市規劃的碰撞](/@summit2020/ryGEFvzsw)
#### 15:30 ~ 16:30
- [Does NDC really help?<br />左鎮的地方創生元年大冒險](/@summit2020/ryeMEFDGiv)
#### 16:30 ~ 17:00
- [Can you really empower a non-profit with design/technology?<br />NGO 可以怎麼被設計/科技賦能?](/@summit2020/rJXEFDfiD)
#### 17:00 ~ 18:00
- [NPO v.s. open-source communities<br />NPO組織 vs 開源社群](/@summit2020/rk4EYPGow)
### C1 C-Hub 成大創意基地 1F
#### 09:30 ~ 10:30
- [Maker spaces and communities around Taiwan<br />全台大串燒:自造者空間與社群近況](/@summit2020/S1gNVYPzjP)
#### 10:30 ~ 11:30
- [What is maker spirit? Makers speak their truth<br />何謂 maker 精神?自造者們的真心話](/@summit2020/HyBVKDMjw)
#### 13:00 ~ 14:30
- [What’s next for the maker movement in Taiwan?<br />台灣自造運動下一步怎麼走?](/@summit2020/BkIEYPzsD)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [New opportunities for distributed innovation<br />分散式創新的新契機](/@summit2020/B1x84Fwziv)
#### 15:30 ~ 16:00
- [Let the visually impaired be the eyes of the government<br />讓視障者來當政府的眼睛](/@summit2020/ryD4FPzsw)
#### 16:00 ~ 16:30
- [Maker in protest, and then?<br />自造者與社會運動,然後呢?](/@summit2020/B1uVKPMsD)
#### 16:30 ~ 17:00
- [What I did in the global Creative Commons community?<br />創用 CC 在玩些什麼?](/@summit2020/HkeuEFwfiD)
#### 17:00 ~ 17:30
- [How LASS builds water community and co-works with the government<br />LASS 如何建構水社群與公私協力經驗談](/@summit2020/r1F4YvMiw)
#### 17:30 ~ 18:00
- [Introducing RPA (Robotic Process Automation) into NPO – sharing our experience<br />沒有人可以做行政?不再自己當沒有人,讓流程機器人(RPA)來幫助你! -- 小型非營利組織的行政自動化](/@summit2020/r1et4tDMjD)
## 【12/05 Day 2】
### R0 成大綠色魔法學校 崇華廳
#### 09:30 ~ 10:10
- [Open Parliament for whom/what/why?<br />開放國會!百樂門開門!](/@summit2020/SyxdBYPfsw)
#### 10:10 ~ 10:30
- [Building Policy for Open and Inclusive Governance<br />建構開放涵容的治理政策](/@summit2020/rJtBKPMsP)
#### 10:30 ~ 10:50
- [Addressing the State : an analysis of the online-offline request system in Taiwan<br />“請求政府”:台灣公共政策網路參與平台之訴求與開放政府聯絡人之分析](/@summit2020/rylKSYPfiw)
#### 10:50 ~ 11:10
- [Political Machines<br />政治機器](/@summit2020/rkqrKwfsD)
#### 13:00 ~ 13:30
- [How home stayers unlock the potential of open data in response to Covid-19 Pandemic in Myanmar?<br />在家對抗武漢肺炎,解鎖開放資料潛力:緬甸經驗](/@summit2020/rksrYPMjD)
#### 13:30 ~ 14:15
- [Project Lockdown: Using data to assess the impact on human and digital rights as a result of Covid-19 related Government measures<br />Project Lockdown: 運用政府在新冠肺炎時政策的數據來評估對人權與數位權的影響](/@summit2020/BJejrtwMov)
#### 14:15 ~ 15:00
- [How Jothon Online was Build<br />線上揪松是怎麼煉成的](/@summit2020/rk2HtwGov)
#### 15:30 ~ 15:50
- [Intergrass & the Culture Jamming for Internet Freedom in On/Offline Places without (Internet) Freedom<br />芥面 & (網路)不自由區域的線上/下網路自由之文化反堵](/@summit2020/B1x2SYDfiD)
#### 15:50 ~ 16:10
- [Lesson learnt from failure - Reflection on Macau Civil Vote 2019<br />失敗分享:澳門民間投票 2019 ](/@summit2020/ByprYvMsv)
#### 16:30 ~ 16:50
- [How independent policy research is made possible by civic participation and collaboration in Hong Kong<br />如何在香港透過民間協作方式實踐自主的政策研究](/@summit2020/Hk0BFwGjv)
#### 16:50 ~ 17:10
- [Hong Kong Open Data Index<br />香港開放數據指數](/@summit2020/H1xRrYPfsD)
### R1 成大綠色魔法學校 第 1 會議室 (B1)
#### 09:30 ~ 10:10
- [Project showcase from Japan – How we can collaborate?<br />来自日本的项目展示案例--我们如何合作?](/@summit2020/r1qNFPzsD)
#### 10:10 ~ 10:30
- [Civic Tech Toronto - 5 years in and 5 years onward<br />多倫多公民科技── 5 年之後再 5 年](/@summit2020/SkjNFvMoD)
#### 10:30 ~ 10:50
- [Herstory in East Asia <br />東亞,她的故事](/@summit2020/BJxj4FwMsw)
#### 10:50 ~ 11:10
- [Facing the Ocean – 2-year review of this civic hacking network in East Asia<br />面向海洋──東亞公民黑客串連兩年回顧](/@summit2020/rJhEtwziv)
#### 13:00 ~ 14:00
- [Building an army of facilitators with Extinction Rebellion<br />在「反抗滅絕」訓練「協助者」大軍](/@summit2020/SyT4Yvfsv)
#### 14:00 ~ 14:30
- [Reflecting on value and invisible labor in collaborative projects, or why community govenance is important<br />做工的沒有人 - 社群治理為何重要](/@summit2020/ByepNKDMiv)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Community g0vernance as a community project<br />「社群治理」這個不太一樣的坑](/@summit2020/B1AEYPMjP)
#### 15:30 ~ 15:50
- [The big gap between inside and outside of Taiwan politics<br />台灣政治內與外的鴻溝](/@summit2020/SJkBKPfiP)
#### 15:50 ~ 16:10
- [Bringing data thinking into government<br />將資料思維帶進政府](/@summit2020/ryl1rFvziP)
#### 16:30 ~ 16:50
- [What your paid actually worth it? Multivariable spatial analysis on real estate factor – example in Hamburg<br />你付出的房租值得嗎? 談空間分析框架下的居住正義 以德國漢堡市為例](/@summit2020/S1eBKDGov)
#### 16:50 ~ 17:10
- [A construction of knowledge graph from open data<br />資料都開放了! 然後呢!? 讓我們一起譜出知識的樂章](/@summit2020/ByZSKvGiD)
### C1 C-Hub 成大創意基地 1F
#### 09:30 ~ 10:30
- [The influence of Internet, engineering, and technology on news media<br />技術與媒體,談網路工程師在媒體以及科技對媒體的影響](/@summit2020/HJkIYvzoD)
#### 10:30 ~ 11:00
- [Wishing for election subsidy data, or perhaps an open election database<br />補助款明細的流浪之路:許一個選舉資料庫開放的願望](/@summit2020/HJgUKvMjD)
#### 11:00 ~ 11:30
- [Make good wheels of storytelling at The Reporter<br />打造說好故事的輪子 ——《報導者》開放「新聞敘事元件庫」的實踐之路。](/@summit2020/H1xeLYPGjD)
#### 13:00 ~ 13:30
- [Public transit, road system architecture, and pedestrian environment analysis in the remote islands of Kinmen<br />在偏遠離島的side project:公共運輸分析地圖、GoogleMapsAPI的道路系統架構探索和人行環境建構潛在需求分析](/@summit2020/ryZUKwzsP)
#### 13:30 ~ 14:15
- [Data analysis for reducing the risks in urban flooding<br />水多的人輸,水少的人贏:運用資料分析優化決策時間以降低都市區域淹水風險](/@summit2020/H1gZUKPfsw)
#### 14:15 ~ 15:00
- [Ecosystem protection and open data<br />政府的邊緣人:生態保育與開放資料](/@summit2020/Hkz8KPfsD)
#### 15:30 ~ 15:50
- [0archive: open data of Taiwan’s information space<br />零時檔案局 - 台灣資訊空間的開放資料](/@summit2020/ry78Fwfsv)
#### 15:50 ~ 16:10
- [Big issues, small data: How open-source data science can help social organizations tackle big problems <br />小資料,大議題──開源資料科學如何協助社會組織挑戰大問題](/@summit2020/rygQUtwMiv)
#### 16:30 ~ 16:50
- [Challenges of GLAM Taiwan – can Wikidata solve this?<br />臺灣館連開放的挑戰--低成本、低介入的 wikidata 是可能的出路嗎?](/@summit2020/rkN8tDzow)
#### 16:50 ~ 17:10
- [Wikidata one year in Taiwan, what is our results and what is our future plan<br />Wikidata 台灣一年了,回顧過往與展望未來](/@summit2020/H1lNLKPzov)
### C3 C-Hub 成大創意基地 3F
#### 09:30 ~ 10:10
- [The Battle for Internet Freedom <br />為網路自由而戰](/@summit2020/SJrLtDMjD)
#### 10:10 ~ 10:30
- [Who builds the Internet? Tales about infrastructure and the people behind it.<br />網際網路誰蓋的?基礎建設及建築工的故事](/@summit2020/BJLLKPzow)
#### 10:30 ~ 10:50
- [Open Contracting for emergency response: how to use open procurement data and red flags to monitor public purchases. <br />緊急應變、開放採購:用開放資料監督公共採購](/@summit2020/BJxU8FPfov)
#### 10:50 ~ 11:10
- [g0v.social: a 4-year journey of distrubuted social (communal) media<br />g0v.social:分散式社群媒體的四年旅程](/@summit2020/HkD8FPfjP)
#### 13:00 ~ 13:30
- [Data-driven activism: ideation and implementation of the “Scan before buy” app<br />資料驅動的社會倡議–談談「掃了再買 App」的發想與執行](/@summit2020/r1lv8twzjD)
#### 13:30 ~ 14:00
- [Journey of a NGO tech muggle and an open sourceror<br />科技麻瓜 NGO 和開源魔法師的旅程](/@summit2020/H1u8Kwfsw)
#### 14:00 ~ 14:30
- [City making, civic tech, and urban transformations? The Taiwan experience<br />都市設計、公民科技與城市改善 ? - 台灣經驗](/@summit2020/Skt8twGoD)
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Digital ID cards home and abroad<br />談台灣與國際的數位身分證發展與隱憂](/@summit2020/BJgt8tvMoD)
#### 15:30 ~ 15:50
- [From “dōjin” to civic tech community, a journey of open culture for a non-tech person<br />從同人圈到公民科技社群,非技術人的開放文化之旅](/@summit2020/rJ9IFvfiw)
#### 15:50 ~ 16:10
- [Citizen random sortition in Cedric Villani's Paris campaign candidate list<br />市民隨機抽籤:Cedric Villani 巴黎市選舉候選名單](/@summit2020/ByjLYwfjw)
#### 16:30 ~ 16:50
- [Open-source can improve our world: TGH Open Source Prosthetic Project<br />用開源來改變社會](/@summit2020/HkxoUtDMjP)
#### 16:50 ~ 17:10
- [Make a good circulation: “Good to go” reusable food containers service to promote circular economy through social design<br />大家一起讓循環動起來:好盒器如何透過「社會設計」推動循環經濟](/@summit2020/Sy3LYPMjD)
### R3 成大綠色魔法學校 第 3 會議室 (3F)
#### 09:30 ~ 10:30
- [When art community meets open culture: Lightbox Photo Library as an example<br />當藝術社群遇上開放文化 —— Lightbox攝影圖書室的經驗(以及3個我們不知道怎麼解決的問題)](/@summit2020/rkxWrtPMov)
#### 13:00 ~ 14:00
- [g0v novice village - how to make g0v a more beginner-friendly community?<br />g0v新手村─如何讓 g0v 更容易入門?](/@summit2020/SJfBFPGoD)
#### 14:00 ~ 15:00
- [Cofacts Fake News Crossing :Colaborating fact-checking for Democracy<br />集合啦!和 Cofacts 一起:影響民主的假新聞之友會](/@summit2020/BkQBtwfoP)
#### 15:30 ~ 16:30
- [Transitional justice for the people – let’s chat about open public engagement for “historical sites of injustice”<br />【鄉民的轉型正義】來聊聊「白色恐怖時期不義遺址」的公共推廣與開放系統吧!](/@summit2020/BylQStPzoD)
#### 16:30 ~ 17:30
- [Speculative Design | Future News: Let's talk about our Smart City!<br />推測設計 | 未來新聞: 來聊聊我們的智慧城市吧!](/@summit2020/S1VSKPGiP)
### R4 成大綠色魔法學校 第 4 會議室 (3F)
#### 09:30 ~ 10:30
- [How to talk to people outside the bubble without getting hurt<br />如何和不同溫層對話不受傷](/@summit2020/B1gEBtPfjD)
#### 10:30 ~ 11:30
- [The Transparency Report: How do citizens monitor the government and corporations?<br />調個資、刪內容,公民如何監督政府與企業?來打造「透明報告」!](/@summit2020/SyBHKPfov)
#### 13:00 ~ 14:00
- ["Forking Piragene: eID Great Escape @ 2035": an Artivism Project<br />「岔派樂基因:2035 eID 數位身份大冒險」藝術行動](/@summit2020/S18SYPzov)
#### 14:00 ~ 15:00
- [Spark the fire of Internet freedom<br />網路自由大風吹 ](/@summit2020/rJlUBYwziw)
#### 15:30 ~ 16:30
- [it's time to talk about social distancing long-term care<br />不回家的死小孩,遠距長照進行時?](/@summit2020/rJvrKDGsw)
#### 16:30 ~ 17:30
- [Extending Margins - Discussing the Development of Web Communities for Sexual Minorities<br />性少數社群網站的建構經驗──從邊緣開拓出路](/@summit2020/r1_HFwfiP)
## 【12/06 Day 3】
#### 09:30 ~ 11:00
- [Defending Democracy: Communities Can Help <br /> 基調座談:台灣社群與民主防衛](/nZcr5hTkTeSOTYHN3-WUVg)
#### 11:30 ~ 13:00
- [Connecting Democracies Through Communities <br /> 基調座談:來一碗民主,唔該晒](/8Y3mADH8QraX0PS6Pupmvg)
### R0 成大綠色魔法學校 崇華廳
#### 14:30 ~ 15:00
- [Engaging Thai citizens with games and open platforms
#### 15:00 ~ 15:30
- [Perhaps mnd.g0v.tw – Defend against cognitive warfare with public information and communal participation <br/> 如果有個 mnd.g0v.tw──用資訊公開、公民參與防守中國對台認知戰](/4OHX5GN6Q0W4tyEjjPoxnA)
#### 16:00 - 17:00
- [3 conferences, 5 chairpersons, what the **** were they thinking? <br /> 3 場 conf,5 個總召,他們竟然這樣搞?完全顛覆你的想像!](/4OHX5GN6Q0W4tyEjjPoxnA)
### R3 成大綠色魔法學校 第 3 會議室 (3F)
#### 14:30 - 15:30
- [How to make it easy to assess and manage intangible values <br /> 防呆版社會投資報酬評估:無形價值的溝通與管理](/I3f011rTR921yL7KL6TBpg)