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tags: g0v-intl
# FNF is looking for g0vers for their online seminar: “Safeguarding Freedom in the Digital Sphere” to discuss with international activists how citizens and communities can positively engage online with the government
## Seminar
FNF International Academy for Leadership “Safeguarding Freedom in the Digital Sphere” (closed event)
## Session info
Date: March 23rd, 2021
Time: 21:15 Taipei time / 14:15 Berlin time
Duration: 60 mins
Video call platform: Zoom
Video call link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81789056753
## g0vers sign-up
- chihao
- bil
## Content to prepare together before the session
### Self intro
- bil
- chihao
g0v = community (ies), movement, value(s)
g0v contributors, not representatives
### A short intro of g0v
- g0v Manifesto
- https://g0v.tw/manifesto/en/
- (from g0v.tw website) g0v 是一個草根式的公民社群,致力於加深公民對社會的貢獻以及彼此間的連結。
- g0v is a grassroots civic community dedicated to deepen civic contribution to the society and the connection with each other.
- 透過 g0v 社群,你可以在這裡尋找志同道合的夥伴,以草根的方式實踐你的理念,並將成果以開放授權模式釋出,讓更多的人可以站在你的成果上接力賽跑。
- in g0v, you can find people that has similar interest and way of working,
- 將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。
- g0v substitute the o in gov with 0...
- Don’t ask why nobody is doing this. You are nobody
- "Nobody can do everything"
### Some (good? successful? failed?) examples of gov-g0v collaboration
before collaboration, there were confrontation = demos of alternative ways of public governance
- not only "this is bad" but "this is better"
- central gov budget visualization
- political contribution transparency
g0v hackathons are a great place for collaboration across all kinds of professions and disciplines
public servants as nobody (g0v hackathons)
- vTaiwan is an obvious famouse case, where...
- Jacklyn Tsai
- but there are much more!
- 水保局 Soil and Water Conservation Bureau
- last saturday
- Historical Images Platform
- open data of historical photos of natural disasters
- 國史館
- historical & gov documents about
- 228 incident & white terror
public servants as nobody (g0v summits)
- (2018) 單側聽損 Unilateral hearing loss, UHL
- 立法委員、公部門關注
disaster real-time info
- 2015 New Taipei water park fire
- TPE city dept. of social welfare +
- dept. of info tech +
- hackfoldr +
- g0vers +
- netizens
- same model adopted for later typhoons, earthquakes...
public servants on g0v Slack during covid
- sharing face mask map
- issues regarding data
- officers in ministry of health welf...
Some g0vers consult with gov
- Open data commission (EY)
- Taipei city gov youth commission + public participation commission
- -> Public property mapping website
Some g0vers became public servants
- Taipei city gov dept. of social welfare
- Ministry of health and welfare
- ministry of economic aff
- (of course) PDIS (Audrey’s office)
Some g0vers keep working with gov
- cofacts + Youth Development Administration (Ministry of Edu.)
- encouraging volunteering participation in fact-checking & open-source contribution
- Open parliament
- g0vers + CSOs + legislators
- -> 3/9 open parliament "action plan"
in all...
g0v has and is about demonstrating & encouraging gov agencies and public servants to adopt civic participation and public-private collaboration in problem-solving.
## Questions
- ... trust between citizens & gov
- agree ++
- how did distrust evolve?
- (billion) TW gov good effort for example: CCC uses comics to help young people to understand history
- but if all responsibilities are on public servants, it might be too much
- (chihao) it’s not always trust... (more later?)
- problem security & tech
- open & tech is good... security problem? re: China?
- (billion) g0v.tw is supposedly banned in China
- TW digital security is not that bad
- \o/
- abuse? yes
- infrastructure & governance
- on-going discussion
- how to engage people?
- Mexico https://g0v.news/%E5%B0%88%E8%A8%AA-%E5%A2%A8%E8%A5%BF%E5%93%A5-20-%E4%BA%BA%E5%89%B5%E6%96%B0%E5%AF%A6%E9%A9%97%E5%AE%A4-%E7%B5%A6-2100-%E8%90%AC%E4%BA%BA%E7%9A%84%E6%95%B8%E4%BD%8D%E9%83%BD%E6%9B%B4-61d14f8e8893#.kbxcn4k3n
- (billion) hackathons & summit & workshops in different places
- free food!
- encourage different background
- better initiation
- comm. "management" of g0v... how to resolve conflict?
- (billion) it happends!
- Cofacts: note every detail of our weekly meeting
- definitely did not resolve everything
- (chihao) documentation! \o/
- fork / merging
- major challenges?
- (chihao) info literacy against disinfo
- (billion) democractic values and knowledge are for everyone
- help each other
- e.g. openness & transparency to help understanding each other
- tech infra of Taiwan -> civic hacker community
- many engineers
- vibrant communities before g0v!
## More info about the participants
Seminar participants come from countries from all continents and have a diverse background in activism, journalism, government and business. All are somewwhat familiar with the basics and current topics discussed by online acvists. They have limited knowledge about Taiwan, probabyl none about G0V, but will have watched a video about Audrey Tangs work as minister for basic introduction of the session.
## Seminar abstract
Liberals nerds from all over the world will discuss the hot topics of our times—ranging from the market powers of big tech and the problem of disinformation to the future of democracy in the age of big data. Because besides all tech optimism, there is also a dark side to the story: Digitalization has given rise to new and powerful threats to democratic processes, human rights, and the rule of law. And the solutions to such challenges are far from obvious from a liberal perspective. Hence, it is on us to strike a balance between recognizing the positive disruptions of an Internet age and the concerns for its impact on inclusive liberal democracies.
## Video explaining the seminar programme and idea
Video of Facilitator Sven explaining the structure and idea of the sessions. Part about the session with G0V around min 03:30
## Overall seminar programme
11.03.2021: Meet & Greet 🎉
14.03.2021: Mapping Big Tech, Bots & the Future of Democracy 🤖
15.03.2021: Big Tech: Take it or break it? 💾
16.03.2021: Fake News: Destabilizing our societies or simply overrated? 🕵️♀️
17.03.2021: Blockchain World: WallStreetBets, Bitcoin, and DeFi 🚀
18.03.2021: DAY OFF 🎁
19.03.2021: Privacy: Who should get access to our data? 👾
20.03.2021: Free Speech: Should we deplatform trolls and cancel hate speech? 💬
21.03.2021: DAY OFF 🎁
22.03.2021: When Government Goes Online: Geopolitics, propaganda, surveillance 😈
==23.03.2021: When Government Goes Online: From g0v to digital transformation 😇==
24.03.2021: 🍕🍕🍕 Global Hackathon 🍕🍕🍕
25.03.2021: DAY OFF 🎁
26.03.2021: Twitter & Tear Gas...and an Award Ceremony ✨