owned this note
owned this note
tags: cofacts, meeting note
GA: UA-98468513-3
20211013 會議記錄
- [所有會議記錄](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@mrorz/cofacts-meeting-notes/)
- 線上出席:bil, mrorz, nonumpa, 4000
- https://gather.town/app/z3x18KQFgZCX8MeZ/cofacts
## :potable_water: Release pipeline
### :star: Released to production
#### :globe_with_meridians: Site
- #452 category sorting
#### :robot_face: rumors-line-bot
- #292 redirect LIFF
### :rocket: Staging
- #295 LIFF bug fixes
#### :robot_face: rumors-line-bot
Test URL schemes: https://output.jsbin.com/gaparixayo
##### Testing checklist
- [x] Rediret LIFF 測試
- [x] 打開此連結:https://dev-line-bot.cofacts.tw/liff/redirect.html?articleId=3tu9btf8s50sm
- [x] 可不用登入就正常點開
- [x] 按「前往閱讀查核回應」無須登入就能看到訊息與回應
- [x] 可 upvote / downvote
- [x] 右上角「在真的假的開啟」可以打開 Cofacts LINE bot 準備發送訊息
- https://line.me/R/oaMessage/@cofacts/?%F0%9F%93%83%20%E6%9F%A5%E7%9C%8B%E9%80%99%E7%AF%87%E7%9A%84%E5%9B%9E%E6%87%89%3A%0Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fcofacts.tw%2Farticle%2F3tu9btf8s50sm 在 iOS 從聊天視窗可以打開,但 iOS 的 LIFF 無法
- iOS 14.6 / LINE 11.16.0 一開始點不開但後來可以 [name=nonumpa]
- iOS ? / LINE 11.16.1 不行 [name=bil]
- iOS 15 / LINE 11.17.1 可以了 [name=bil]
- 可以考慮轉網站但也可以不這麼做
- [x] 打開此連結:https://dev-line-bot.cofacts.tw/liff/redirect.html?articleId=3tu9btf8s50sm&replyId=QS5fy3gBFXJoAcVj9ohy&utm_source=foo
- [x] 可看到訊息與「MrOrz 認為 含有個人意見」的回應
- [x] 下方有「查看其他查核回應」按鈕
- [x] Google analytics 可收到 pageview
- real-time report 下一定要同時設 `utm_source` 與 `utm_medium`⋯⋯
- [x] Rich menu 測試
- [x] 「設定」更改後再次打開,應該會保留原本設定
##### ⛔️ Release Blockers
##### 未竟項目
## Delete reply requests - blocking user from submitting visible contents
**2021/12/01 Update**
A dedicated doc is opened to track its development - https://g0v.hackmd.io/hk1v8Ka5TCmIZinQ6zKU9Q
實作中:隱藏黑名單產出的 `articleReply`, `articleReplyFeedback`, `replyRequest`, `articleCategories`, `articleCategoryFeedback` ,但本人看不到被隱藏這件事情
TODO list
- rumors-db
- [ ] `WIP` add `status` field & "BLOCKED" state https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-db/pull/55/
- [ ] Add migration script to fill in status for `articleReplyFeedback`, `replyRequest`, `articleCategoryFeedback`
- Unlike `articleReply` and `articleCategory` under `articles` index, those are individual indexes.
- `articleReplyFeedback`, `replyRequest`, `articleCategoryFeedback` can be listed out in separate API using ElasticSearch `terms` filter
- rumors-api
- [ ] `WIP` add `statuses` filter to all listing APIs for `ArticleReply`, `ArticleReplyFeedback`, `ReplyRequest`, `ArticleCategory`, `ArticleCategoryFeedback` and filter out DELETED / BLOCKED by default https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/pull/262/
- [ ] Update mutation APIs for `ArticleReply`, `ArticleReplyFeedback`, `ReplyRequest`, `ArticleCategory`, `ArticleCategoryFeedback` so that statuses can be filled in according to currently logged-in user is blocked or not
- [ ] Implement manual script that blocks a user (given a userId and blockedReason) and marks all their existing `ArticleReply`, `ArticleReplyFeedback`, `ReplyRequest`, `ArticleCategory`, `ArticleCategoryFeedback` as `BLOCKED`
- Should also update counting fields
- rumors-site
- [ ] Query for `BLOCKED` items from API by default
- [ ] Set a cookie `blockedUserIds` for website domain, storing the blocked user IDs that this browser has previously logged in.
- The cookie should be available in SSR as well, so for those blocked users, they can see these blocked items even after they logout.
- [ ] For each place that displays a list of `articleReply`, `articleReplyFeedback`, `replyRequest`, `articleCategories`, `articleCategoryFeedback`, show blocked items if it match user ids inside `blockedUserIds`
- Announcement
- need another way to list out blocked users & their contents.
Q: proceed or change method?
A: Proceed with current method
## Incident report page in hackmd
from: https://g0v.hackmd.io/zlWWCpDTQ5iADHNw7Thpog?both#LINE-bot-event-%E9%80%81%E4%B8%8D%E9%80%B2-Google-Analytics
## 協會
## rumors-ai
GGM: 10/27 再來教我們