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小學校 講師課程簡介《Eng.》
### 科技與社會議題的交會:g0v 如何協作
### 開源概論
Open source, open core, open standard and Where to Find Them.
"Open" not only occurs in the software world, but also takes advantage of the concept of open source to become popular, and open source has also begun to be used in different fields of creation.
For example, open source fonts, open-source cola, etc.
What is the significance and influence of open source?
How can we apply open source thinking in different fields?
Let's talk about the good parts!
### 我們與專案的距離
As a graduate student and a project manager who started his own civic-tech project with partners from g0v community, and has participated multiple projects, Peter Jia Wei Cui will use real example and practive help you understand:
1. what the idea of a project is
2. how you can spot your question or problem from your daily experience and make it a project
3. how to find partners and recognize the team members you need to expand your project or achieve your goal
4. how to deal with the adversity when you are developing your projects.
### HackMD 與 Slack 使用
### g0v 帶你來提案!
### 協作不想吵架?快用版本控制系統!
### 【島島阿學】教育要民主,我們能怎麼做?
### 【阿美語萌典】原住民族語協作-以阿美語萌典為例
### Cofacts 真的假的-Cofacts AI fact-checking bot
Cofacts has been combating disinformation via technology tools. It is an AI fact checking chatbot which delivers fact checking reports in closing chat rooms. In this topic, you may cooperate with engineers and investigators in real fields.
Fighting against misinformation can be easy and fun. You will learn media literacy and useful fact-check skills in a technological ways.Google, image reverse search, and Google map investigation. Pratical and free tools for verifying new problem and suspicious pictures, Cofacts will connect fact-checkers contributors work and technical chatbot development, debunking the latest fraud.
This class includes 3 sessions:
A. Digital literacy lessons: Phishing, spam, and ransomware, content farms and unreliable media resources introduction.
B. Fact-check skills cultivation: Cofacts will instruct OINST(Open Source Intelligence)methods for technological fact-checking process
C. Fact-checking AI bots training: Cofacts will teach how AI bots work and train its action.
### 【Disfactory】公民科技專案 Disfactory 農地違章工廠回報平台
### 【臺灣好植地】臺灣好植地,找地種樹的永續行動
"Where can we plant more trees? " From this original question, this lecture will take you review the experience of developing “台灣好植地”project and provide you with the following content:
1. How to form an idea of a project about a social issue.
2. How to do research concerning this issue.
3. Who will be the stakeholders of the issue.
4. How to set a short-term goal for your project.
We will encourage you to apply your thoughts of organizing projects on the urban areas you are familiar with, and share your thoughts of action for the environment with the community members.
### 【Wikidata】 只要三步驟,把書籍變成資料集
### HackMD 延伸-文件製作即興力
### 用試算表玩資料,VLOOKUP 怎麼用
### 如何自學程式設計
`Ted (Hao-Tian Lu)`
Programming ability has been an essential skill in the past few years. With the development of technology and network popularization, programming skills allow us to achieve many more things. Many schools and educational institutions have supported and created resources for people in every area to learn programming skills. However, the courses usually require some lesson fee.
Although paying the lesson fee isn't an issue for most learners, as we aren't learning it as a profession, we might not have the motivation of paying. In this lesson, you will understand how to collect and choose resources, from articles to open courses, which leads to the self-learning of programming.
### 認識地理資料、找到地理資料、提問地理資料
為學習者提供接觸「地理資料」的機會,協助學習者使用「政府資料開放平臺」網站,查找自己感興趣的地理資料主題,像是美食餐廳,並且進一步了解,這些資料是如何在空間上表達出具體的位置,介紹地理座標、地址定位等方法與工具。引導學習者使用「共筆文件」,用共筆文件描述自己感興趣的地理資料的來源網址與欄位內容,並且在「g0v slack #gis 社群頻道」分享資料特點,也鼓勵提問資料使用過程中所遇到的困難,培養學習者查找主題(地理)資料集、活用社群頻道發問與共學的資料學習模式。
This course provide the chance for you to get access to geografical data, helping them learn how to use https://data.gov.tw to search on the interested geographic data. Moreover, it will help you understand how these data express tangible location in the real space, introducing tools like geographical coordinates and address targeting. This course will also lead you to use collabaration document, making you able to describe the resource and content of your interested data, and encouraging you to share it with members in g0v slack channel #gis, as well as difficulties and questions you faced while using the data. This course hopes to enrich learners with searching database and data learning model with asking in the community channel, co-working and co-learning.
### 時間與空間的鏡像:地理資訊系統的無限可能
### 自學政府開放資料應用實務-以頭前溪流域資料為例
### 學習歷程從自我探索出發
### 公民科技:面向社會與未來的生涯方向
### 用程式為世界獻上祝福!軟體工程師與公益團體的協作秘訣