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tags: g0v-anniversary
# 十週年生日趴新聞稿
## 中文
g0v 十週年生日趴新聞稿:
零宇宙大爆炸!g0v 十週年,用開源與協作來辦不一樣生日趴!
g0v 零時政府自2012年創立以來,今年十月將迎來十週年的生日。以開源協作為價值的g0v零時政府社群,慶祝生日也充滿開源與協作的風格。除了團隊成員皆由g0v零時政府的參與者組成,運用google meet、hackmd等工具在線上進行協作之外,連生日趴的名稱「零宇宙大爆炸!」都是向社群徵集名稱後,在黑客松活動上經由社群參與者投票選出的。
生日趴地點最終落腳在社會創新實驗中心,利用一樓中庭、107會議室、108創藝廚房與106會議室的空間。位於一樓中庭的主舞台區有一連串的表演與短講:在開幕式時有 kahoot 小遊戲,測驗大家對於 g0v 零時政府社群與專案的相關知識;午餐後會有15位社群參與者分享參與社群與專案的相關經驗;主舞台上也會有各式表演,從脫口秀到火舞,從吉它民謠到電子音樂,保證熱鬧可期!在107與108兩間會議室則由工作坊接力,提供給社群參與者討論專案、分享經驗、或是一同打造社群基礎建設的空間。
除了展覽與活動外,活動現場亦設有闖關小遊戲,參與者掃描QR code,完成所有任務後,就可以取得抽獎資格,有機會在閉幕的摸彩抽獎上抽到精美禮物!同時,現場亦在106會議室設置有親子友善空間,安排有小遊戲讓帶小孩子來的家長可以放心參與活動!
零宇宙艦隊成員:mglee peter yutin tofus stella sam stimim oliver ddio SeanGau grass Sandra chihao Ying, Tiff, Yichun daisuke, 松鼠, KC, ziaosen tkirby, james Zoe Gao Aaron Su 阿甫
## 英文
The explosion of the zero-verse!(gOverse Explosion!!) Using open-source and collaboration to celebrate g0v's tenth anniversary.
The g0v community, founded in 2012, is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. The community is preparing to celebrate g0v's birthday in a very "g0v style": open participation and online collaboration. For example, all working group members involved in organizing the party are from the community, and are using online collaborative tools like hackMD to work together. Even the name "gOverse Explosion!!" was provided by community members and then put to a community vote.
The party will be held in the Social Innovation Lab, Taipei. The venues 106, 107, and 108 will form g0v's pluriverse, filled with talks, performances, interactive installations and workshops.
In the hall, where the main stage will be located, a series of lightning talks will be delivered by g0v participants. In addition, various performances are scheduled, including guitar, EDM, Standup Comedy and fire dance. In room 107 and 108, workshops will be held by individuals and projects, providing a chance for participants to discuss projects, share experience, and build infrastructure for the community.
Apart from talks, performances, and workshops, the party also has interactive installations. These installations are centered on three themes: "the past, the present and the future". For "the past", the party has "∅ Time Machine", a online timeline for participants to tag themselves in the history of the g0v community. For "the present", the party has "∅ footprint of time traveller", a poster for participants to sign their name and leave a trace of their participation. And last but not least, for "the future", the party has "∅wishing card・∞milky way", participants can write down their wishes to the community and projects on the wishing card, and then make their wish a reality with others in the community, to make this party not the end of last 10 years, but the start of next 10 years.
Aside from exhibition and events, the party will also include little games for participants to understand existing projects and learn how to make contributions to the community. When they scan the QR code, they can complete the missions and get lottery slots for secret gifts! Moreover, we have a child-friendly space in room 106 for parents who come to the party with little kids. They can enjoy the party without worrying about their kids!
All these events and exhibition can't be completed without the most "g0v style" feature: food and drinksfor everyone to share! Everyone joining the party can understand more about community and projects while enjoying the party, celebrating the 10th anniversary starting the next 10 years!