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tags: cofacts
# Cofacts LIFF redesign
## Implementation
LIFF 實作為一 SPA:
- 使 HTML 最簡化,加速 server --> LINE initial payload 的 loading
- Hosting: line bot server `/liff`
- [Proxies to svelte dev server](https://github.com/vagusX/koa-proxies) on dev; use [koa-static](https://github.com/koajs/static) to serve built file.
- change package.json to include [build](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/nodejs-support#customizing-the-build-process) script that runs both LIFF build scripts and server-side babel script.
- (optional) 使用 cloudflare CDN cache deliver JS & CSS assets
## LIFF <> Chatbot server communication
結合 liff.js 的 server 資料(user id)與 chatbot server 資料 (nonce in URL param) 來驗證使用者資料。
0. In user's redis session, generate a `nonce` for current session and change `nonce` as new session starts (`issueAt` changes)
1. User clicks LIFF URL with [URL path](https://speakerdeck.com/line_devday2019/whats-new-in-line-front-end-framework?slide=22) and `nonce` param, LIFF pops up
2. LIFF invokes GraphQL APIs with `userId` in `liff.init()` response and the `nonce` in AJAX headers and get required data / perform mutation
3. When user perform action that brings themselves back to chatbot, LIFF will invoke `liff.sendMessage` with special pattern (Readable prefix, or flex message ([???](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/liff/#send-messages))) --> 因為要有 text message 才能 reply
nonce 打算用 JWT 取代掉。JWT 每次產生 LIFF 按鈕時會蓋一個新的,裡面有:
- `exp`: 每次產生 LIFF 按鈕的時候產生,擋住太久以前的 LIFF,控制 JWT leak 的 impact
- `sessionId`: server 可跟當下 redis `context.data.sessionId` 比對是否屬於同一個 session
- `sub`: user Id,API 將以此判斷是哪一位使用者。LIFF 會拿 `sub` 與 `liff.getProfile()` 結果比對。
- Tech stack: try Svelte first, use CRA as escape hatch
- [Material UI library]()
- Typescript support: [within components & within ts lib files](https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/issues/1639), but no typecheck in UI libraries though.
- Svelte with its own package.json under `/liff` folder
- Routes:
- `/liff/source`: asking message source (LIFF asking source)
- `/liff/reason`: asking submission reason for new messages (Reason LIFF)
- `/liff/feedback`: submitting feedback for article-reply (Feedback LIFF)
- `/liff/sent`: list of messages previously sent to chatbot (Messages LIFF)
- ~~Use CRA + Typescript! (LIFF v2 SDK [supports Typescript](https://speakerdeck.com/line_devday2019/whats-new-in-line-front-end-framework?slide=25) as well)~~
- During development, we may need to setup `PUBLIC_URL` and/or `WDS_SOCKET_PATH` so that `/liff` can be properly hot-reloaded
- In production, we need to [configure it](https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment#building-for-relative-paths) so that it can serve under `/liff`
## LIFF 互動 & state diagram
- [#144 Revamp LIFF with FE framework](https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-line-bot/issues/144)
- [#145 Update article source wordings](https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-line-bot/issues/145)
<img src="https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/e/2PACX-1vTeXGMSaPQadbe7kXay6n0vWWKHbLrMWtNB1xWuuH7SEO9KlPjDSML_TZgcuk6_kpsGLwM6YlosB1MI/pub?w=1428&h=1057">
- Endpoint: `/graphql`
- Requires `Authorization` header with `basic <base64 of "user id:nonce">`; returns 401 if not nonce not match
想改成 `Authorization: bearer <JWT>`
type Query {
# Current user's chatbot context
context: Context
# TODO: Implement after database is established
readArticleIds(skip: Int, limit: Int): [String]
type Context {
state: String
issuedAt: Int
data: StateData
type StateData {
searchedText: String
selectedArticleId: String
selectedArticleText: String
selectedReplyId: String
type Mutation {
# Submits searchedText in context, then store articleId to context.
# Returns created article ID.
submitArticle: ID
# Submit empty reply request to the articleId in context.
submitReplyRequest: boolean
voteReply(vote: FeedbackVote): boolean
# TODO: Implement after database is established
setViewed(articleId: String!): boolean
enum FeedbackVote {
## Project folder restructure
現在有點亂,加上 LIFF & chatbot 共用的 file 之後,可能會更亂。
- `/liff`: 資料夾位置不變,但裡頭改成 svelte client-side app config w/ Webpack
- `/i18n`: 資料夾位置不變。
- `/src`: Chatbot server 本體。
- `index`: koa server 進入點。
- `handleInput`, `handlers/`, `checkSignagureAndParse`, `lineClinet`: 移動到 `/src/webhook`,亦即 LINE messaging API webhook。`/src/webhook/index` 擺放目前在 `src/index` 裡的 `singleUserHandler()`、`groupHandler()`、`processText()` 邏輯,使 koa server 進入點不要放太複雜的 middleware logic.
- 新增 `src/graphql` 放 Apollo server 相關 typedefs。`src/graphql/index` 為 GraphQL API request handling middleware。
- `ga`, `gql`, `redisClient`, `rollbar`: 是 `graphql` 與 `webhook` 共用的東西,移動到 `/src/lib`
## Setup on LINE side
LIFF 2.0 w/ LINE login-capable channels
## Design alternatives - 沒採用的設計
### LIFF as server-rendered pages
- Minimal network requests when server load is low
- In article list, we still need to combine API data with the list from server. However, server-rendered pages are hard to "bootstrap" with javascript, not to mention re-render and combine AJAX data.
- If we go for full server-side (i.e. read article data through API on chatbot server) we will put too much burden on chatbot server. Chatbot server is already busy...
CSRF: 不是用來防偽造身份打 api 的
nonce = 暫時性密碼是正解
### Deploy LIFF elsewhere
現況就是 LIFF 在 github pages, chatbot 在 Heorku。
優點:打開 LIFF 不佔 chatbot 資源(但 API 還是會)
- LIFF 與 chatbot 要分開 deploy,忘記的話版本會對不起來
- API 要開 CORS 才能讓 LIFF 讀到
- 開發時要另外開 static server 且還要加掛 https(LIFF 需要 https)
### CRA instead of Svelte
- We all know how to set it up
- Typescript support
- We have experience handling React's browser compatibility on old mobile browsers
- Bundle size is expected to be larger
- More code
- CRA proxy 有點複雜(見下)
### During development, use CRA's built-in web server + proxy
一樣是要同時開 CRA 與 chatbot server,CRA 也有[內建 proxy](https://create-react-app.dev/docs/proxying-api-requests-in-development/),由 CRA webpack-dev-server 的 express 來主導。
但這樣一來,`/` 也會是 CRA host 的 index.html,而且這樣的行為與 production 下,server & LIFF 的主客關係相反,讓開發變得有些複雜。