title: Herstories in East Asia
tags: herstory, FtO, FacingtheOcean,
#### tags: `herstory` `FacingtheOcean`
# Herstory in East Asia

Website (not completed): https://herstory-of-east-asia.netlify.app/
- meeting note: https://hackmd.io/Z4LGI2yFSq6dmeq8gzkWpA
- 日本語:https://hackmd.io/@codeforjapan/herstory
**table of contents**
1. [What is "Herstory in East Asia"](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#What-is-%E2%80%9CHerstory-in-East-Asia%E2%80%9D1)
- Korean: [Herstory(‘허스토리’) 란 무엇인가](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#What-is-%E2%80%9CHerstory-in-East-Asia%E2%80%9D-Korean%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4)
- Japanese: [Herstoryとは何か?](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#What-is-%E2%80%9CHerstory-in-East-Asia%E2%80%9D-Japanese%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E)
- Taiwanese: []()
2. [How to collaborate?](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#How-to-collaborate)
- Korean: ["허스토리" 기여하기](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#How-to-collaborate-%E2%80%9C%ED%97%88%EC%8A%A4%ED%86%A0%EB%A6%AC%E2%80%9D-%EA%B8%B0%EC%97%AC%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-Korean%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4)
- Japanese: [協力の仕方]()
- Taiwanese:[]()
3. [Steps To collaborate](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#Steps-To-collaborate):
- Korean: [“허스토리” 프로젝트의 기여자가 되보실래요?](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#Steps-To-collaborate%E2%80%9C%ED%97%88%EC%8A%A4%ED%86%A0%EB%A6%AC%E2%80%9D-%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%EC%A0%9D%ED%8A%B8%EC%9D%98-%EA%B8%B0%EC%97%AC%EC%9E%90%EA%B0%80-%EB%90%98%EB%B3%B4%EC%8B%A4%EB%9E%98%EC%9A%94-Korean%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%EC%96%B4)
- Japanese: [活動に参加する方法](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#Steps-To-collaborate%E6%B4%BB%E5%8B%95%E3%81%AB%E5%8F%82%E5%8A%A0%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95-Japanese%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E8%AA%9E)
- Taiwanese:[]()
4. [timeline](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#Herstory-Timeline)
5. [contributor list](https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both#Contributor-list)

## What is "Herstory in East Asia"
We want to show "herstory" in East Asia from local perspectives with a timeline and a map in our local languages, so that people from different regions of East Asia can learn more about the stories and rights women and LGBETQ+ have fought for.
"Herstory in East Asia" project was launched in [Facing the Ocean Hackathon](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/HJuTOqB74?type=view) in Okinawa, Japan with contributors from Taiwan, Korea, Japan and Hong Kong.
We realized that we have experienced similar culture repression and that we can learn from movements in other places, e.g. equality in workspace, law against sexual harrasement, right of abortion and campaigns against online hate speech. We knew too little on our neibours stories in gender equality.
We wish to publish the website to the public on March 3rd –Hina Matsuri– in Japan and March 8th – International Woman Day.
We want women in East Asia to know we have gone so far for the past 100 years and more can be done in the future.
[Facing the Ocean Meet&Hack](https://tinyurl.com/ftofto) is co-organized by [g0v-international](http://g0v.asia/) from Taiwan, [Code for Japan](https://www.code4japan.org/) and [Parti](https://parti.coop/) in Korea.
### What is "Herstory in East Asia"/‘허스토리’ 란 무엇인가 [Korean/한국어]
Herstory(이하 '허스토리')는 동아시아(대만-일본-한국-홍콩) 여성들의 이야기, 여성과 LGBETQ+들의 인권운동, 페미니즘 운동을 기록하고 공유합니다. 5개 언어로 각국의 여성 이야기이자 여성인권운동의 살아있는 역사를 쓰고 모아서, 타임라인과 맵핑으로 비주얼화 된 페이지를 선보일 예정입니다.
본 프로젝트는 지난해 오키나와에서 진행된 "Facing the Ocean 밋&핵"시빅 해킹 행사에서부터 시작되었습니다.올해는 3월 3일 일본 히나 마쓰리와 3월 8일 국제 여성의 날에 맞춰 '허스토리'를 여러분에게 공개하고자 합니다. 우리는 동아시아 여성들이 우리가 지난 100년 동안 성취해온 것과 미래를 담은 우리의 이야기를 공유하고 함께 변화를 이끌어가고 싶어요.
* 이 프로젝트는 'Facing the Ocean Meet&Hack' 커뮤니티; 한국의 사회적협동조합 빠띠, 대만의 g0v international, 일본의 코드포 재팬이 공동으로 오거나이징합니다.
### What is "Herstory in East Asia" /Herstoryとは何か? [Japanese/日本語]
完全日本語版説明はこちら▶︎ https://g0v.hackmd.io/dqkc-v68R16bZgtyOtxKTQ
"Herstory in East Asia"はCode for Japanがg0v(台湾)、g0vHK(香港)、Parti(韓国)らと共同で開催していたハッカソン Facing the Ocean Hackathon の第1回(沖縄開催)にて開始されました。コントリビューター(協力者・参加者)は各国から集まっています。
同じ海に面する私たち東南アジアの国々は、同様の文化的背景を共有しており、お互いの経験から学び合うことができることに気づきました。 労働における平等、性的ハラスメントに対する法律、中絶の権利、オンラインのヘイトスピーチに対するキャンペーン。 私たちは、ジェンダーの平等に関する私たちの隣人の話についてほとんど知りませんでした。
## How to collaborate?
* Website: https://herstory-of-east-asia.netlify.app/
* Content collaboration: We need people to share and translate #herstory on thie [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L6aI3TWipm4Rj995KLVg29bf7hCieuRdQ7jZkYkrAU/edit#gid=1683764614)
* Open Source Licenses:
* Data (spreadsheet): [CC-BY 4.0 International](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ast) © Facing the Ocean contribiutors
* Code: MIT license on [GitHub](https://github.com/lexifdev/herstory-of-east-asia/blob/master/LICENSE)
* Discussion channel:
* Go to https://join.g0v.tw
* Invite yourself to g0v-tw Slack by email
* Join #herstory channel in g0v Slack
* Contact persons
* Taiwan:
* Korea:
* Japan: Mami,Hal(Code for Japan)
* Hong Kong:
### How to collaborate?/ "허스토리" 기여하기 [Korean/한국어]
함께 허스토리를 남기는 작업(리서치, 번역, 디자인, 개발 등)에 "허스토리"프로젝트에 기여하실 분들을 찾습니다.
* 웹사이트: https://herstory-of-east-asia.netlify.app/
* 콘텐츠 협업: 우리는 여기 시트 [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L6aI3TWipm4Rj995KLVg29bf7hCieuRdQ7jZkYkrAU/edit#gid=1683764614) 에 #herstory 허스토리를 번역하고 공유하는데 함께할 사람이 필요해요.
* 오픈소스 라이센스:
* 날짜 (스프레드시트): [CC-BY 4.0 International](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ast) © Facing the Ocean contribiutors
* 코드: MIT license on [GitHub](https://github.com/lexifdev/herstory-of-east-asia/blob/master/LICENSE)
* 논의 채널:
* https://join.g0v.tw 에 들어가세요.
* 메일주소를 통해 g0v-tw에 초대하고 가입하세요.
* g0v 슬랙에서 #herstory 채널로 들어오세요.
* 문의 :
* 대만:
* 한국:
* 일본: 마미,할(코드포재팬)
* 홍콩:
### How to collaborate?/ 協力の仕方 [Japanese/日本語]
* やり方が分からなくて知りたい場合は、2/29のイベントにオンライン参加してみていただくだけでもOKです。https://www.facebook.com/events/224675695334341/
* 公開前・編集中のウェブサイト: https://herstory-of-east-asia.netlify.app/
* 共同作業・コラボレーション:[Googleスプレッドシート](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L6aI3TWipm4Rj995KLVg29bf7hCieuRdQ7jZkYkrAU/edit#gid=1683764614)上で#herstory(ジェンダーに関する出来事)を記載・翻訳する人が必要です。
* オープンソースライセンス:
* データ: [CC-BY 4.0 International](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ast) © Facing the Ocean contribiutors
* コード: MIT license on [GitHub](https://github.com/lexifdev/herstory-of-east-asia/blob/master/LICENSE)
* プロジェクトの進行について、議論に参加したい場合は:
* 英語で、他国の人を交えて入りたい場合は
* g0vのSlackへ https://join.g0v.tw
* メールアドレスを入力して、自分をワークプレイスへ招待
* #herstory のチャンネルへ
* 日本語で日本チームとやりとりしたい場合
* Code for JapanのSlackへ https://cfjslackin.herokuapp.com/
* ワークプレイスに入る
* #herstoryのチャンネルへ
## Steps To collaborate:
1. Collect and write herstory events in your country/region
* On ["Sheet1-i18n"](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L6aI3TWipm4Rj995KLVg29bf7hCieuRdQ7jZkYkrAU/edit#gid=1683764614)...
* `Title`: Event name and significance.
* `Description`: Tell us more on what happened and its influence less than 150 words.
* `Image`: Image says more than words.
* `Source`: So people can know if it is trustable.
* `Source URL`: For those who want to know more can explore
* `Place`: it can be a specific park, a city or a country.
* `Location`: The latitude and longitude of the `Location` is automatically generated by Google.
* `Country/Region`
* `Start` and `End` are for the years of that event started and ended. If it is not ended yet, please put 2020.
* On ["Source"](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L6aI3TWipm4Rj995KLVg29bf7hCieuRdQ7jZkYkrAU/edit#gid=1245724333) sheet, please list down important sources for herstory events or advocacy, e.g. a timeline page of feminism movements.
* Event select criteria
2. Translate herstory event descriptions into English
* Please note that people from other countries may need more contexts to understand the stories, so you can add more explanation in English than in your local langangue version.
4. Translate herstory event from English to your local language
* Let's make #herstory visualization page accessible for more readers in East Asia!
6. Don't forget to put your name/ID/nickname on the `Contributor_search` and `contributor_translate` to honor your contributions.
### Steps To collaborate:/"허스토리" 프로젝트의 기여자가 되보실래요? [Korean/한국어]
1. 여러분의 국가/지역에서 허스토리에 해당하는 사건과 일들을 모으고 적어주세요.
* 여기 시트에 ["Sheet1-i18n"](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L6aI3TWipm4Rj995KLVg29bf7hCieuRdQ7jZkYkrAU/edit#gid=1683764614)...
* `Title` 주제/명칭 : 사건의 명칭과 의미
* `description` 설명 : 150자 이내로 어떤 일이 일어났고 어떤 영향력에 관한 이야기를 적어주세요.
* `Image` 이미지 : 글보다 사진, 그림이 더 직관적으로 알기 쉽죠.
* `Source` 출처 : 이 자료가 신뢰하기 위해 사람들이 알도록 남겨주세요.
* `Source URL` 출처 URL : 좀더 알아보고 싶은 사람들을 위해 남겨주세요.
* `Place`장소 : 구체적 장소, 시, 국가를 적어주세요.
* `Location` 위치 : 구글을 통해 장소의 경도, 위도가 생성해요.
* `Country/Region` 국가/지역
* `Start` 시작과 `End` 끝 연도: 그 사건이 시작하고 끝났던 연도를 적어주세요. 만약에 아직 안끝났다면 2020이라고 적어주세요.
* On ["Source"] 시트에서 "허스토리"에 해당하는 사건와 옹호활동 (예. 페미니즘 운동의 타임라인) 에 관한 중요한 출처가 있다면 적어주세요.
* 사건의 분류를 선택해주세요.
2. "허스토리" 설명을 영어로 번역해주세요.
* 다른 국가에 있는 사람들이 이야기들을 이해하기 위한 맥락들은 적어주세요. 그래서 각자의 모국어 버전 외에 영어로 좀더 설명을 더 붙일 수 있어요.
3. 영어로 된 "허스토리"를 여러분의 모국어로 번역해주세요.
* 동아시아의 많은 구독자들을 위해 허스토리를 비주얼화한 페이지를 만들어보죠!
5. 아! 여러분의 기여는 기록되어야 겠죠? 여기 `contributor_search` 기여자_검색 and `contributor_translate` 기여자_번역 꼭 여러분의 이름/ID/닉네임을 적어주세요.
### Steps To collaborate:/活動に参加する方法 [Japanese/日本語]
1. 自国/地域や関心がある地域の歴史的出来事を収集して記述します
* On ["Sheet1-i18n"](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L6aI3TWipm4Rj995KLVg29bf7hCieuRdQ7jZkYkrAU/edit#gid=1683764614)...
* `Title`:(タイトル)イベントの名前と意味。
* `Description`: 説明)何が起こったのか、そしてその影響などについて150語未満で記入。
* `Image`: 画像は言葉以上にパワフルです。できれば関連する画像を入れてください。
* `Source`: (ソース)ソースがあれば、その情報が信頼できるかどうかを見た人が確認することができます。
* `Source URL`: 詳細を知りたい人が情報収集できるようになります
* `Place`: (場所)特定の場所、都市、または国を指定できます。
* `Location`: (ロケーション)緯度と経度はGoogleによって自動的に生成されます。
* `Country/Region` 国/地域
* `Start` and `End` 「開始」と「終了」は、そのイベントが開始および終了した年数です。まだ終了していない場合は、2020を入力してください。
* ["Source"](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L6aI3TWipm4Rj995KLVg29bf7hCieuRdQ7jZkYkrAU/edit#gid=1245724333) シートで、履歴イベントやアドボカシーの重要なソースをリストしてください。フェミニズムの動きのタイムラインページ。
2. 過去のイベントの説明を英語に翻訳する
* 他の国の人々は物語を理解するためにより多くの文脈を必要とするかもしれないので、あなたの地元の言語版よりも英語でより多くの説明を追加できることに注意してください。
3. herstoryイベントを英語から現地語に翻訳します
* #herstory視覚化ページを東アジアのより多くの読者がアクセスできるようにしましょう!
4. あなたの名前/ ID /ニックネームを `Contributor_search`と` contributor_translate`に忘れずに投稿してください。
何か分からないことがあれば、Code for JapanのSlackの #herstory にてお声掛けください!
## Herstory Timeline
[Meeting Notes](https://hackmd.io/Z4LGI2yFSq6dmeq8gzkWpA)
> FtO in Okinawa
> FtO in Tainan
> Feb 29th : Online meetup
> Mar 14th : Online meetup (g0v Jothon)
> Mar 28th : Online meetup
> April 25th : Online meet&hack (C4J Social hack day)
> May 23th : Online meet&hack(FtO online meet&hack)
> Jul 20th : Online meetup
## Contributor list
| Name | contribution | contact point(slack, email, gitub)|
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| ael | - | - |
| Mee | translation, contents | mee@parti.coop |
| Patrice | translation, UI concept | pei4.cats@gmail.com |
| Miley(mami) | translation | takesada@code4japan.org |
| Kazuki | - | - |
| Mami | | - |
| fluidto | - | - |
| zerosum | - | - |
| ne | - | - |
| jiwoo | - | - |
| sl | - | - |
## Talks
### g0v Summit 2020
Dec. 5th, 2020
10:30 - 10:50 TW time/ 11:30-11:50 KR time
Speakers: Pei4, Fluidto and ael
Session outline:
- ael: Intro of the start of Herstory 2 min
- Fluid
1. Why join Herstory?
2. Contexts and experience of all your feminism work(Femilog, Shadow Pins) and NullFull
3. EXperience in Herstory, like meetups , what you learned and very struggle communication problems
- Pei4:
1. How we organize overseas cooperation?
2. Demonstrate the current website
3. The cooperation with Korean programmer, SL
- Q & A 5 min
Note: remote speakers need to submit the pre-recorded video talks to g0v Summit organizers before Nov. 18.
### Meeting notes of 2020.12.3
Participants: mami, ael, jerry, Mee
* All contents completed
* Move on to other projects
* Used to have monthly and weekly meetups to make plans and finish checklists
* Dec. 24
* website:
* UI, website
Future collaboration?
**To Do**
1. We have to talk to Nullfull, code for Japan, g0v on future goals and collaboration method
2. Tell other countries what you are doing briefly (It's okay to in your own language in detailed documents)
3. website development first, we can wait for the contents
4. find ways to reduce communication barriers
**Coming events**
**Unorganized notes below:(will be organized later)**
We held civictech award for student this year
because of COVID-19
students lost the chance to join summer interns.
so we made this for them.
OSF(Foundation in the US) interested in our project and they want to focus the issue about minority
What do you mean minority?
Mami: e.g. women, non-binary, ppl live in Japan from other countries
In 2021, we will try to make this award for the civic hacking on minority
Mami: we want to use the information from herstory for the students
Pei4 is now hosting herstory project from Taiwan
new web site
g0v summit 2018, one of the speaker from India, talk about the gender-gap of Wikipedia.
Pei4: drawing and social media campaigns => for more people to know the events
jerry: we want to know what every country wants to do. We don't have to do it in the same way of the same thing. It is hard to find what we want to collaborate. We can discuss what we want to do now
ael: I think the future direction is better on experience sharing and online opinions sharing and translation
so you want Janpanese students can talk to TW, HK, KR students on gender issue
Is that what you mean?
Mami: first step for students is the website, second step is online/offline discussion
webiste to know the history
Kazuki, Kazuki2, Mami and I(Mami2) are the member who working on gender issue.
陣内 and 今村 is the last name of them
Kazuki陣内 is the man
Kazuki今村 is the woman
Herstory is the net work for the people who want to work on gender issue
JPN:in 2021, we want to make the online discussion and then they will bring that for ideathon and hackathon.
Maybe today I will maintain the spreadsheet add more Japanese translation.
Local team using their own language on local issues. International support and networks in #herstory. If other contries want to do , they have references and know who to ask
JP: ideathon -> 1 month prototyping ->
this year 100 students
some political issues
accessibility translation
important for them to talk with other working in civic tech
Mami: will make some info to share. Maybe ask your guys to join the workshop
ael: maybe the next thing is to consider how to sync progress in different countries. e.g. cross-channel bot
ael: maybe sharing and updating gender issues in each country is more comfortable for us. Local team initiate and run their own projects and then ask for support from other countries
especially gender issue with civic tech
We will talk to Mee today
to see what she thinks
2-3 months have a call to catch up and share
herstory will be the platform for each countries civic hacker😃
ael: I am thinking how to connect and sync different local discussion channels
jerry: or email group?
minimize the extra communication efforts
is the public channel
in Code for Japan
Mami san is translating English discussion in g0v Slack to Japanese
we probably can use archive bots and other subscription. we can work on that later
I will ask Mee what Koreans are doing and their discussion channel
it is about info and experience sharing. It is okay to use your language in Slack channel. someone else will help translate is. It is also ok to share documents, articles, videos in your language
Thank you Jerry and ael!!
Mee: communication closely
nullfull Slack also has #herstory channel
Mee: communication in email. Once a month to share the gender issue: what we contributed, insights. usually sharing via email is better
Mee intercommunicate between different channels
Mee: maybe we can be connectors. not everyone can do intercommunicate
Mee: Korean contributors think we are already done, so they move to other projects
Jerry: we don't have to the same thing. It is what each country team wants to do
e.g. Japan's plan is to host student hackathon on gender issue
Mee: once a week to project work at that time. we have a checklist. herstory is on Nullfull checklist
jerry: expectation on the project?
Mee: we need to discuss the gender issues more. Herstory project is not complete. Maybe a deadline next year Woman Day
Mee: Nullfull thinks the content is finished. herstory should be updated in a period. work together one month a year?
Mee: we can share more gender issues together
across the countries
We are waiting Japanese to finish their parts. Nullfull people run following the deadline.
Jerry: Japan wants to do workshop, using herstory as knowledge database and introduction for student hackathon
ael: what's your expectation on herstory outcomes?
check on website development
airplane passing
herstory channel 17 people in Nullfull
Nullfull way: short time focus and then move on, events=> do it again
now is fluidto coordinating everything
we want to know how Nullfull work
task force set up deadlines and move on to next projects.
once a month we have a hackathon, we work on that day, translating. weekly talk about weekly checklist. some people contribute to project checklists or other projects
ael: but we didn't know Korean process ><
Mee: Femenists work very hard and put many contents to push the milestones
ael: maybe I should ask fluidto what is her expectation of the project
earthquake just hit
ael: we should have more updates to each other
update what our country does every 1-2 months
jerry: monthly basis update!
release the documents and videos in your own languages on different flatforms
If we want to finish the website, now it is SL time and Japanese content. For herstory future, I think it is hard to maintain a website with deadlines to meet. each country can do whatever they want, and herstory is more like a platform and network for experience sharing
Mee: finish the website is still the clear goal for Nullfull
Mee: we can meet up for gender issues twice a year. Keep in touch.
ael: for me, I want to minimize the efforts to finish the website
Mee: SL said his English is not that good, so he can't talk that much. ANy suggestions is welcoming for him
ael: I think Japan is lack of feminists to add more contents
Jerry: website function can be designed first and content slowly updating
To do: finish the website first
Can I join Nullfull Slack
sl : if we want to focus on development, we need to more developer \o/
try to suggest developer.
To do:
1. Tell other countries what you are doing briefly (It's okay to in your own language in detailed documents)
2. website development first, we can wait for the contents
3. find ways to reduce communication barriars
To do:
1. Tell other countries what you are doing briefly (It's okay to in your own language in detailed documents)
2. website development first, we can wait for the contents
3. find ways to reduce communication barriars
We have to talk to Nullfull, code for Japan, g0v on future goals and collaboration method
share our events regularly
Japan: Dec 24 will talk to feminists
about comfort women: we put different stories and perspectives with a disclaimer
we need to find a way to gather other participants without speaking too much english
homework for Miley: JPN team will bring the stories we erase before.
Mee: Do we want to do it next year? feminists will do some campaigns, war crimes, traditional woman role
Japan add 10 more stories
local teams do their own projects. don't have to do it all together in the same way
We three+ Jerry are more like connectors and bridge
WE can have local project leaders to decide their own directions
Korean fluidto 2021 : try to invite feminism wiki, try to make content about East asia comment subject (War sexual crime, Nth room Internet sexual crime, Women role discrimination from
Confucianism, traditional culture)
Let's try updating more frequently
ok in local languages, then we translate
JPN:having online-discussion or workshop with students for Civictech Challenge Cup(CCC) to bring some ideas about gender issues in Spring or Summer.
Japan add 10 more stories (from what they removed)
Dec 24 will talk to feminists
Comfort women issues:
We add stories with different perspectives with a disclaimer
Website and content schedule separate
Website: Pei4 + SL + ael (if have time)
Want to minimize the extra efforts and communication barrier
Video call doesn’t work
Setting deadline doesn’t work
Let's try to care more on each other's Slack. Starting from post other Slack links in the topics or pinned
// anyway to automatically link Slack channels and translate?
Update more frequently. Let others know the progress, e.g. meetup, read books, news,
Local team leads their ways and direction, we serve more as coordinators and connectors
Find ways to let participants communicate without speaking English
G0v hackathon and Code for Japan Social Hack Day on Jan. 23
Next meeting time: Jan 24 20:00/21:00
Just check-in
Will make sure other people to host herstory discussion in our events
(We are busy with other projects)
Taiwan needs time to re-organize local team and set up development process
//how to make consensus across different languages and countries?
Slowly without deadlines
//network, platform for different projects (website, spreadsheet, workshop, )