--- tags: vTaiwan小松 --- # 1220 小松 時間 / Time:20231206 19:00-21:00 地點 / Loation : 報名連結: 線上參與連結 / Links:https://meet.jit.si/vTaiwan 參與者簽到 / Participant: 活動回饋:https://forms.gle/5ZaMbMHcSvbhvM2e8 ## OpenAI follow up and g0v / vtaiwan introduction - [super alignment project](https://www.wired.com/story/openai-ilya-sutskever-ai-safety/?bxid=5ff09667c424d9039[…]ng=WIR_Daily_121423&utm_medium=email&utm_source=nl&utm_term=P6) - following up of the blogpost - how can OpenAI enhance the effecacy of general public for having their opinion being incorporating into OpenAI's decision process - transparency - the think of "AI is too complecated for everyday person to understand" must be change [name=Eli] - OpenAI is awared of this problem and working on it[name=Teddy] - the intellegent property right of the cotent the ChatGPT generate - 如果我用了ChatGPT的內容,但那個內容有別人的智慧財產權 - OpenAI有正在努力這方面,在dev Day有處理,如有一個copyright guard[name=Teddy] - the race in AI competition, how OpenAI to juggles between profit and responsiblity [name=Josh] - its not a dichotomy, the long tern viability of AI is inline with being responsible when developing AI [name=Teddy] - can AI model reveal its chain of thought or decision process[name=Josh] - superalignment team is working on it now [name=Teddy] - Is it a good idea to have LLM to explain the outcome of a collecive human decision making - Yes, LLM can help the process of democracy [name=Teddy] - what's the next step for collective alignment and Open AI ## MSR cooperation updates - [meeting record](https://g0v.hackmd.io/3Z5t74JXS1-HOVIxQ4PKSA) - understanding vtaiwan - further meeting: 1/17? ## Judicial Yuan cooperation - slides and process - ## Meeting with DSET - [record](https://g0v.hackmd.io/pnOXfTaMSie7Vm4lrWSjGw?both) - next meeeting is scheduled at 12/31 - Willing to cooperate - Follow up meeting to update the DSET mission and how can the cooperation to be incorporated into the agenda of DSET - DSET希望社群要生出大家有興趣的議題,如AI工具在公務、 - Finding several topics to focus - First line gov official - education? ## Opinion from 12/17 JRF & SMC event - [record](https://g0v.hackmd.io/2AwsZ3TGSfSudD0tEjcAuw) - openess and transparency - needs to be further elaborate - ## FOSDEM Promotion - stickers - We just make a new one! - [flyers](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1K7lUNiiVze1G7_pNimLxc8uv7zGde6PLGSLJgT1p234/edit?usp=sharing) - [promotion content](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@Pno233SAS8G5UfL5OvSRmA/SylU7jXKU6)