--- tags: TttC --- # Talk to the City x g0v ## 前情提要 "Previously" Part Talk to the City 的 Deger Turan 在十月底時來到台灣,而 vTaiwan 在執行 Recursive Public 的時候也有跟 TttC 合作,MDOA 的討論也有討論到。根據11/3 一場討論的結論,Talk to the City 可能可以被應用於社群的工作上。 Deger Turan from "Talk to the City" visited Taiwan at the end of October, and vTaiwan collaborated with "Talk to the City" during the execution of the "Recursive Public" project. Discussions within MDOA also touched upon this collaboration. Based on the conclusions drawn from a discussion on November 3rd, it was suggested that "Talk to the City" could potentially be applied to community work. [討論紀錄](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12EaFWRiRtw4qOuAvQw17GdDdOhugwGZ1_3UkdV64d3s/edit) ## Introduction of Talk to the City - Talk to the City is a new LLM survey tool to improve collective discourse and decision-making – by analyzing detailed qualitative responses to a question instead of limited quantitative data. The project enables automatic analysis of these qualitative reports at a scale and speed not previously possible, helping policymakers discover unknown unknowns and specific cruxes of disagreement. We are incubating this to responsibly serve a variety of use cases – from democracy and union decision-making to understanding the needs of recipients in refugee camps and conflicting groups in a peace mediation setting. - 中文翻譯:"Talk to the City"是一個全新的 LLM 調查工具,旨在改善集體討論和決策,通過分析詳細的質性回答,而不僅僅是有限的數量化數據。這個專案實現了以前無法實現的規模和速度上的自動質性報告分析,幫助政策制定者發現未知和特定的分歧焦點。我們正在培育這一專案,以負責任的方式為各種用途提供服務,我們的服務範圍從民主、工會決策到了解難民營受益者的需求,以及在和平談判場景中處理衝突群體的情況。 [name=ChatGPT] [name=peter] - [AI・Objective・Institution](https://ai.objectives.institute) - [Talk to the City](https://www.talktothe.city) - [RFCs for new features for collaboration](https://github.com/AIObjectives/talk-to-the-city-reports/discussions) ## Proposal ## Local Host