--- tags: vTaiwan --- # 0228小松 時間:19:00-21:00 地點:線上 參與者: 線上參與連結 / Link:https://meet.jit.si/vTaiwan ## 0222 活動回覆 - 活動圓滿結束! - 紀錄文要生出來 [name=peter] ## DSET - 目前收到明確回信,暫停合作 - 回信告知感謝,並且願意繼續合作。[name=peter,eli?] ## Glen Weyl 與玉山視野討論 - 坑主 [name=josh] - [A Decade of Accomplishments](https://www.plurality.net/v/chapters/02-01/eng/) - 可以提供的視角: - 318 打破了228事件鎮壓帶來的公共事務冷漠的情況 - 前述的社會背景剛好搭配上科技的發展成熟 - [vTaiwan去過哪裡?](/RrdeylGESp-91kb1c62rIg) ## Iwin - 是否要主動啟動議題? - 如果要的話,就要開啟拜訪部會等流程。 ## 數位中介法 - 正在等待西敏寺基金會回應 ## 論文相關 - 看看 Crystal 是否有更新 ## Digital Debate Culture - OCF 在 FOSDEM 接觸到的德國公民團體,希望推廣線上議題討論,成員以科技、技術背景為主。 - 目前預定活動在4月發生。 - 30分介紹,30分問問題,相關的介紹 :::info that's great to hear, thank you! I had a conversation with the others from the group and they proposed that we could do it on a different date and time which might be more convenient and could give us more time too. The times proposed: April 6, 17:00 Taiwan Time April 7 17:00 Taiwan Time April 9 01:00 Taiwan Time April 13 17:00 Taiwan Time April 14 17:00 Taiwan Time April 16 01:00 Taiwan Time Regarding the agenda, we thought, that it might be interesting to have a ~30 Minutes presentation first and then 30 Minutes for questions and discussion, but we are open to a different agenda, if you have something in mind! The community's main focus is on improving and fostering debate online. Many people have a rather technical background, so topics that could be interesting might be: What tools do you use in your community and in the public of Taiwan? How did they improve debate culture and finding consensus or solutions for political issues? Do you have experience with tools, methods, practices, ... (perhaps for smaller groups), to improve debate culture, apart from Polis? What is the general mission and background of vTaiwan? What relationships do you have with actors in the civil society? In regard to establishing tools and improving public debate, how far is this a political and social challenge and how far is it a technical challenge? If there are other topics that you might think could be interesting or that you would like to talk about, we are more than happy! If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! ::: ## TICTEC 研討會 - 目前進度:[20240222 TiCTeC call for proposal](/Jgf-lJ-XS5q4AgXABMBFwQ?both) - 確定的事情: - 書漾會擔任分享者 - Peter & Josh 要看經費的狀況 - 新的方向:Josh 自己投稿拿經費 - 更新:TicTec 研討會主辦方確保我們有一個 session 跟一個與數發部合作的 workshop - 經費:目前正在跟福和會與台灣智庫爭取經費。 - 行動 - Josh 爭取看看投稿 funding - Peter 爭取經費,看看能否帶更多參與者 - 工作坊: - 看目前進度的共筆 ## 電子時報訪問 - 收到電子時報記者林佳楠邀請訪問 - 目前日期訂在 3/11 以後,目前希望是訂在小聚的時間。 - 新開共筆[電子時報訪問](/xj2q4r4FToumJDXx-tJVVA) ## 提案 - 開發者 - 新的開源工具[viewpoint xyz](https://viewpoints.xyz/) - 來測試看看 - 開源工具 - 或許可以 fork - 三月大松的時候可以問問現場的工程師 - 五月大松提案預備? - 有沒有機會把 Nathan Young 拉來聊聊! - Josh 來寫信,loop Peter 跟 vTaiwan