--- tags: vtaiwan --- # RightsCon 2025 vTaiwan Proposal - 6/7 截稿,10月公布 - RightsCon 2025: 2025 Feb. 24-27 ## Session title (in English) Using vTaiwan to bridge stakeholders and AI. ## Session Type: workshop (60min) ### Facilitator: Peter (facilitator/ vTaiwan contributor) Eli 歡迎一起加入! ## Session description (in English) Since the release of ChatGPT and other generative AI models, AI has become one of the most influential technologies worldwide. Despite AI's vast potential to benefit various aspects of life, its development, deployment, and application often lack stakeholder perspectives, focusing primarily on creating more robust and profitable models. In AI Risk Management Framework released by NIST, the inclusion of stakeholders is the core part of governance. vTaiwan community is proved model to use digital tools to bridge different stakeholders, helping them reach consensus on divergent opinion. In 2023, the vTaiwan community, in collaboration with members from Chatham House, published a report titled “Recursive Public: Piloting Connected Democratic Engagement with AI Governance” exploring the application of the vTaiwan model to AI governance. This workshop session aims to expand opinion gathering and facilitate face-to-face deliberation on AI local governance and gender diversity. The workshop will consist of three parts: 1. Introduction: Overview of the vTaiwan process and online opinion gathering using Polis. 2. Deliberation: Face-to-face discussions based on the gathered opinions, focusing on the most divergent viewpoints to seek consensus. 3. Reflection: A reflection process to collect participants' feedback and insights. ## What do you want to learn from participants during the session? We hope to explore the insights and experiences at the intersection of AI, particularly generative AI, and gender. Additionally, we aim to gather opinions and feedback on how to better integrate stakeholder perspectives into AI development and deployment, as well as strategies to ensure AI developers adhere to these suggestions. ## How will participants continue to contribute and collaborate after the session ends? We will publish all opinions and reports gathered from the workshop and welcome everyone interested in this topic to join the vTaiwan weekly online meetup on Wednesday nights to further discuss and contribute to the topic.