# Chihao X Won **CC BY 4.0 by Jungwon Shin & g0v contributors** Hello! I'm Jungwon Shin, an undergraduate student from Korea University, who attended the g0v hackathon last August. In this semester at Korea University School of Media and Communication, I’m in a class named ‘Investigative Reporting(探査企劃報道)’, in which for the mid-term I have to write a news article and upload it to a Korean news magazine, but it’s unsure whether it would be able to be uploaded or not since I’m an undergrad student, not a professional journalist. Regardless of whether it could be uploaded, I want to write an article about g0v and CodeforKorea for this mid-term project of mine! I think your experience in Taiwan and Korea would inspire Korean readers. So I am asking you if you agree for me to have an interview with you here and try to publish an article about your project in a Korean news magazine. If you’re worried about your identity being shown in a public space, you’re welcome to deny my request! Thanks! Before we begin... --- - Can you share your identity info - including your name(not your nickname), job, and age - to my article? I'm asking this importantly since my article cannot quote anonymous sources due to the journalism standards! ** If available, please send your identity info to Won on g0v Slack channel or just e-mail me to garden0812@korea.ac.kr ** If unavailable, you can freely deny my interview request. Please just text me via Slack(Won on g0v) or e-mail me on the address above! Questions --- - So is it correct that you're nowadays working as a g0v contributor, co-chair of g0v Summit 2024, and a co-organizer of the Facing the Ocean (FtO) network? (asking this question based on your preious interview with Clément) - How come did you join g0v? - I guess g0v doesn't give you any financial support or rewards. Is it correct? If yes, why did you decide to become a contributor even though you're not getting paid? - You came all the way to Seoul to attend last week's CodeforKorea conference? Why are you working such hard (even travelling abroad) to connect the civic tech community in Korea, Taiwan and Japan? - Finally, is there a question I haven’t yet asked you that perhaps I should have? Thank you for answering, and hope to see you again in this small world:) Sincerely, Jungwon ###### tags: `採訪共筆` `CodeforKorea` `g0v`