# g0v X Won **CC BY 4.0 by Jungwon Shin & g0v contributors** Hello! I’m Jungwon Shin, an undergraduate student from Korea University, who attended the g0v hackathon last August. In this semester at Korea University School of Media and Communication, I’m in a class named ‘Investigative Reporting(探査企劃報道)’, in which for the mid-term I have to write a news article and upload it to a Korean news magazine, but it’s unsure whether it would be able to be uploaded or not since I’m an undergrad student, not a professional journalist. Regardless of whether it could be uploaded, I want to write an article about g0v and CodeforKorea for this mid-term project of mine! Here, I think all of your experience in August's g0v hackathon would truly stimulate Korean readers' interest. So I am asking you if you agree for me to have an interview with you here and try to publish an article about g0v in a Korean news magazine. If you’re worried about your identity being shown in a public space, you’re all welcome to deny my request! Thanks! Before we begin... --- - Can you share your identity info - including your name(not your nickname), job, and age - to my article? I’m asking this importantly since my article cannot quote anonymous sources due to the journalism standards! ** If available, please send your identity info to Won on g0v Slack channel or just e-mail me to garden0812@korea.ac.kr ** If unavailable, you can freely deny my interview request. Please just text me via Slack(Won on g0v) or e-mail me on the address above! Questions --- - How come did you participate in g0v? - What is your job? Is your personal job related to g0v? If not, why are you contributing to g0v even though g0v doesn’t give you any money? - Would you introduce your project briefly in one or two sentences? - Are there any difficulties when working in your project? - I saw the g0v contributors in-person for the first time at g0v hackathon last August (26th at Academia Sinica). What was your project's 3-min pitch about? Then exactly what project did you work on at the hackathon? - Could you give me your feelings or takeaways about the g0v hackathon last August? Thank you for answering, and hope to see you guys again in this small world:) Sincerely, Jungwon ###### tags: `採訪共筆` `g0v` ## chewei (todo: writing & tranlsation) > Thanks for your response! I will do the translation with the help of my Mandarin-speaking friend and online translators - so no worries:) - Won - How come did you participate in g0v? - 公有地議題 ... (to be done) - What is your job? Is your personal job related to g0v? If not, why are you contributing to g0v even though g0v doesn’t give you any money? - Landscape planning and design - 開放資料與公共議題推展 (to be done) - Would you introduce your project briefly in one or two sentences? - Project: 公有地大行動 EN Name (to be done) - intro (to be done) - Project: 資料申請小幫手 Dataopener - intro (to be done) - Are there any difficulties when working in your project? - Project: 公有地大行動 - 多數的縣市政府,資料未開放 - 其中有一份涵蓋全國的國有地資料,資料釋出但存在著難以應用的狀況,因為這份國有土地資料,被拆分成一份輪廓資料,與一份描述資料,兩個資料集需要民間自己整合,必須具備較專業的程式處理技能才有可處理資料 - Project: 資料申請小幫手 - 專案有成功與政府資料平台合作,讓資料能否開放的政府機關回覆內容,採用選項勾選方式 - 透過參加總統盃黑客松,建立與平台營運單位的溝通管道,歸納回覆內容的分類方式,輔助政府單位納入平台運作的機制之中 - I saw the g0v contributors in-person for the first time at g0v hackathon last August (26th at Academia Sinica). What was your project’s 3-min pitch about? Then exactly what project did you work on at the hackathon? - Project: Joinplus - 當天邀請大家來實際試用 Collage 工具,這是由社群參與者 任翔 所開發的網頁工具,可以讓網頁使用者創作出一幅空間願景圖像,我們當天提供兩個地點圖像,請大家創作空間改造願景方案,一個是總統府前廣場,另一個是花博會展公共空間 - 補圖片:(to be done) - 在成果報告時,我們展示了當天創作者們的成果,也提出針對不同的空間願景方案表達成果,可以透過物件元素被重複使用的次數、物件元素被放置的位置等綜合歸納與分析方式,來取得可以做為公眾對於此空間改造構想的要點 - Could you give me your feelings or takeaways about the g0v hackathon last August? - 有收穫的 (to be done)