--- tags: GIS --- # 關渡歷史災害影像蒐集 Crowdsourcing-oriented Project Template :::success # A. Project Core Description 📢 ::: ## Project Name Disaster Image - Story Map ## Reason (WHY) - Why do you want to initiate this project and what problem does it aim to solve? Provide some background information. - 有聽過在地居民與水利會工作人員,說關渡平原淹水的時候基本上是一片汪洋,想蒐集相關照片 - 進一步了解拍照的地點、年份日期等 - 可以了解關渡平原的實際災害衝擊 - 希望趨吉避凶? ## Problem-solving Approach (HOW) - How do you plan to address this problem? - What functionalities should the final product have to meet the aforementioned usage scenarios? - Does this approach involve a crowdsourcing model? If so, how is it expected to operate? - 一個可以瀏覽的災害影像照片地圖 - 使用者可以上傳關渡平原的災害照片 ## Target Users (WHO) - Who will the final product be for, in what situations, and how will it be used? - What are the user needs and motivations? - 對於關渡平原過往的災害紀錄有興趣的人 - 例如歷史文化工作者 - 地區的學校與環境教育工作者 - 要降低災害衝擊的人 - 公部門 - 規劃單位 - 土地產權持有人 ## Project Goal 😃 - Summarize the project goal in brief, as if explaining it to everyone during a speech. - 關渡安全嗎?從災害歷史影像來了解關渡的環境風險吧 :::success # B. Please explain the data-driven approach 📈 ::: ## How do you implement a data-driven approach? - 蒐集災害照片,了解每一個地方會受災的可能性 - 提出因應方式 ### What existing data sources are you using? - 要查查看是不是已經有相關出版或影像資料庫 ### If adopting a crowdsourcing model, what kind of crowdsourced data / opinion do contributors provide? - What is the content and format of the data? - Which type of licensing is being used? - Tool: https://g0v.github.io/cchelper/ - 資料為圖片檔案,資料欄位如下: - 影像名稱檔案、經度、緯度、拍攝年代、拍攝方位、影像敘述、災害種類 - 請照片提供者選擇他願意的 CC 授權方案 ### How to collect crowdsourced data / opinion? - Please describe the data collection method. - For this method, what are the key equipment, software, hardware, and associated costs required? - 建立蒐集管道,例如照片上傳地圖 - 也需要搭配實體宣傳活動? ### What are the purposes of the data / opinion collected through crowdsourcing? - What is the purpose of the data collection? For example, administrative reporting, generating a public dataset, etc - 提供給要降低災害衝擊的人 - 對於關渡平原過往的災害紀錄有興趣的人 - 如果是發生在現代的水災或災害,這些影像還有理賠認定的功能 ## Based on the above content, please create an information flow diagram for the project 🌈 - Create a process diagram that encompasses the operation mechanism of the aforementioned items. - The process diagram should include the following components: - various roles - types of data and information - data collection methods - how data impacts :::warning TODO 開一份簡報或心智圖 tool: https://app.diagrams.net/ tool: https://miro.com ::: ## Please describe the technical tools used in the project - 拍照上傳的地圖 - 也可以瀏覽照片的位置 :::warning TODO 開一份可以上傳照片的地圖 tool: Google My Map ::: :::success # C. Please assess the implementation challenges and proposed solutions. 💪 ::: ## What roles of collaborators are currently expected to be recruited? - Business - Data - V - Design - Fundraising - Marketing - V - Operations - Product - Software Development - Subject Matter Expert - V - Testing ## What difficulties am I currently facing? - 照片在哪裡? - 誰手上有關渡平原的災害照片? - 居民? - 平原內的公司,汽車廠?皇冠大車隊? - 法人:實際在關渡平原長久經營的單位 - 例如農田水利會? - 臺北市政府水利處? - 關渡自然公園營運單位? - 政府的災害潛勢地圖上面,有提供近五年淹水地點,不曉得會不會有照片 - 如何接洽他們? - 哪些既有的影像資料庫,有可能有蒐集過相關的照片 - 哪些實體的出版品,有可能出版過相關的照片 - 因為我不是在地的居民,所以我想找到在地的長期合作單位 - 除了照片,更多元的影像類型與來源,像是航空攝影與衛星影像、定點監視器 CCTV,是不是也有可能作為災害紀錄影像? ## What are the milestone goals? - 所蒐集的影像,實際被各種角色運用 - 例如介紹關渡平原特點的環境教育導覽解說 - 減災工作的評估,例如淹水的地理範圍資料化並搭配照片 - 受災保險理賠、政府的淹水補償證明 ## Are there any similar projects internationally? 🔍 - 台灣農業部有建立一個災害照片上傳與保存的地圖 - https://photo.swcb.gov.tw/Repository/MapTimeLine - 或許我們蒐集到的照片,都可以上傳到這個平台上? - 這裡有一份共筆蒐集可能有收藏歷史災害照片的線上資料庫平台的清單 - https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chewei/CultureandRisk/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2FGZ60cIvrT4mNNMztG8g1NQ