tags: g0vernance, g0v
# 給記者、研究者、參訪團的採訪、拍攝建議事項/Recommendations for journalists, researchers & visitors contacting g0v
目前所有公開採訪共筆 / All public interview records https://g0v.hackmd.io/?nav=search&q=%E6%8E%A1%E8%A8%AA%E5%85%B1%E7%AD%86
English is below. Read version is here: https://g0v.hackmd.io/s/HyzE3uY9X
## 關於 g0v
你可能已經知道,g0v 是一個去中心、多中心的社群。[「沒有人能代表 g0v」](https://g0v.hackpad.tw/Rbpc5FiUyA5),因為這個原則,g0v 能做出許多有趣、有意義、不一樣的事。在接觸 g0v 社群前,建議先閱讀 [g0v 宣言](https://g0v.tw/zh-TW/manifesto.html)、[g0v 行為守則](/COC)。
基於「沒有人能代表 g0v」這個原則,所有以 g0v 為對象的採訪,都應該以**開放共筆**為第一個步驟,讓所有社群貢獻者都能參與。這樣能避免極少數人掌握太大的發言權,保護社群多樣、不同的聲音。
請參考這份文件所列的建議事項,協助維持 g0v 社群的多樣性。感謝你,花費寶貴的時間閱讀這份文件。
## 聯絡 g0v
### 加入 IRC 聊天室
- 這是開放的聊天頻道
- 加入聊天的步驟
- 加入 Freenode 上的 #g0v.tw
### 加入 Slack 聊天室
- 這是開放的工作空間
- #general 是開放的聊天頻道
- 也有一些私密的聊天頻道
- 任何人都可以自創頻道
- 加入聊天的步驟
- 瀏覽器打開 http://join.g0v.tw/
- 輸入自己的 email
- 收信,按照邀請函的指示註冊 Slack 帳號、加入 g0v-tw.slack.com 工作空間
### 寄信到 g0v-talks email 群組
- 這是封閉的 email 群組,只有在群組裡的 g0v 參與者、貢獻者才看得到你的 email
- 聯絡的步驟
- 寄信到 g0v-talks@googlegroups.com
## 採訪 g0v
- 瀏覽器打開 https://g0v.hackmd.io
- 用 email 創立帳號,或用社交媒體登入
- 開一個新的共筆
- 介紹一下你是誰、想要採訪的動機、採訪共筆的授權條款
- [選擇 CC 授權條款](https://creativecommons.org/choose/)
- [選擇其他開放授權條款](https://choosealicense.com/)
- > [name=chihao] 建議使用 [CC BY 4.0 by [your name] & g0v contributors](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
- 貼上你的問題
- 權限設定為「Editable」或「Freely」讓所有參與者、貢獻者都可以編輯 
- 把連結丟到 g0v Slack #general 頻道,讓所有參與者、貢獻者看到
## 在 g0v 活動拍攝 g0v
- 事前向活動主辦者取得同意
- 拍攝過程遵守 [g0v 行為守則](/COC)
- 遵守個別參與者不被拍攝的要求
- 如果詢問參與者與 g0v 社群整體相關問題,請閱讀本文件開頭「關於 g0v」的說明並評量你的作法。
## 採訪、研究、拍攝案例
- [歷年採訪共筆、採訪共筆空白模板](https://g0v.hackmd.io/S7EmxFJ6ROCubISQB5vA8g)
- [以 g0v 為主題的學術研究](https://g0v.hackmd.io/tpWNQTFvSOS_ZrSt2MiPWg)
- [與 g0v 社群參與者相關的影片拍攝](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chewei/SJndN7dTB)
English below
# Recommendations for journalists, researchers & visitors contacting g0v
Dear journalists, researchers & visitors,
As you might have already know, g0v is a decentralized/polycentric community. “Nobody can represent g0v”, this principle has enabled g0v to be as interesting, meaningful, and pluralistic as you see it today. Before your contact with g0v, please read the [g0v Manifesto](https://g0v.tw/en-US/manifesto.html) & [g0v Code of Conduct](/COC).
Based on this priciple that “nobody can represent g0v”, **all interview requests (with g0v as the interviewee) should start with a shared note**, so that all community contributors can participate. This avoids representation by the few and protect those voices that might be different.
Please consider the recommendations listed in this note, and help to preserve diversity and safeguard our values in g0v. Thank you for your time.
## Contact g0v...
### Join IRC chat room
- Open chat room
- How to join
- Join #g0v.tw on Freenode
### Join Slack chat room
- Open workspace
- #general is a public chat channel
- There are private channels in g0v Slack workspace
- Anyone can create new channels
- How to join
- Goto http://join.g0v.tw/
- Enter your email
- Follow instructions in invitation email to register your account to Slack & g0v-tw.slack.com workspace
### Email to g0v-talks email group
- Closed email group
- How to contact
- Send email to g0v-talks@googlegroups.com
### Join the next bi-monthly hackathon
- Check https://jothon.g0v.tw for info of the next hackathon
- Get your ticket
- Join g0v contributors at the hackathon and engage with them
## Interview g0v...
- Goto https://g0v.hackmd.io
- Create an account with your email or sign in with your social media account
- Create a new note
- Introduce yourself, the intention of this interview, and the license of the content written in the note
- [Choose a CC license](https://creativecommons.org/choose/)
- [Choose other open licenses](https://choosealicense.com/)
- > [name=chihao] I recommend “[CC BY 4.0 by [your name] & g0v contributors](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)”
- List your questions in the note
- Set auth to “Editable” or “Freely” so all g0v participants and contributors can edit 
- Tell everyone in g0v Slack #general channel about your questions!
## Filming g0v at a g0v event...
- Obtain approval from the host(s) of the event.
- Observe [g0v Code of Conduct](/COC) during video shoot.
- Follow individual requests to not be filmed.
- If you’re asking questions regarding the g0v communtiy as a whole to individual participants, please read the “About g0v” section in this document and evaluate your practice.