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# DigDAO Global Meeting Notes
Time : 3/1 Friday 1:00PM - 1:50PM
Where : Online https://meet.google.com/kya-pbvw-pmg
Participants : Hal(Dig DAO), mashbeam(moda, Taiwan)
# Telegram Group
# Self Introduction
- Hal: I'm bit sleepy. Dig DAO/Code for Japan
- mashbean: Will visit Tokyo again at 3/8-3/17 :)
- for what?(taka) -> Henkaku and web3 tour
- yamakoshi, DAO Tour!
- taka(shunsuke takagi): gmgm recently i'm fun to climbing 🧗
- umipo: Excited to finally have an English DigDAO meeting. I'm working on Henkaku week.
- Frank Hu: Will visit Tokyo again at 3/8-3/17 +1
- how was in osaka(taka)
- Noah Yeh, da0, happy to be here
- Ryoma: CfJ, DigDAO / Happy to meet again
- ryu: happy to join this meeting.
- Weijen & Peixing:independent researcher on SSI and institution design
- Kantaro: DigDAO / VESS / Working on DID/VC stuff. happy to be here!
- yawn: CfJ, DigDAO / beginner web3 engineer
- Zoey - independent research @TW on SSI, Digital Public Goods, RPGF
- isbtty: DigDAO / CIT / Issuing verifiable credentials to university students
# Project sharing
# Dig DAO
- Members: 30+
- Active members: 10+
How to operate
- Discord
- NFT contract
- CharmVerse
- Unyte
- Members: core member x5(kitchen) -> DAOs 30~50+ (living room)
- 3 groups
- activism: collaborate with NPO to issue NFT
- collection: collect public goods related NFT
- mechanims labs: study and implement web3 mechanism such as hypercerts, QF
The metaverse we creat recently:
An non-profit project for ADHD adolescent~
How to operate
- Discord mainly
- - Discord bot priase fork -> shoutOut team from Taiwan/da0 with FABDAO
- TG for quick communication or annoucement
# da0
- Members : Depends on how we count it
- How to operate
- Slack channel
- Foundational work
- Sharing sessions, cowork planning, office hours, podcast, incentive program building
# Open Credential Verifier
- Open Source Universal VC Verifier
- One tool can verify different VC standars
- Just a few methods
# Policy Proposal for DID/VC
Draft https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JwduN0eEGOGpcxD8ZYOUBAydUd2sq1DWeQb1_N-ZVOw/edit#slide=id.g2bb00dc5746_0_17
mashbean: anyone famaliar with the JP-DIW PoC project from Digital Agency and Toppan?
Kantaro: I'm not familier with this project, but 100% agree with your opinion(not ISO, mdoc, but somethings more flat and open). there is also another project called "OWND-project" in Trusted Web. they are working on developing OSS DIW (https://github.com/OWND-Project) and I'm helping out now too.
-> https://trustedweb.go.jp/
# Endowment foundation for Digital Public Goods
kind of foundation for funding for public goods. probably operation by cfj? but TBD.
"Endowment" is the one of the scheme making money,
1. get donation for the Endowment foundation
2. Endowment foundation manage the fund, maybe (wish) make profit like 2%?
- thx capitalism
3. distribute profit for public goods
4. again and agin!
maybe the profit will be distribute by QF? in the future, linking with simple grant experiment(means web2 qf?)
such a long term experiment!
# Simple Grants
We are going to test simple Grants for practicing QF as funidng for public goods!!
We forked this repo. Trying to make i18n for first step. https://github.com/dig-dao/simplegrants
- Facilitate funding for any Web2 entities and more
- Super modular design that can be plugged into any payment gateway or fundraising platform
- Comprehensive documentations, tests, clean architecture, and easy forkin
- Project owner: DeSci Tokyo
[DeSci Tokyo](https://desci-tokyo.jp/) has collected a small fund.
Matching Pool: About USD 1000/round?
(mashbean) Concept of Supermodular from CIP
# Code for Japan
## MintRally
- NFT shipping tool for proofing of attendance
- Planning dev sprint #3, start from mid of March
- Gathering contributors
# Funding the Commons Tokyo & DeSci Tokyo
July 24, 25 @ United Nation University
agenda draft
**Do not share outside!!!**
# Japan Choice
taka: we're figure out how to intregrate pol.is to Japan choice
Japan choice: election infomation site for Japan, https://japanchoice.jp/
Zoey: Maybe [Talk to the City](https://github.com/AIObjectives) can help here, a new project built by AOI. [sharing a report generated recently afetr TW Presidential election (KMT party's opinion analysis)](https://tttc-turbo.web.app/report/taiwan-2024-kmt-ZH-1)
# BGIN Tokyo
next week
Hal will organize DAO session on Monday.
# others
someone know about plurality week in Taiwan? (taka)
if you have LMK
- noah: asia blockchain summit
- plurality summit (1day), maybe glen is coming?
- Zulandia, august 10~september 10. not familer by noah
# side chat
i wish hackmd have icon format.(taka)
like this
How should we grow this community? What should be our objectives? What is needed?
- task force for DIGDAO global meeting
- Public Funding Collaboration
- Have a public discussion in FtC
- Sharing same code of tools for funding
- Happy to join brainstorming session with Daum
- Another Asian DAO gathering I'm a part of is called ABCD (Asia based community DAO), if involving them is helpful I can arrange something too, but I guess that'd come after the brainstorm
# Telegram Group