--- tags: web3 --- # Incentivize n0body 3/7 會議 # 歸納上週重點 有人用、給人看、要好玩 Features - Brainstorm or AB test > WP, Terry - Shoutout 視覺:動畫 vs SVG,重點是創造意圖想點 - Shoutout humor/surprise - User flow > Suki > Matt, 昶維, Lucky - 公開頁面 - Slack log-in - 網站第一頁 show 出所有史詩頁面(Suki) - Ops > Noah - 活動/聚會 Shoutouts - 請坑主積極示範 Foundations - User flow for access : see a shoutout, click on shoutouts, slack login to see, see their page, see own page - Go on-chain, later Usage > data > quantify > analytics > on chain (score or contribution SBTs?) > go public and opensource # 歸納基礎松重點 https://hackmd.io/@ineemomana/H1KfU2x1n 「意圖想點」很重要!昨天聊完,更覺得需要可以馬上連到完整呈現的頁面,無論是連到個人的錢包,還是可能新建的公開頁面,有立即回饋會讓使用上更順更有動力 還有,公開頁面應該會很重要,因為這樣更能在前期擴及其他坑,畢竟感謝是硬需求! 至於錢包的部分,可能會需要一座橋,無論是物質還心理 也就是說,這套shoutout系統,初衷是共同撰寫彼此史詩的系統,那第一步要解決的是紀錄問題 先解決紀錄的問題,等很多人都習慣使用這套系統之後,再來處理資料所有權問題。而這個問題只能靠錢包,這部分才需要用到web3 # Praise 歸納重點 https://givepraise.xyz/docs/how-praise-works/quantify - Praise helps build strong communities by fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual support. Praising strengthen ties between people. When we receive praise from someone, it reinforces our positive feelings towards them and helps to build a stronger sense of connection. Praise can also help to build a sense of community by helping to create a sense of shared purpose. When we praise someone, we are acknowledging that they are doing something important for the community. - This score can later be used to: - Serve as the base for a monetary or token based reward - Count the number of active contributors in the community - Visualize communtiy activity - Rank contributions in a leaderboard - Serve as the base for a reputation system - who did what? - Community health indicators such as the number of new members, the number of active members, the number of contributions, etc. - Top contributors and top contributions - Contribution categorization - Top contributors by contribution category - Community activity visualization over time - Quantification insights - Quantifier scoring distribution and spread - Reward insights * Nakamoto coefficient * Gini coefficient Examples of AI powered insights: * Sentiment analysis * Impact analysis * Contribution categorization * Auto generated contributor profiles and bios * Auto generated organsation charts ## Action items - Matt 更新 API ## 未來可能 - 雙向連結 - 坑主 emoji highlights - Shoutout bot 首頁設計 - 怎麼把 Shoutout 帶走