# 20230531 Funding the Commons Taipei with PL 第一次會議
###### tags: `web3` `da0`
## :memo: 時間地點與會者
- 時間: 2023/05/31 9am
- 地點:Google meet
- 與會者: Vivian (da0), David Casey (Protocol Labs)
## :speech_balloon: 討論點
- 活動時間:
- December 9 - 10th, 2023 (Right before Taipei Blockchain Week)
- There will be a India Filecoin event a week before, so the whole team should be able to fly over after India
- December 11-13th will be the TBW hakathon, we want to host a "Public Goods Track" with them
- 活動地點:
- 優先選擇:Songshan Cultural and Creative Park - location of Taipei blockchain week
- One main stage area 150 - 200 people
- Smaller room 30 - 40 people (interactive discussion)
- This we can potentially be supported by AIT
- Price: 3,000 USD/day
- 備案:Huashan 1914 Creative Park
- Solana has used this building for their hacker house
:pushpin: Funding the Commons Taipei will be the first Community-led event that opens up new opposibility for the series.
:pushpin: 2 events this year before us are 15-16 July Paris
8-9 september Berlin
- How to work together:
- da0 makes most of the discussion with Protocol Labs empowering us
- Bi-weekly meeting to sync with David, Wednesday 9am (GMT+8)
- Async work on Filecoin slack channel
- Government support and potential conflicts:
- MoDA (Ministry of Digital Affairs) TBD
- NDC (National DEvelopment Council) 20k
- AIT: https://www.ait.org.tw/
- How we receive sponsorship money?
- Waiting on Evan
- Protocol Labs resource we have access to (People we will work with)
- David (event production)
- Theresa (website)
- Daniela Pinto (graphic & web design)
- Anna Medina Perez (David’s executive assistant)
- Lauren (social media manager)
## :female-construction-worker: Action Items
- da0 starts contacting venue
- da0 contacts TBW for collabs
- da0 checks with Theresa for Mandarin translation strategy
- both da0 + PL create a sponsorship deck
- Mandarin deck
- da0 create a sponsorship list
- PL add potential/ past sponsors to the list
- sponsors for Paris + Berlin we can pitch: Celo, Filecoin Foundation, Radicle, Golem Foundation, Near, Gitcoin,
- da0 add potential sponsors to the list
- Check other conferences in Asia and who sponsored them (Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.)
- Check who is sponsoring the main Taipei Blockchain Week event, and pitch those sponsors
- PL checks sponsorship model