--- tags: web3 --- # 林茲電子藝術節黑客松 主題:Ownership (Who owns the truth?) 時間:Sep. 6-10, 2023 地點:奧地利 [Post-City](https://ars.electronica.art/aeblog/en/2015/05/12/postcity/), [Other locations](https://ars.electronica.art/who-owns-the-truth/en/locations/) Slack 頻道:#da0-g0v-ars-electronica https://ars.electronica.art/festival/en/ ### Future Innovator Summit https://ars.electronica.art/futurelab/en/projects-future-innovators-summit/ - Future Innovators Summit (FIS) initiated in 2014, key think-tank program during Ars Electronica Festival - Intercultural workshop format for professionals, entrepreneurs, activists, technicians, scientists, artists, and designers - Opportunities for dialogue, exchange of ideas, and mutual inspiration - Lectures, presentations, exhibitions, and discussions on current topics - Jointly developed by Ars Electronica Futurelab and Hakuhodo, a leading Japanese communication design firm - Focus on finding an ultimate Creative Question rather than only solving known problems - Unique opportunity due to growing line-up of events for young entrepreneurs, start-ups, programmers, developers, artists, and social activists - Most events had an inspiring atmosphere but often also elitist exclusivity, difficult to access for emerging professionals or outsiders - Ars Electronica Futurelab sought to create a **crossover event** where talents, creators, and innovators from various fields could convene and collaborate ### Summary of an interview - 未來創新者峰會(FIS)是一個創意智庫,每年在阿爾斯電子藝術節舉行 - FIS 是日本廣告公司 Hakuhodo 與 Ars Electronica 之間的持續合作 - 參與者包括藝術家、設計師、工程師、科學家、企業家、社會活動家和哲學家 - 旨在提出創造性問題,為未來制定議程 - 重視提出正確的問題,而非簡單解決方案 - 今年峰會主題與藝術節主題同步,關注 "ERROR - Imperfection的藝術" - 討論三個主題:未來人類、未來尊嚴和未來分享 - FIS 進入第五年,已成功在東京舉辦 - 近100位創新者和導師參與了過去五年的 FIS - 導師在活動中發揮了重要作用,為創新者提供啟發和建議 - 未來創新者峰會分為四天:啟動日、靈感日、研討會日和網絡日,最後公布創造性問題 ### 今年主題 I’m thrilled to inform you that today we’ve announced this year’s festival theme “Who owns the Truth?”, formulated as a question and aims directly at key disputed topics of our time: truth and ownership, interpretive authority, and sovereignty. Can truth be owned? Is there a right to truth and if it belongs to someone or something, what control and responsibility are associated with it? 我很高興地告訴您,今天我們已經宣布了今年的節日主題 "誰擁有真相?",以問題形式提出,直接針對我們時代的關鍵爭議話題:真相與擁有權、解釋權威和主權。真相能否被擁有?是否有真相的權利?如果真相屬於某人或某物,那麼它將承擔什麼樣的控制和責任? ## Question to discuss - What would be our suggested format? - Budgetary request for hosting a hackathon - What would our team look like? Individuals and potential roles? - Lucky - 打卡立法院(意義打卡)>工作坊>流動攤販籌備處>催眠>平方投票法>Post-extractive society - 想像 AE 跟這個方式的結合 - Design fiction & rituals to be combined with Linz' hackathon - Who owns the truth 對龜山島是有意義的,透過審議網絡讓更多真相浮現 - Intention - 讓龜山島成為一個 Who owns the truth 的 showcase - 把 Design fiction & rituals 帶進 Hackathon - 新北市美術館駐村計畫—[打卡立法院](https://www.accupass.com/event/2303180948401657003791) 形式的補充: **narrative:** 打卡,原稱考勤,AKA我來過。打卡起源於工業革命,資本家管理工人階級並確保其生產力的制度。 步入資訊社會,隨著人權抬頭與企業文化進步,許多企業開始廢除打卡制。然而!打卡不斷借屍還魂,藉科技的力量喬裝打扮成人資系統,甚至伴隨社群媒體的興起侵入人類社交生活。尤其在帝國主義殖民地—亞洲,打卡以超乎指數成長的速度,攻佔世界各地景點無一倖存,並結合資本力量,將人民及下一代再教育成為無法計數的新興網美。打卡不只產生大量碳排、在網路留下巨量淺碟式資訊、甚至催生出「遊客闖馬雅金字塔秀抖音舞」的打卡旅遊現象;行文至此,世界各地的打卡消費者們正不分日夜透過打卡儀式,潛移默化地侵蝕數以億計服務從業人員的熱忱。 聯合國統計,2050世界人口將從2023年的80億飆升至98億,屆時全人類將無一倖免,子子孫孫都無法逃離打卡的控制。有鑒於此現象,臺灣正式成立「打卡立法院(簡稱打卡院)」,意旨在研議並管制各地的打卡行為,透過一系列行動研擬出沙盒草案,並進行沙盒實驗。 民國112年4月15日首屆會期,本院將以「新北美術館需要打卡嗎?」為題,廣召各界有志之士共同研討。</br>#後打卡文化 Post Check-In Culture #夢中議事 Plenary Sitting In Hypnosis #設計幻象 Design Fiction **形式:** 立法劇場([階段性紀實](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R1kHNo1bitWoCZ_zOwygXlDLvOxtMbSa))+集體催眠+平方投票法>> 產出白皮書 - Availability:Yes, in Austria - 豆泥 - 文策院及 AE 去年的參展經驗 - AE 希望 g0v 可以有角色在藝術展裡 - 輔助或協助的角色,agenda setting,主題 - MODA 角色 - AU 可能也可以去 - 文策院也會在 Linz,可以當窗口 - 磺溪的動態等芳睿與毓仁討論完看看,先平行處理 - Intention - 輔助或協助的角色去設立 agenda - 希望看到 Truth 相關主題的推動,including 龜山島案例 - Availability - 希望過去但不會佔到預算 - 先不算豆泥 - Patty - 念歐洲文化 - 有去過奧地利,想參加相關節慶 - 做 Project management,有做軟體相關 QA - 專案管理或幫忙計畫 - 會一點點德文 - Intention 可以在國際活動扮演角色的經驗 - Availability 可以到當地,大約四天左右 - 芳睿 - Lucky 的方向 - 想跟 Lucky 一起這方面的討論合作 - DML 的案子都跟 Ownership 大的框架有關 - 跟主題有滿多連結的地方 - 希望有可以 demo 的機會 - 找到夥伴做政策倡議 - Property ownership > 土地、河流、房子(擁有自己的房子跟人可以建立什麼樣的關係)Prototype 可以怎麼做?Policy & financial - Intention - 以 DML 的角色參與 - Showcase 龜山島,河流房子土地 current cases 跟機制 Work in progress - Invite people to join the movement - governments, developers, projects - Availability - 可以到場 - 昶惟 - 還沒有明確的想法 - 好奇、科技為人民服務 - Software wise might be able to help - Intention - 有興趣正在探索 - 英文 6 - Availability - 可飛 - 澤霖 - 八月去荷蘭Masstricht交換 - 台大國企系 - Intention - 探索與學習 - 英文 7 - Availability - 可飛 - Noah - Intention - da0 探索歐洲可coordinate的資源與網絡 - 視大家意願有沒有人認坑,如果沒有的話可當坑主 - Availability - 可飛 - 泓瑞 - Intention - 學生,資工背景 - 有興趣參與 - 英文 5 - Availability - 可飛(開學第一週) - Emily - Intention - 博物館背景,在Matters工作,有興趣參與 - 8月、9月在法國 - 英文系 - Availability - 可飛 - HC - Intention - 工程師(攝影),新聞工作,有興趣參與 - 目前正在與國外組織討論與假訊息有關的主題(媒體識讀、藝術創作、行動..etc) - 英文 5以上 - Availability - 可飛(看更進一步的資訊,如與藝術有關機率高) - 角色 - g0v (noah) - da0 - DML - Lucky: 「其實DML的provocations很適合以mini lecture或儀式的形式放在summit裡,然後再來駭客松裡的討論環節。』 - [Future Innovator's Summit](https://ars.electronica.art/futurelab/en/projects-future-innovators-summit/) - 文策院? - Agenda design - Lucky & Fang's agenda : 龜山島 - g0v hackathon ritual - Future innovator's summit - What questions do we have? ## Action item - Noah, Lucky to meet with AE next week - Add ael into loop - Lucky & Fang propose agenda, Noah to adjust based on jothon's feedback before Noah AE meeting - 豆泥幫忙問一下文策院這邊的預算(later) - Fang to think about DML engagement and role **Bi-weekly meeting time > Fridays, bi-weekly** --- ## Agenda Design discussion 0423 15:00-17:00 Participants: Lucky, Fang, ShuYang 0428 11:00-12:00 Participants: Lucky, Noah AE theme: **Who Owns The Truth?** Proposed Hackathon main topic: **If everything is a citizen** A three-day inclusive unconference hackathon with ritual performances about the topic as everyday opening and closing. * ritual performance is a way to embody the spirit of the main topic, also a way for all participants to co-create the collective bodies ### Agenda * Participants registration, Project / Pecha-kucha registration * Day 1. Opening ritual performance, Check-in, Sharing, Project pitch, Participants self-intro, Group hacking (team up and hack), food night * Day 2. Opening ritual performance, Iteration (inspirational pecha-kucha, re-team up, keep hacking) , DJ Live * Day 3. Opening ritual performance, Iteration (keep hacking, sign up for project demo, project demo, quadratic voting, award) , Closing ritual performance ### Sub-topics Short talks/projects from our side 1. **Truth hack**(essence)- [Turtle Island](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FP06ZbfF2Y428WZrIWZIt_WRcqlvq3_G/view?usp=share_link)(uncertainties holding/self-owning)lead by Lucky(avaialable), [Cofact?](https://cofacts.tw/) 1. **Body hack**(body) - [Second Body](https://anarchydancetheatre.com/works/11) (entangled embodiment) lead by Jeff(to be confirmed), [Stelarc](http://stelarc.org/_.php)? 1. **Ownership hack**(ownership, interpretive authority, and sovereignty) - [River Don](https://www.theriverdon.org/)(proper-ties/self-owning)lead by Fang(avaialable) 1. **Singularity hack**(tech) - [Re-union](https://www.reunionnetwork.org/)(plurality)lead by Aiwen(avaialable) * due to the abstractness of the theme, we would like to choose four practitioners that could share their hands-on project to embody the spirit of each sub-topic on Day 1 * we would like to design a truth chatbot (AI) as a participant and note-taker to engage the truth deliberation for each hacking group ### Budget : 65,000 EU - **Personnel : 30,000 EU** 10 ppl (6 core crew, 4 facilitators) each approx. 3000EU with travel (international and domestic), 7 days accommodation, insurance, per diem and work fee - **operational expense : 15,000 EU** Juries(for pecha-kucha), DJ, rituals, sharings, 10 onsite staff, truth chatbot and voting system, installation and printed matters, equipment and props, consumables, shipping, prize, food, and drinks… - **service fee : 18,000 EU** 5 months 6 core team members working on project planning (props design, participatory experience...), coordination, and execution - **miscellaneous expenditure : 2,000 EU** ### To be discussed 1. Is g0v also responsible for marketing, website design, and documentation (text, photo, footage)? 1. Will there be technical support, onsite crew, and other resources(projectors, tables, chairs...) from FIS? 1. Will there be Ars Electronica and Hakuhodo team for this hackathon? ### possible funding resources 1. 文策院 2. [臺灣文化光點計畫](https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_302_34271.html)—[駐奧地利代表處](https://www.mofa.gov.tw/OverseasOffice_Content.aspx?n=168&sms=87&s=57&os=47):最高3萬鎂,確認這次無法申請(流程為前一年秋季提案,隔年執行) 3. [外交部補助民間團體從事國際交流及活動補助](https://taiwanngo.tw/Post/82732):小額10萬NTD內 4. [國際文化交流項目(出國)補助](https://www.ncafroc.org.tw/founding_detail.html?categoryId=culturalExchange):小額10萬上下 5. Fundraising > DML side would need 20,000 pound to fulfill its plan (with River Don, chatbot and ShuYang's participation), if not, they could support fundraising too. Although it's possible to scale down to only travel cost, accomodation and work cost, the quality would greatly decrease bcuz their work priority. Note: Fang will check if Radicle Civics could be the open source material for the hackthon without DML being the co-organizer (this case, Fang will be just an actor from our side --- ### 0523 AE回應: Dear Noah, dear Lucky, Hoping you are doing well and please excuse my belated response as we are currently working on a rather huge project that takes up all time and resources. Thanks so much your proposal, it sounds extremely compelling! In the meantime, we’ve further developed the Digital Deal Summit (working title): Time & Location: September 7th to 10th, in Linz, POSTCITY (main festival venue) Workshop time: 3x2h sessions, accompanied by daily joint lunches, guided tours through the festival program and other activities within the program of the festival. Structure: 4 groups – 4 facilitators – 24 participants Workshop goal: develop 5-10 Creative Questions and discuss how the workshop theme could inspire artists and creatives to explore the topics further in artistic development residencies. A “wishlist” to policymakers including suggestions. Presentation: On the final day there is a public presentation where each group presents their creative questions and outcomes of the workshop. Your involvement: We want to invite you to host and facilitate one workshop group with 6 participants throughout the full workshop time, dedicated to the topic of “Open Government Data and Citizen Participation”. The Digital Deal Summit will take place in the frame of the European Digital Deal Program, hosted by Ars Electronica. It would be great if you could suggest one facilitator that can host and moderate the workshop while being able to present and share your expertise on the topic: Open Government Data and Citizen Participation. Remuneration: We will be able to cover flight and accommodation for one person as well as a fee of €2000,- for your time and efforts. What do you think? Does this sound interesting to you? I’m afraid this is much smaller than you have proposed, but we need to make sure that it fits into the existing festival and project frame. If you are interested and would like to take over responsibility within the proposed frame, it would be wonderful if you could send me a workshop description outline, focusing on the thematic approaches and themes that you’d like to explore in the 6h of the workshop as well as providing a short paragraph on how g0v in working in this field. Very much looking forward to your response. Warm greetings, Christl ### 0517 feedback from Lucky 林茲的經費最後或許只能support核心規劃成員或有興趣的朋友前往的交通與住宿費,先讓有參加近兩次meeting的朋友們知道!依照這個發展方向,最近會跟林茲要官方邀請函,提供想要申請政府補助的朋友們申請資金與資源: 國藝會 https://www.ncafroc.org.tw/founding_detail.html?categoryId=culturalExchangehttps://www.ncafroc.org.tw/founding_detail.html?categoryId=culturalExchange 臺北市文化局 https://culture.gov.taipei/cp.aspx?n=8070EE8364CFE62F 外交部 https://youthfirst.yda.gov.tw/index.php/subject/content/790 ### 0602 from Lucky @channel 大家,由於現在AE的需求已經不是辦展,而是邀請g0v的一名facilitator帶領9/7-10共四天的工作坊,今晚會確認之後的坑主,技術上會有一些需求: 1)將以g0v身分出席「Digital Deal Summit(working title」這個活動,希望是曾參與g0v運作或g0v專案的人(包括da0) 2)能用英文針對「開放政府資料與公民參與」這個主題發表演講,並用英文引導工作坊參與者們在連續四天中討論相關議題、在最後一天facilitate並deliver group presentation 3)希望於下週產出英文的工作坊企劃,包括主題的描述(與主題的關聯性)、執行方法、個人簡介等資訊,以及g0v在這個主題的運作方式 4)未來幾個月與AE的溝通接洽、過程成果相關資料,希望持續在本頻道開放資訊,讓g0v的朋友可以了解、contribute及參與討論。更多詳細資訊請見上方的post 目前表達意願的有我跟 @Vivian Chen,如果對這個坑有興趣的朋友,歡迎今晚上線參與討論,由於時間限制因素,我們今晚會確認坑主! ### 0602 雙週例會 時間:2023/06/02 20:00-21:00 地點:google meet 出席者:Ael、Fang、Vivian(訊息參與) 留言者:peter Fang:過去有參與g0v相關專案,但時間目前無法參與 Ael:日期無法參與,單純旁聽 Vivian:目前還不確定那段時間是否在歐洲「I'm interested! But would like to see if someone else wants it, since rotation is important for communities (as we mentioned last week at the bookclub :slightly_smiling_face: )」 Peter:時間剛好無法參加 **小結:** Lucky來繼續lead這個坑 **next action:** Lucky會撰寫企畫書、跟AE要官方邀請函。未來的雙週例會將改成有想要討論的事情才開,確定與AE合作會update、有能讓社群參與或contribute的部分會update及跟大家討論 ### 0706 Talking with Jovana(in charge of workshop) 時間:2023/07/06 16:00-17:00 地點:google meet 目的:discuss further and in more details the structure of the workshop and the next steps. 結果發現我們超前部署,這個program還在前期階段,其他三個單位都還在接洽中。這次的meeting比較偏向互相認識,確認協作流程,但大部分的資訊原本就知道了,有一點聊了才知道的是「這場工作坊的參與者是封閉招募的」,會媒合AE 14個合作單位中對Future Digital Deal有興趣的藝術家、設計師、科學家來參與。 之後的流程就是Jovana會隨著program愈來愈確定,提供進一步的資訊、簽約、對焦工作坊內容、確認機票住宿等流程。 (Lucky的 [工作坊draft](https://gamma.app/docs/draft-Open-Government-Data-and-Citizen-Participation-Workshop-parnil4lfjyd2rp)) 2023 European Digital Deal 的頁面(WIP) https://ars.electronica.art/eudigitaldeal/en/ https://ars.electronica.art/futurelab/de/projects-future-innovators-summit/