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# BBC article - g0v, tech and Covid-19 (Erin Hale)
###### tags: `interview`
This request is for an article about the tech Taiwan used to control/track the Covid-19 pandemic for the [BBC's Technology of Business](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-11428889) section.
I understand [some g0v ideas](/https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/11/23/audrey-tang-on-why-tackling-misinformation-is-crucial-in-pandemic) were adopted by the government and I would like to learn more. I am also interested in the relationship between low tech solutions and high tech solutions for Covid-19.
*Answers*: English answers are easier for me but I am happy to have any other responses translated. If you are OK to be quoted, please indicate this and also how you want to be indentified. It is also very helpful if you can answer in complete sentences if you want to be quoted.
1. I understand that Taiwan's 1922-SMS tracing system came about as a suggestion of g0V. How did that collaboration work initially?
> - Aggregated info on initial g0v community proposal of SMS contact tracing & the government's implementation https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/BJlq5K1tO
> - The backup of the Slack discussion where the idea of SMS contact tracing pops up: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/BJlq5K1tO/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2FNy5eDiqZSo6xPrq-GZWNOw
2. Why did you make this specific suggestion? What was your inspiration?
> We have the google form version in that time, and paper version, but people need to fill the data each time, so we are finding a method for people no need to re-fill the contact data in that time. The first idea is cookie-based webpage, and the apps. but you will need to fill it on first time and have cost to verify is the phone number a fake or mistaken number [name=Pichu Chen]
> We want to find a simple way to fill the contact information. No need to touch pen and paper, time and phone number are provided automatically, non-smartphones also work. [name=Kate Lee]
3. What other suggestions have g0v made that have been adopted as part of Taiwan's Covid-19 response?
> Mask map, VAXX.tw, cofact(?) ... [name=Pichu Chen]
> Use the health ID number and mobile phone number to make an appointment in Mask online booking system. [name=Kate Lee]
> Thanks to Pichu for mentioning Cofacts! During the pandemic, the g0v project [Cofacts 真的假的](https://en.cofacts.tw/) was indeed [referred](https://twitter.com/MOHW_Taiwan/status/1395204303690747905) [multiple](https://m.facebook.com/TWCDC/photos/a.187029023406/10157883831243407/?type=3&source=48) [times](https://www.ylhpb.gov.tw/sub/latestevent/Details.aspx?Parser=9,27,558,531,,,8211) by the government officials as a tool to verify pandemic rumors. [name=Johnson Liang]
4. Were any of you involved in vaccine registration initiatives? If yes, can you describe? If no, what do you think of these websites?
> Provided suggestions for ux improvement. [name=Kate Lee]
5. Were any of you involved in the creation of a digital vaccine passport? If yes, what did that process look like?
6. Would you describe Taiwan's tech response to Covid-19 as primarily 'low-tech' or 'high-tech'? Or both? Why?
> Emphasis on quick rollout and ease of use. [name=Kate Lee]
7. I understand that Taiwan officials first learned about Covid-19 through PTT. Does anyone remember that or can you share anecdotes?
> In the pandemic press conference on 4/16, 2020, A Taiwan CDC official explains how the information was shared on PTT on Dec 31 2019, seen by other doctors and shared to government official, as well as the official's personal interpretation regarding the information shared inside the post.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omggKtyXnY4
> *The* post on PTT:
> https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1577730263.A.177.html
> Other news reports regarding the PTT post:
> https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20201229web005/
> [name=Johnson Liang]