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12/3/2024:::success 交流討論頻道 g0v Slack #jothon 頻道加入方式:https://g0v.hackmd.io/@daisuke/ryjkbFyuS ::: :::warning 文件目錄 :::
12/3/2024:::success :book: Return to the homepage of the handbook: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/ctpbook_en "g0v Civic Tech Project & Community Handbook" is licensed under CC BY-NC. ::: Credit List 中文版 & English Version Contributors ⚡ Isabel Hou, ipa, clkao, kirby, chewei, ronny, ky, Chihao, Ying, Analeigh, Tiff, Yi, fisher小渝, Nick, ichieh, Sophia, bil, tofus, Peter, Maung, Huong, Denny, Sam, Yan, Linus, Jason, Jaala, Facing the Ocean, Code for Korea, Code for Japan, g0v contributors 日本語 Contributors ⚡ Isabel Hou, ipa, clkao, kirby, chewei, ronny, ky, Chihao, Ying, Analeigh, Tiff, Yi, fisher小渝, Nick, ichieh, Sophia, bil, tofus, Peter, Maung, Huong, Denny, Sam, Yan, Linus, Jason, Jaala, Jimmy, Facing the Ocean, Code for Korea, Code for Japan, 近藤弥生子, 陣内一樹, g0v contributors Sponsor
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