tags: jothon, Index Award
# Index Award 2021
## 競賽文件
### Nominate a design for Index Award 2021 Deadline: March 15, 2021
Fill out the questions step by step, and don't worry - you can always click on the timeline on the right to edit your answers. You can nominate as many times as you'd like, and it's completely free of charge!
- What's the title? * 0/40
- What category is it? *
- What goal(s) does your design target? * (max. 5)
### Let's describe the project a little more
- Keywords * (max. 5)
- In a few words, how does the design improve life? * 0/100
- What is the story behind the design, and how does it work? * 0/1000
- The design’s website - or another site describing the design * 0/200
- Credits (designer/team/company/institution) * 0/40
- Where is the design from? *
- Where will the design be used? *
- Everywhere
- Africa
- Asia
- Europe
- North America
- Oceania
- South America
- Central America
- Is capital being raised for this design solution? *
### It's all about the looks
- Add main image *
- Add secondary image
- Add third image
- Video URL
### Just one last thing
In order to submit a nomination, you need to log in. Don't worry, you won't be redirected anywhere, and we won't spam you anything (unless, of course, you want us to).
## 設計思考方式
### 其他
#### 行政院環保署與丹麥商務辦事處舉辦【臺丹環境教育合作與環境設計大賽展覽】
* 展覽連結:https://www.epadesign.tw/ (內有歷屆得獎案例)
Bess 筆記:
- 行政院環境保護署舉辦「2020-2021 環境關懷設計競賽」之得獎者會被推薦參加丹麥 Index Award 2021。
- 得獎作品以可量產的產品為大宗。
- 如果 g0v 專案要投件,需要思考是否已經具有可以永續營運的模式。詳細產品思考路徑可以參考「教育羅盤」。