tags: edu
# Sch001 2020 Final Presentation | Sch001 Demo Day 2020 Awardees
本共筆連結 Link of this note https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/Sch001DemoDay2020Awardee
## 【| 島島阿學 | 學習資源平台】Dao Dao Online Learning Platform
### 林奇葦 Lin Chi-Wei

- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: | 島島阿學 | 學習資源平台 Dao Dao Online Learning Platform
- Speaker’s location (city): Taipei
- Speaker info URL: https://www.facebook.com/7wei.24/
島島阿學教育社群共同發起人,目前就讀於華江高中,同時參與 Micrsoft Developer Program 及交大人才培育計畫,並自主學習程式開發。過往曾創業並主導多個專案。
Co-founder in Dao Dao Educational Network. Chi-Wei has studied in HJSH since 2018, also in Microsoft Developer Program and NCTU Talent Cultivation Project. Learning programming and startup business via internet.
### 林怡廷 Lin Yiting

島島阿學教育社群共同發起人,同時為獨立教育工作者及 Goddard College 社會創新與永續研究所學生。過往曾任醫療公關、人文國中小及高中自學團教師,以及多個實驗教育組織及活動之公關。
Co-founder in Dao Dao Educational Network. Yiting is a free-educator and a graduate student studying Social Innovation and Sustainability at Goddard College now. She worked as an educator and PR in Humanity Elementary and Junior School, self-directed learning group, and different experimental education organizations.
- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: | 島島阿學 | 學習資源平台 Dao Dao Online Learning Platform
- Speaker’s location (city): Taipei
- Speaker info URL: https://www.facebook.com/tiff.lin.1
## 【繁體中文 CC0 句庫與 Mozilla Common Voice 語音庫】Traditional Chinese CC0 corpus and Mozilla Common Voice database
### Irvin Chen

長期參與自由文化與開放網路倡議相關活動,目前也致力於 Mozilla 志工社群經營相關事務。同時是女人迷前端工程師,負責前端架構與流量成長相關計畫。
Community liaison of MozTW, Mozilla Taiwan Community. Long time Mozilla contributor since 2004 focus on community building, volunteer recruiting, events organizing, and speaking for Mozilla’s Mission and open culture. In the meantime, I’m a front-end developer of womany.net.
- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: MozTW, Mozilla 台灣社群
- Speaker’s location (city): Taipei
- Speaker info URL: https://www.google.com/search?q=irvin+chen
## 【CoTeach 教案共享平臺】CoTeach
### Kahou

- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: CoTeach
- Speaker’s location (city): Taipei City
- - Speaker info URL: http://na
### 蔡孟庭 Meng-Ting Tsai

臺灣師範大學資訊工程學系畢業,關注資訊、教育與媒體,在教育坑前踏踏卻不小心越陷越深,目前在高中和少女們一起寫程式。抓緊手中的幸運,期許有一天自己也能讓社會上的某個小角落產生美好的變化。\ 來聊 /~~!
Hi I’m Meng-Ting, a graduate of National Taiwan Normal University with a BEng in Computer Science and Information Engineering. I’m interested in Computer Science, education and news media. And now I’m teaching programming in a senior high. Hope that I could also make good changes somewhere in our society one day. Let’s have a chat!
- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: CoTeach
- Speaker’s location (city): Taipei City
- Speaker info URL: https://www.facebook.com/mengting7tw/
## 【幸福存摺】Happiness Bankbook

### 阮家貞 Chia-Chen Juan
Vice President of Grass Book House
- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: 小草書屋 Grass Book House
- Speaker’s location (city): New Taipei City
- Speaker info URL: http://www.grassbookhouse.org.tw/team/%e5%b0%8f%e8%8d%89%e6%9b%b8%e5%b1%8b%e5%89%af%e6%a0%a1%e9%95%b7-%e9%98%ae%e5%ae%b6%e8%b2%9e/
### 賈承彬 Giovanni

Project Manager of Happiness Bankbook
- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: 幸福存摺 Happiness Bankbook
- Speaker’s location (city): Taipei City
- Speaker info URL: https://www.happinessbankbook.org
## 【專為高中生設計的管家型聊天機器人】Chatbot for High School Students
### 廖煥杰 Jason

My name is Jason and I currently study in the 3rd grade at Taipei Municipal Lishan Senior High School. I like to participate in competitive programming and writing projects. My goal is to have a school at the end of this year.
- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: 專為高中生設計的管家型聊天機器人 Chatbot for High School Students
- Speaker’s location (city): Taipei City
- Speaker info URL: https://www.jasonliao.com
## 【識字題庫】Literacy Practices Database
### tmonk

Live Stream Director, Backend Developer, Free Software Engineer
- Speaker’s organization or community affiliation: g0v
- Speaker’s location (city): Taipei
- Speaker info URL: https://www.facebook.com/tmonk.hsieh