本頁面由 g0v 揪松團維護更新,歡迎自行增加符合 g0v 宣言精神 的活動 🔥 參加活動代表你同意遵守 g0v 社群行為守則。g0v 社群活動致力於提供一個無騷擾的環境給每一位參與者,無論其性別、年紀、性傾向、殘疾、外貌、種族或信仰。我們絕不容忍任何人對會議參與者任何形式的騷擾。 請您詳細閱讀:g0v 社群行為守則 https://g0v.tw/coc/ 近期活動 🔥 報名中 / 搶票中<br>Registration 12/26 Thu. 週四晚上 g0v 社群專案年末小聚活動 g0v Community & Project Year-End Gathering,地點在臺北市 NPOHub 聚落 https://forms.gle/tuoiHDHvvNzk3Gd6A 12/26 Thu. 週四晚上 開放科技小聚 [001] :一同起造未來十年開放資料標準 https://ocftw.kktix.cc/events/opentechmeetup-00124
12/25/2024What is a g0v hackathon ?<br>什麼是 g0v 黑客松? Event Info 2/22 Sat. @Taipei Registration<br>報名網址[target=_blank] g0v Code of Conduct (CoC)<br>g0v 行為守則 Run-down<br>活動流程 本次大松合作單位與貢獻者 Join g0v Community g0v Manifesto<br>g0v 宣言
12/25/2024g0v Civic Tech Project & Community Handbook :::success "g0v Civic Tech Project & Community Handbook" is licensed under CC BY-NC. ::: Contributors ⚡ isabelhou, ipa, clkao, kirby, chewei, ronny, ky, Chihao, Ying, Analeigh, Tiff, Yi, fisher小渝, Nick, ichieh, Sophia, bil, tofus, Peter, Maung, Huong, Denny, Sam, Yan, Linus, Jason, Jaala, Jimmy, Facing the Ocean, Code for Korea, Code for Japan, g0v contributors English version 繁體中文版 日本語
12/25/2024:::success :book: Return to the homepage of the handbook: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/ctpbook_en "g0v Civic Tech Project & Community Handbook" is licensed under CC BY-NC. ::: 4-1 Regional Diversity and Variations in East and South Asia|g0v Civic Tech Project & Community Handbook Chapter 4: Current Status of Civic Tech Projects and Communities in Other Asian Countries Regional Diversity and Variations in East and South Asia :::info