--- title: g0v online Hackathon Newcomer's Action Guide tags: hackathon,38th --- # g0v online Hackathon Newcomer's Action Guide ## 新手基本任務 Starter Missions - **[Join g0v slack](https://join.g0v.tw/)** Say hello to everyone on #general channel, "Hi, I'm OOO, my 3 keywords are ..." - **[Self Introduction](https://intro.g0v.ronny.tw/event/show/g0v-hackath38n)** Fill in 3 keywords, record them with your own voice. - **Open [Project List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RsUGPSchbHWuosKsyH0wELCepNRTkEWAHI_OI6R5d4g/edit?usp=sharing)** and check out what projects we have today. - **Join [g0v Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/user/g0vTW) channel** Watch the live stream, and chat / discuss with everyone on g0v slack channel. (We recommend opening slack with a new tab, or using slack App) - **[Join VC Room of the project](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-hackath38n/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2F%40jothon%2FH1WDEuj4L)** Find the project you are interested, and join its VC room to discuss. ## Looking for Projects? - Check the Project List in the sidebar. - Join [VC room](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-hackath38n/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2F%40jothon%2FH1WDEuj4L) of a project to find out what people are discussing. Please use your nickname on g0v slack when joining the VC room. The system will attach your self introduction. - If you missed the deadline, but you have some proposal to share, you can: 1. Share with everyone in g0v slack 2. Join FB group ["g0v 後勤中心"](https://www.facebook.com/groups/g0v.general) and post your proposal ## See Also - [Guide for Non-Programmer](http://ipa.logdown.com/posts/166655-g0v-hackathon-nongeek): You can participate even if you are not a programmer. - [g0v Cowork Guideline](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-cowork-guideline/ ): What is g0v and how to cowork. - [Slides for Newcomers](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h5aKb4DqM2HAJNAlDNJn33hCWl52ghkoKKpBC3ZsIMs/edit?usp=sharing) - [Project Proposal Template]( https://g0v.hackpad.tw/Project-Readme-aCZGg48I5pX ): If you want to make a proposal, here is the template. - [FB Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/g0v.general/): Just came up with an idea? Have something to discuss? Feel free to post in this FB group. - [Previous Proposals](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W7m11EOosq2n-gc0w4SBht2CuwoYr5L6ZbuBaKyZ2RA/edit): Check out what was proposed in previous hackathon. ## g0v Slack channel 簡介 > 進入 g0v slack 後,發現有好多群組/頻道,以下簡單敘述每個頻道的功能及所屬的專案,歡迎參與者加入聊聊!歡迎大家持續補充~ |頻道名|簡介| |--|--| |#general| 社群大廳,可以在這邊提出任何問題!| |#rand0m| 歡迎自由灌水閒聊| |#gis| 地理資訊資料議題討論交流| |#mask| 口罩地圖| |#rentea| 租屋資料與議題| |#jothon| 揪松團相關活動討論(黑客松、基礎松) https://jothon.g0v.tw/| |#intl| 國際交流工作小組 g0v international、國際交流資訊都在這| |#libot| 市容通報工具 / Linebot| |#disfactory| 違章工廠舉報 用 GeoDjango 做 geo spatial query| |#poponfire| 公有土地地圖 / 地號| |#tree| 遙測算樹、圖資找地、倡議種樹(參加總統盃提案ing)| |#urbancode| 都市計畫 / 都委會會議記錄資料庫 |#disinfo| 不實訊息來源蒐整| |#cofacts| 真的假的 ! 謠言查證 Linebot| |#vtaiwan| 法規與議題議論| |#edu| 零時小學校「開源協作與教育工作」主頻道| |#tainan| 台南社群討論群組!| |#moedict| 萌典 字典無極限| |#itaigi| 愛台語 對漢字佮台羅誠熟手,做伙鬥校對巡喲| |#foodlessons| 食食課課 從食物連結生活與文化| |#edu-github-platform| 老師們的「教案」分享平台| |#edu-學生自我監控工具| 協助學生提高事務掌握能力| |#echo-mori| 回音森林 語言發音校正 app| |#ogp| 關注台灣「開放政府行動方案」制定| |#us-taiwan-watch| 美國國會台灣觀測站| |#herstory| 東亞女性權力行動歷程書寫| |#foodsharing_taiwan| 推動食物分享| |#0art| about art| |#預想行事曆| 預測與推估內容的結構化| |#summit| 兩年一度的 g0v summit 活動| |#sns| g0v sns平台規範、發文討論區| |#hackmd| HackMD 使用經驗與課題回報| |#engaged-research| 以「g0v」為主的學術研究| |#吉祥物資料蒐集_マスコット_mascot|一起來建立吉祥物資料庫~| |#全民提報文化資產| |#aerialmapping| |#g0v-domain| |#g0v-github| |#news|g0v news https://g0v.news/<tr><td colspan="2"> 以下為臉書社團 or 共筆討論</td></tr>| |網址|簡介| |http://bit.ly/3a0wwuu| 與 g0v 社群參與者相關的影片拍攝| |http://bit.ly/2wvPjPB| 中文識字量測試系統| |http://bit.ly/2MSrF57| 秒懂災害潛勢-文化素材與災害潛勢關聯推論| |https://bit.ly/3bWQBU1| 公民科學計畫基本訊息蒐集| > 參考資料來源:[g0v slack channel Airtable](https://airtable.com/invite/l?inviteId=invYEeL5hdx6qmGCB&inviteToken=6d4a6d2badcb715301700dd3658516dd4fe8b8e87bde2706fa3af8ca2888c01d) `如欲編輯請留下評論或請求權限`