合辦單位 g0v 揪松團 https://linktr.ee/g0vjothon 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所 黃麗玲 副教授 大松之友贊助單位 目前沒有人贊助 活動籌辦執行 Contributors 活動籌畫:揪松團, chewei, Ronny, 小夏 場務諮詢:peggy
1/9/2025:::success 交流討論頻道 g0v Slack #jothon 頻道加入方式:https://g0v.hackmd.io/@daisuke/ryjkbFyuS ::: :::warning 文件目錄 :::
1/9/2025:::success 新的一年又要來臨,大家都可能會有寄送賀年卡的需求, 募集社群一起製作 CC BY 4.0 的賀年卡讓大家使用 ! ::: 整體靈感筆記 推廣適合臺灣的十二生肖動物種類吧 ~ 推廣臺灣的物種種類
1/8/2025A g0v hackathon is a collaborative event organized by the g0v (pronounced "gov zero") community, where individuals from diverse backgrounds, such as developers, designers, activists, researchers, and policymakers, come together to co-create civic technology projects. These projects aim to improve transparency, public participation, and social innovation. Held every two months, g0v hackathons provide an open and inclusive space equipped with resources like Wi-Fi, food, and drinks. Participants work on various open-source projects that address societal issues, ranging from government data visualization to public service tools. The event emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and sharing, fostering a vibrant community dedicated to making the world a better place through technology. Photo & Video Records of Past g0v Hackathons 歷年 g0v 大黑客松影像紀錄 Photo https://www.flickr.com/photos/g0v/albums/ Video Records https://www.youtube.com/@g0vTW/playlists Collaborative Document https://jothon.g0v.tw/events/ g0v Civic Tech Project & Community Handbook<br>g0v シビックテックプロジェクトとコミュニティの手引き<br>g0v 公民科技專案與社群手冊