title: RxC TV 特別節目「廣告」徵件 | OPEN CALL for "RxC TV Commercials"
tags: RxC
description: RadicalxChange 開放空間年會即將在今年 12 月連續三個週末登場,包含 12/4 台灣台北場、12/10 線上年會、12/17 美國丹佛場。在每場開放空間會議前一天,我們會播映特別節目「RxC TV」,節目時長為 3 小時。
image: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_80eeb14d2385863c55193bfb9a056429.png
# RxC TV 特別節目「廣告」徵件 | OPEN CALL for "RxC TV Commercials"

*** Please scroll down for English information. ***
## RxC TV 是什麼?
RadicalxChange 開放空間年會即將在今年 12 月連續三個週末登場,包含 12/4 台灣台北場、12/10 線上年會、12/17 美國丹佛場。在每場開放空間會議前一天,我們會播映特別節目「RxC TV」,節目時長為 3 小時。
本次節目內容跟一般論壇形式很不一樣,RxC 將在節目設計上採用更具創意的方式,搭配上精心製作的「廣告」。這些「廣告」跟平常大家在電視上看到的不一樣,我們希望透過製作這些「創意廣告」,展現不同專案與組織在推動民主改革或組織轉型上所做的努力。
RxC 在這邊邀請亞洲公民科技社群的大家**錄製你曾發起的公民科技「專案廣告」**。貼心提醒大家,上傳「廣告」時記得確保影片內容簡潔有力。每則「廣告」時長約 3-5 分鐘。如果你有任何影片後製需求,除了上傳專案介紹的原始影片檔案之外,也歡迎大家分享其它素材給我們,像是 logo、照片、任何活動影像片段等,你所提供的素材越多,我們後製影片時的精緻度也就越高。
**|更多資訊| 2021 RxC Annual unConference**
- RxC Annual Website:https://www.radicalxchange.org/2021-conference/taipei/
- RxC 年會 中文共筆:https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/unConf2021
- RxC TV 台北暖身場 — 放映交流活動: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/rxctvtaipei
## RxC TV 廣告徵件指南
- RxC 廣告徵件上傳表單:https://forms.gle/8BovGxBFRynp6xEF7
- 收件截止日期: 2021/11/14 (日) 23:59 前(GMT +8)
### 廣告製作注意事項
- 「廣告」時長最長 3 分鐘。如果你是製作偏「娛樂型的資訊廣告」,時長最多 5 分鐘。如果您選擇製作長版廣告,記得確保影片內容是有趣,且在視覺上是吸引人的。
- 如果你沒有專業影像製作技術也沒關係,以下是我們推薦的軟體與網站,可以協助您方便製作影片:
- [riverside.fm](https://riverside.fm/)(電腦錄影畫質較高)
- [Loom](https://www.loom.com/)(製作專案 Demo)
- [Filmic](https://www.filmicpro.com/)(適用於手機錄影)
- **自己錄製影片的技巧**:
- 確保良好的聲音品質:找到一個安靜的空間,或是使用可連接電腦或手機的麥克風
- 確保良好的光線:如果你的空間有自然光的話,你可以嘗試在有陽光照射進來的窗戶旁錄影,把相機放置在窗戶這側,讓陽光可以打到你的臉上,看起來氣色會更好。
- **錄影前先確認好影片所要傳達的訊息**:這支「廣告」的重點不是在於販售一個「商品」,而是要呈現你對民主未來的願景,讓我們的社會能夠走向公平與正義。
- **我們可以協助你後製影片!**:如果你需要影片後製的支援,有一點要請你注意,我們從收到影片後製需求,到影片後製完成的製作時間有限。如果要製作完成度高的內容,希望你能提供越多的視覺素材給我們,包括 logo、照片、海報或是相關影像連結。素材越多,我們在後製的精緻度上也能提升。
如果你有任何問題,歡迎來信詢問 RxC 團隊,我們很樂意協助!
## 節目製作單位簡介 About Production Team
### [RadicalxChange Foundation](https://www.radicalxchange.org/)
RxC 串連來自各種不同背景的人,從社會科學家、科技工作者到藝術家、倡議者。這場全球運動是持續跟著時代變動,而且敞開歡迎更多新面孔加入,鼓勵人們提出新的想法,讓我們所生活的這個世界走向更多元、平等與自由的方向。
## What is Rxc TV?
In 2021, the annual RadicalxChange Conference will take place in three different spaces and dates — Taipei, on December 4th, Online, on December 10th, and Denver, on December 17th. Prior to each event we will broadcast a new program, for 3 hours, with pre-recorded content.
The programming will not be talking heads and typical conference material. Rather, it will be creatively “TV-themed”, with well-produced, premium episodes, as well as “commercials”. Note that these commercials are not meant to be the usual ads we see on television — we are appropriating the term, to broadcast instead creative interstitials that showcase projects and organizations around the world working on democratic tools, and visions of institutional reform.
RxC sincerely welcome all the members from Asian civic tech communities to submit the "commercials" for your amazing civic tech projects. Please make sure the videos you submit are concise and dynamic. A commercial should be up to 3 minutes, and a more well-produced infomercial could be up to 5 minutes long. If you need any help editing, please share with us as many media assets as you can, like your logo, photos, any video of events you've participated in, links to media mentions, etc. The more we have, the more we'll be able to make your video become as amazing as your project!
**More about 2021 RxC Annual unConference**
- RxC Annual Website: https://www.radicalxchange.org/2021-conference/taipei/
- RxC TV Taipei - Livestream event: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/rxctvtaipei
## Guidelines for "Commercials" | RxC TV
*** Important Notes for Submission ***
- RxC Commerical Submission form: https://forms.gle/8BovGxBFRynp6xEF7
- Deadline for Submission: November 14th, 2021, 11:59 PM (GMT +8)
- "Commercials" should have a maximum of length of 3 minutes, whereas "infomercials" can be up to 5 minutes long. If you choose the longer option, make sure the information is presented in a dynamic and visually compelling way.
- If you are not able to do a professional production, we recommend looking into the following apps, which can help you make a great looking video:
- [riverside.fm](https://riverside.fm/) (recording solution)
- [Loom](https://www.loom.com/) (for software demos)
- [Filmic](https://www.filmicpro.com/) (for recording with a mobile phone)
- **Tips for DIY recordings:** for good audio quality, find a quiet place to record, or use headphones. For good lighting, try shooting with a window behind your camera and the light shining on your face. Using natural light is also a great option, if it's available.
- **Think carefully about your message.** The idea is not just to sell a product, but to sell a vision of participatory democracy and a more equitable future.
- **We can help edit your video!** If your would like to have this type of support, please note that, due to time restrictions, our ability to respond to requests for chnages and adjustments to the final produced content will be fairly limited. Moreover, in addition ot your video, we will also need you to send us a folder with as much graphic materials and / or existing footage as possible. This includes your logo, pictures, footage of events that you've participated in the past, posters, links with media mentions or other related contect. The more we have, the easier it will be for us to make your video as amazing as your project!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@radicalxchange.org . We'll be happy to help!
## About Production Team
### [RadicalxChange Foundation](https://www.radicalxchange.org/)
RadicalxChange (RxC) is a global movement for next-generation political economies. It advances plurality, equality, community, and decentralization through upgrades of democracy, markets, the data economy, the commons, and identity.
RxC connects people from all walks of life - ranging from social scientists and technologists to artists and activists. The movement is ever-evolving and always welcoming new people and ideas to make our social world more diverse, equal, and free.