回 RxC 年會共筆首頁:https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/unConf2021
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你也可以成為「RxC TV」的其中一角,歡迎加入 RxC TV 特別節目「廣告」徵件,到 2021 年 11 月 14 日 23:59 截止。
幸運的是,有一群體制內外的創新者持續開發新的工具和方法,促進更有效的共識決策、共享資源,打造未來民主的基礎建設。今年 RadicalxChange 將在 12 月於美國、台灣與線上平台三地舉辦「RxC 2021 開放空間年會」,本次年會以「民主新時代:參與、創新、審議、共創」為主題,年會系列活動將在 12 月連續三個週末舉辦。
本次 RxC 開放空間年會除了實體與全球線上活動外, RadicalxChange 基金會也精心製作了一檔電視特別節目 「RxC TV」,邀請來自美國、拉丁美洲、台灣以及亞洲各地公民科技社群的來賓,分享他們對於「民主新時代」的觀察與反思。
特別節目將在每場開放空間年會前一天於線上播出,讓參與者可以更深入了解實體活動的主題、從中學習,並激發出更多有趣的點子。台北暖身場將在 12/3(五)於 NPO HUB Taipei 為此系列活動揭開序幕,誠摯邀請大家一起來邊吃吃喝喝,邊共同觀賞、交流本次「RxC TV」特別節目。
You can also be a part of RxC TV. Welcome to submit your “Commercials” for RxC TV before November 14th, 2021, 11:59 PM (GMT +8).
Democracy is in crisis at a critical moment as we face seemingly insurmountable challenges from growing economic disparity, climate change, and a global pandemic. Despite the increased and active involvement of citizens in the democratic process, our governing systems, stifled with deepening polarization, are halting progress.
Fortunately, pockets of innovators working inside and outside of states are developing new tools and methods for making group decisions, governing shared resources, and building tomorrow’s democratic infrastructure. In light of the current democratic crisis, this year the 3rd Annual RadicalxChange is bring up the topic of “A New Era of Democracy: Participation, Innovation, Deliberation, Co-Creation, and invites everyone to explore and discuss how we can co-create a radically egalitarian and participatory future. The RxC unConference will be taking place in the US, Taiwan and online this December.
In addition to the in-person and online events, RadicalxChange is putting together RxC TV, a unique and never before seen 3-part program that will be thematically related to the succeeding event, to inspire and learn. The program will feature speakers from the US, Latin American, Taiwan and other civic tech communities from Asia to share their insight on “The New Era of Democracy” The first RxC TV will be live-streaming in Taipei on Dec. 3. Please join us for this year’s RxC Annual unConference and RxC TV Day.