--- tags: edu, i18n --- # 零時小學校 2021 網站:翻譯共筆 ## 貢獻者簽到 - Bess - Li-Hsuan Lung ## 需要翻的部分 ## #1 Readme.md 關於 Sch001 零時小學校 About Sch001 [網站首頁](https://sch001.g0v.tw/) Website Sch001 是什麼? What is Sch001? 零時小學校是聚焦在教育的 g0v 專案,旨在推廣資訊科技、分析問題和協作分工的概念,只要是有心學習的人,都可以站上自學和共學的起點,開啟專案參與的旅程! Sch001 is a g0v project focusing on education and promoting information technology, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. We welcome anyone with a thirst for knowledge to join our project and begin a self-taught and peer learning journey! 專案英文名稱「Sch001」將代表數位原生世代的「0」與「1」放入代表教育的「學校(School)」,期待可以此代表教育與數位社群的連結與協作,一起從零思考教育。 The name "Sch001" derives from **school** and **1s and 0s**, which we hope to convey the connection and collaboration between education, the digital communities, and our digital native generation. Together, we will reimagine our education from the ground up. 如何參與 Sch001? How to join Sch001? 我要怎麼參與這個專案?不會寫程式可以嗎? How to join this project? Is it OK if I don't know how to code? 不會寫程式當然沒問題! Of course! 目前,零時小學校(Sch001)有教育工作者、設計師和工程師加入協作的行列,因此,只要你希望透過這個平台,與大家一起協作,都歡迎你透過以下方式,加入零時小學校或 g0v 社群! The Sch001 team currently consists of educators, designers, and software developers. If you would like to join the Sch001 team or the g0v community through this platform, you're welcome to reach us using one of the methods below! 第零步:找到小學校網站和共筆,即時學習自己來! -> 所有零時小學校的介紹、協作方式、參考案例和合作夥伴介紹都在這。 Step 0: Find our website and our collaboration notes. -> All kinds of information such as the introduction, ways to collaborate, example projects, and partner info are here. 第一步:線上加入小學校平台,不分地域找夥伴! -> Slack、臉書社團、IG 帳號、LINE 社群,隨時加入社群無負擔! Step 1: Join Sch001 platform online, and find your partners everywhere! -> Slack, Facebook groups, Instagram account, Line community, join the community anytime stress-free! 第二步:實體參加小學校活動,跟志同道合的夥伴一起討論專案! -> 小學校網站、共筆以及相關社群平台,都會發布最新活動訊息,只要你完成第零步和第一步,就可以無負擔參加小學校活動囉! Step 2: Participate in offline events and work on projects with your partners! -> We will announce the latest news on the Sch001 website, collaboration notes, and social media platforms. If you completed Steps 0 and 1, you could get involved stress-free! --- ### #2 index.yaml 需要翻的文字在文件裡 👉 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-9aQk3aDkr8Kgh93nwg3DdW6uYTNTHOEB-uMw6UPcqc/edit 參考 https://g0v.tw/intl/en/