--- tags: jothon,Prix Ars Electronica --- # The Prix Ars Electronica 2020 Open Call for Digital Communities :::info 網址:https://ars.electronica.art/prix/en/categories/digital-communities/ ::: ## Open Call The Prix Ars Electronica is the world’s most time-honored media arts competition. Winners are eligible for the coveted Golden Nica awards and monetary prizes of up to 10,000 euros in each category. They will also be featured at the Ars Electronica Festival from September 9 to 13, 2020! To participate in the Prix Ars Electronica, you must register online and submit all mandatory information online. A submission is complete and formally entered in the competition only if all information has been entered online and the submission has been finalized online. An entry confirmation will be sent out via e-mail as soon as all required documentation has been received. :::danger **Deadline** Online Submission Deadline : March 16, 2020 (11:59 PM CET) ::: ## The 2020 categories * Computer Animation * Interactive Art + * Digital Communities * u19 – create your world ## PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA and STARTS Prize A project may be entered to both the STARTS prize and a Prix Ars Electronica category (Computer Animation, Interactive Art + and Digital Communities). It is therefore possible to win both the STARTS Prize and a Prix Ars Electronica award at the same time. To do so, submit your project to the specified Prix Ars Electronica category and in the appropriate entry field at the end of the submission confirm that the project is also to be considered for the STARTS prize. Submitters, who registered already for the Prix Ars Electronica, can use this account also for the STARTS Prize. ## General * A work may be entered in only one category. An artist may submit more than one work. * Entrants are requested not to submit irreplaceable originals since submitted materials cannot be returned. * In addition to the general entry details and rules, special entry rules apply to each individual category. * If your entry is awarded a prize or receives a Honorary Mention, your material will be used for the catalog, DVD (CD) and the Prix Ars Electronica website (see Rights), so we ask you to prepare your picture and text material carefully. * Employees of the organizers, sponsors and patrons of the Prix Ars Electronica, staff members of organizations that have established and endowed an individual category, as well as the competition’s jurors are ineligible to participate. * If you send in additional material pertaining to your submission via post, please mail it by the submission deadline (date of postmark is determinative) to:Ars Electroncia Linz GmbH & Co KG, Ars-Electronica-Straße 1, 4040 Linz, Austria, Code: Prix “Category (e.g. Computer Animation)” * Submitting an entry to the Prix Ars Electronica is free of charge. ## Schedule * **Jury Sessions:** April 30 – May 3, 2020 * **Notification:** Winners of Golden Nicas, Awards of Distinction and Honorary Mentions will be notified before end of May, 2020. (Ars Electronica only notificate in case the project is selected the prize.) * **Awards Ceremony:** The Prix Ars Electronica 2020 awards presentation will take place during the Ars Electronica Festival 2020 in Linz (September 9-13, 2020). Winners of Golden Nicas and Awards of Distinction must make a commitment to accepting their awards in person and to presenting their works at the Prix Ars Electronica Forum, an artist symposium. Groups and institutions are requested to nominate a representative to fulfill this commitment. As guests of Ars Electronica, winners will receive complementary hotel and economy class airline tickets for their trip to Linz. --- ## Category - [ ] Computer Animation - [ ] Interactive Art + - [x] Digital Communities - [ ] u19 – create your world ## Project g0v.tw ### Title of the project* g0v.tw ### Description of the project* g0v (pronounced “gov zero”) is a polycentric civic tech community based in Taiwan. Established with the spirit of free speech, open source, and grassroots activism, g0v uses technology in the interest of the public welfare, eliminating information asymmetry while always facilitating independent thinking and collaboration. g0v is about trust in the power of the People. Substituting the “o” in “government” with “0”, g0v reimagines politics with the worldview of the digital natives and builds new mechanisms for all to govern together. Out of discontent with the disconnect between a bureaucratic government and the People, g0v was born in Taiwan in 2012. Since then, a sense of openness has gathered people from all walks of life, generating ideas that are poetic, progressive, useful, and radical. For engineers and designers, coders and artists, activists and professors, students and teachers, g0v is an open platform and its hackathons are safe spaces for ideas and values to be shared and debated, for old relations to be renewed and new connections to be made. The name “g0v” entered the public consciousness during the “318” occupy movement (a.k.a. Sunflower Movement starting on March 18) in 2014. g0v contributors brought with them hardware like power cables and WiFi stations, as well as software like Hackpad and Hackfoldr to keep everyone connected, so that speech transcripts, research materials, or disaster relief information can be co-created, gathered, and shared. As the public demands more openness and transparency from the government, g0v grows with this trend. In 2020, g0v doers gathered again, and utilized open data to help Taiwanese ride out the storm of pneumonia outbreak. The fact that people in Taiwan rushed to buy face masks brought about 100+ Face Mask apps developed. The first heatmap for face masks available was created by Howard Wu from Good-Ideas Studio. As a co-organizer of the g0v Hackathon in Tainan (DEC. 2019), Good-Ideas Studio facilitated the growth of the civic tech community by connecting local communities of Tainan, the southern of Taiwan. Namely, before the outbreak of COVID-19, the civic tech community was already prepared for a coping mechanism. ( Howard Wu reported that -- after the app released, tons of users flooded in within six hours and crashed the app. ) The public channel on g0v's Slack was bursting with people from all professions simultaneously; In no time, more than 100 contributors joined the development of the heatmap. With the help of Digital Minister, Audrey Tang, g0v and the wider open-source communities started to collaborate with the government and hosted the largest Face Mask Hackathon online. By using real-time inventory data API from National Health Insurance Administration, programmers worked against the clock to build up front and back ends. They released a new prototype of a real-time inventory data map of the face mask and made it open-sourced. The whole development process only took 72 hours or less, with at least 25 signed contributors and linked with many external communities. So far, there were 35,264 updates which stimulated countless applications. 2020 年,武漢肺炎爆發,g0v 貢獻者再度集結在這個平台,透過開放資料和各種工具的打造,幫助台灣渡過這個難關。去年,g0v 台南大松開始串連起南台灣公民科技社群的能量,新冠肺炎延燒初始,大松合辦團隊之一的好想工作室 Howard 開發了「超商口罩現況回報地圖」,地圖很快的被數以萬計的使用者湧入而造成當機。 g0v 社群同步多方關注,在 g0v Slack 主聊天室討論炸開,瞬間湧入上百位貢獻者,在唐鳳政委的協力下,與公部門順利整合,在線上展開全台最大口罩黑客松。許多人日以繼夜的趕工,以健保署的口罩即時庫存數據 API 產出前後端架構,釋出口罩即時庫存資訊地圖 prototype 並開放開源使用。 整個開發過程在 72 hr 內完成,有留下名號的社群貢獻者至少 25 人,也串連許多台灣許多開發者社群,至今累計 35,264 次版本更新次數,刺激無數應用陸續產生。 ### Type of the project* - [x] Coummunity Project - [ ] Publication - [ ] Social Software - [ ] Other ### Year the project was created* 2012 ### URL https://g0v.tw/ ### Credits - g0v.tw Contributors - Contributors of Wider Open-sorce Coummunity in Taiwan - International Partner of g0v.tw in Asia (Hong Kong, Japan and Korea) ### Support received from - g0v.tw Contributors - Wider Open-source Communities in Taiwan - International Partner of g0v.tw in Asia (Hong Kong, Japan and Korea) ### Objectives **公民科技社群的 COVID-19 防疫連線 Civic Tech Networking for COVID-19 Prevention: g0v and Wider Civic Tech Coummunity in Taiwan** - 公私協力:民間社群 + 唐鳳號召政府 - Government-Community Collaboration: g0v and Broader Civic Tech Coummunity in Taiwan, collaborated with government - In 2020, g0v doers gathered and utilized open data to help Taiwanese ride out the storm of pneumonia outbreak. With the help of Digital Minister, Audrey Tang, g0v and wider open-source communities started to collaborate with the government and hosted the largest Face Mask Hackathon online. By using real-time inventory data API from National Health Insurance Administration, programmers worked against the clock to build up front and back ends. - 假消息:防疫的假消息(Cofacts) - Fake News: Cofacts - g0v 社群的 Cofacts 扮演關鍵角色,從 2019 到 2020 年,台灣總統與立委選舉和新冠肺炎爆發期間,大量的假訊息在社群平台流竄,Cofacts 針對台灣人最常使用的通訊軟體 LINE,以 LINE 為基礎,開發了能夠協助使用者回報假訊息的機器人,並將機器人收到的資料回傳到資料庫,並以群眾協作的方式,共同對抗選舉和新冠肺炎相關的假消息。 - Cofacts, one of the well-known g0v projects, plays a key role for fact checking. From 2019 to 2020, during the presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan, and the outbreak of COVID-19, a large number of disinformation circulated amongst the social platforms. Based on LINE (a messaging app), Cofacts have developed a chatbot that can assist users to report disinformation. It will bring the data received by the chatbot back to the database, and Cofacts then invites crowds of voluntary editors to work against disinformation related to elections and COVID-19. - 在地與國際社群:g0v 黑客松 + 面海松) - Local and International Civic Tech Coummunity - 在台灣,有 g0v jothon 與台灣在地社群合作的 g0v 黑客松,在亞洲,g0v 國際交流工作小組(intl)與香港、日本及韓國的黑客自 2018 年底,開啟「面海松 Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack(FtO)」跨國黑客松,借鏡 g0v 黑客松的經驗,2019 年 6 月在日本沖繩舉辦第一次面海松 FtO、12 月在台南與 g0v 黑客松合流成為「面海大松」,就假訊息、女性權益、教育議題專案進行跨國協作,互通專案經驗。會後「面海松 FtO」社群仍於線上密切交流。武漢肺炎疫情爆發,日本 Code for Japan 創辦人関治之(Hal Seki)第一時間將台灣社群協作口罩平台的經驗寫成文章,引起日本公民科技圈極大迴響。在上週,Code for Japan 也繼台灣之後,催生被稱為「日本的奇蹟(日本の奇跡)」的公私協力專案「Tokyo COVID-19 Task Force」,台灣 g0v 貢獻者也發起翻譯協作,將平台內容翻成中文。而在東京都之後,現在已經有日本各地持續發展的版本。韓國黑客在台灣推出口罩資訊平台之後,韓國黑客以 g0v 社群協作平台作為範本,說服韓國政府開放資料,現在,韓國也有自己的口罩資訊平台。 - In Taiwan, there are g0v jothon working with local community. In Asia, the g0v-intl and civic hackers in Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea have started "Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack (FtO)". Contributors of FtO are from g0v, g0vhk, Code for Japan, Parti, slowalk, nullfull, and more local communities in our region. Forking the experience of g0v Hackathon, FtO coummunity held the first FtO Meet & Hack in Okinawa, Japan in June 2019. And FtO co-hosts together with g0v Hackathon in Tainan, December 2019. During the joint international event, disinformation, women's rights and educational projects were carried out through cross-border collaboration. After the above mentioned FtO gatheinrg in 2019, the FtO community continued to communicate closely online. Hal Seki, the founder of Code for Japan (also a member of FtO), wrote an article about the COVID-19 experience of Taiwan, which aroused great responses from the Japanese civic tech coumminity. After Taiwanese hackers launched mask information platform in Taiwan, Japanese hackers developed their own COVID-19 platform, and Korean hackers used g0v's experiences as a template to push Korean government for opening data. - 開放跨域協作:公民科技 > 其他領域(目前有藝文類) > 最後這個跨域協作實例可能不多,不一定要放。 [name=bess] ### Project History When talking about the co-creation from the government and civic tech communities, Taiwan is one of the pioneers in open government. In 2015, Taiwan was ranked No.1 in open data by Open Knowledge Foundation. From the government side, the former prime minister, San-Cheng Chang, emphatically led government departments and civil servants to open data ever since 2012. From the civil society point of view, the Taiwan-based civic tech community “g0v” (pronounced gov-zero) is known as one of the most important contributors to the global open government advocacy movement. g0v is a product of Taiwan’s bustling open-source and civic tech community, and brings together a diverse cast of engineers, designers, coders and political activists to come together and solve issues of common concern. Formed in 2012, the g0v community gained large-scale attention for some of its heralding civic tech projects that brought social and political changes during the 2014 Taiwan Occupy Movement (or the Sunflower Movement),and moreover, the 2014, 2016 and 2018 Taiwan elections. After the rotation of political parties in 2016, Taiwan has its first Digital Minister, Audrey Tang, a world famous open-source programmer from g0v community. Since g0v formed in 2012, the hackathon team (it became g0v jothon task force at 2014) routinely hold bi-monthly hackathon (hack + marathon) by gathering engineers, designers, journalists and government officers, to propose their projects in collaboration with other professions. Nowadays, g0v is engaging nearly 7,000 people on the Slack and 140k subscribers on Facebook. Since 2016, g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant encourages NGO/NPO activist to participate, especially the people who were not familiar with civil tech. The g0v Grants aims to encourage talented individuals and teams to join the civic tech community and to accelerate the incubation phase of projects. Hosted by g0v Hackathon Organizer Team (g0v jothon), "g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant" is funded by influential media groups, IT firms, and NGOs. The grant awardees are selected based on their projects’ potentials and communal benefits through an open proposal process. Along with the g0v hackathons, g0v Grants aims to further support projects with potential larger influences, butterfly effects and new possibilities. Many influential civic tech projects has been supported such as "Cofacts (the disinformation fact-checking chatbot)", "National Tressure" (crowdsourcing and gamification to digitize image files from historical archives), "US Taiwan Watch (the platform shares instant translations, reviews, and updates on US policies regarding Taiwan)", "Taiwan Voter Guide(the platform provides infographic information regarding candidates' parties, backgrounds, policies, etc., for voters to understand easily)" and "Taiwan Gods Hand Project (An open-souce project of artificial limb)" 2018, inspired by g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant, the Office of the President of Taiwan started to host "Presidential Hackathon". And g0v Summit 2018 task force held the g0v Summit 2018 at Taipei, Taiwan. g0v-intl task force and civic hackers in Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea started the "Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack (FtO)" In 2019, g0v Hackathon Organizer Team (g0v jothon) cooperated with more cross-sectoral organizations, including the cooperation with Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab for "g0v Re-open C-lab Hackath34n", and with Taipei City councilors the "g0v Open Taipei City Council Hackath36n". And in 2020, the civic tech networking for presidential and legislative elections in Taiwan, and COVID-19 Prevention. 2016 - g0v CivicTech Prototype Grant by g0v jothon,鼓勵開發很多創新專案,例如:Cofacts 國家寶藏 美國國會台灣觀測站 透明足跡的子計畫(Open 集團) 投票指南,硬體計畫有像是阿龜微氣候 台灣神手開源義肢 和台灣路更平 無人機山難搜救。 2018 - 總統府受到公民科技獎助金啟發而開辦總統盃黑客松 2018 - g0v Summit 2018 2018 - g0v-intl 引用 g0v 黑客松經驗,跟香港日本韓國合作面海松,面海松社群也在黑客防疫連線扮演重要角色。 2019 - g0v.tw 的工作小組跟更多人合作,g0v jothon 與空總 C-LAB 合作再開放空總黑客松,跟留位台北市議員合作開放台北市議會黑客松。 2020 - 台灣選舉資料與公民科技防疫資訊平台 ### People > 待修:增加貢獻者職業組成和一些團隊介紹? > General / by project (如: 口罩地圖, 政府加入) We are “nobody.” We were born at the first utterance of the words “Ask not why nobody is doing it. You are nobody.” That’s g0v’s motto. We are g0v and g0v are us. We came into this world in 2012, when the founders joined together to have a rough consensus on our shared values of free speech, open source, and an everlasting pursuit for the public welfare. We are now everywhere and connected, in companies, governments, and local communities. We are doers. We have hosted 39 bi-monthly hackathons, co-created many impactful projects. We are open by default. We have built a civic tech news platform and made many international exchanges. We are about to host our third biennial summit to continue reaching out to the world, and reaching in to re-examine our values and strengthen our bonds. We are “nobody.” We are you. We will never stop collaborating, developing new tools, exploring new models of organization, experimenting on new forms of media, and creating new, meaningful relations. ### Lessons Learned The civic tech community is a platform for citizen to collaborate with the government, and g0v facilitates the progress. For the case of epidemic prevention, g0v communities gathered open data from the government and accelerated the feedback loops by created staging prototypes for applications. As a result, the Taiwan government’s work on epidemic prevention was based on the feedback from the civic society, making the local instant feedback more influencial and useful than the announcements of the China government or WHO suggestions. We have to learn from history in order not to make the same mistake. Taiwan reacted to COVID-19 quickly because our previous SARS experiences left us a lot of SOP. With past experiences, government agencies, civil organizations, and hospitals know what to do. Moreover, the government took early actions and provided credible data API so the civic socity could come up with diverse services and apps. This can be a good example of civic hacking in the future. 公民科技社群是公民合作的平台 g0v能夠協助更快速地搜集民情(feedback)回應民間需求 g0v負責整合串接數據做應用,回應民間的需求 (如,透過數據發現了口罩實名制1.0無法滿足上班族購買口罩的需求,為因應於此,推出線上通路販賣實名制) 整個系統如同rapid prototype一樣。直接在民間測試,並iterating出better solutions 公私協力(private-public collabortaion)的公民科技是最好的協作典範 民間社群先想出 solution (超商口罩地圖) > 政府發現政策需要修正 > 民間社群根據超商口罩地圖經驗想出 solution 2 藥局口罩地圖 > 政府根據 solution 判斷是否釋出資料 > 釋出藥局和口罩庫存資料 > 民間社群串接資料進行應用,並得到更多民間回饋(藥師和一般大眾) > 政府再根據民間回饋(從購買資料發現都是小孩跟老人在買,發現上班族購買需求)釋出更好的政策版本(口罩平台 2.0) > to be countined... 但已經是世界目前最好的協作案例,也證明有效 >>> 舉各種台灣防疫很強的例子,目前僅 4X 例確診之類,口罩很便宜大部分都有(對比亞洲其他國家或歐美都買不到口罩) 國際讚譽 https://www.facebook.com/mofa.gov.tw/photos/a.215639112294072/775852396272738/?type=3&theater ### Keywords #opensource #civictech #COVID19 ### Software > 介紹專案和工具等等 Face Mask Platform of Taiwan: 100+ Mask apps https://g0v.hackmd.io/@kiang/mask-info Civic Tech Networking for COVID-19 Prevention: g0v and Wider Civic Tech Coummunity in Taiwan. g0v Hackathon https://jothon.g0v.tw/ g0v Hackathon as a platform to encourage talented individuals and teams to join the civic tech community and to accelerate the incubation phase of projects. Cofacts https://cofacts.g0v.tw/ Cofacts is a collaborative fact-cecking project with a chatbot in closed messaging app. It relies on volunteer editors to populate a database, so that the chatbot can send fact-checking replies to the chatbot users automatically. ### Hardware - [ ] Do you want to submit your project additionally to prize consideration for the STARTS Prize? ### Artist groups data * Name* g0v.tw * Photo * Nationality* Taiwan * History * Contact email* * Contact phone* * Url --- ## 2018 的文件 Description of your work g0v.tw is an online community that pushes information transparency, focusing on developing information platform and tools for the citizens to participate in society. Substituting the “o” with “0″ in gov, the new “g0v” not only stands for rethinking the role that the government plays from the bottom up, but also represents the world view of 0 and 1 in the digital natives generation. Based on the spirit of open source, g0v cares about freedom of speech and open data, writing code to provide citizens the easy-to-use information service. The transparency of information can help citizens to have a better understanding on how the government works, to understand the issues faster and to avoid media monopoly, so they can monitor the government more efficiently, and become involved in actions and finally deepen the quality of democracy. In 2012, when the government released an advertisement of its Economic Power-Up Plan. Unsatisfied with government’s asymmetrical and non-transparent attitude, Wu became skeptical about its policy executing efficiency and direction. As a result, he and his friends together founded g0v.tw, and in December of the same year, the organization launched its first event, named “g0v.tw hackath0n” which attracted more than expected number of participants, and this online community officially started. g0v.tw has a great variety of contributors, including web developers, high-classed programmers from famous corporation (like Google, Apple, Yahoo, HTC, Canonical, Mediatek, Trend and etc.), elite hackers, professors, NGO/NPO activist, students, writers, artist, designers and other professionals from every aspect. People gather here to share his or hers expertise, learn together and generate meaningful results. Everyone is always welcomed to join g0v.tw with passion and a devoted attitude. Project History With the co-creation from the government and civic tech communities, Taiwan is one of the pioneers in open government. In 2015, Taiwan was ranked No.1 in open data by Open Knowledge Foundation. From the government side, the former prime minister, San-Cheng Chang, emphatically led government departments and civil servants to open data since 2012. From the civil society side, a Taiwan civic tech community “g0v” (pronounced gov-zero) is known as one of important contributors to the global open government advocacy movement. g0v is a product of Taiwan’s bustling open-source and civic tech community, and brings together a diverse cast of engineers, designers, coders and political activists to come together and solve issues of common concern. Formed in 2012, the g0v community gained large-scale attention for some of its heralding civic tech projects that brought social and political change during the 2014 Taiwan Occupy Movement (or the Sunflower Movement) and the 2014 and 2016 Taiwan election cycles. After the rotation of political parties in 2016, Taiwan has the first Digital Minister, Audrey Tang, the world famous open-source programmer from g0v community. Under the wave of civic tech and energetic open-source activities, Open Culture Foundation(OCF) was formed by those open-source communities as a supporting legal union. Since g0v formed in 2012, it routinely hold bi-monthly hackathon (hack+marathon) by gathering engineers, designers, journalists and government officers, to propose their projects in collaboration with other professions. With 3000 people on the Slack and 130k subscriber on Facebook nowadays. Many influential civic tech projects has been delivered such as visualization of central government’s budget, crowdsourcing digitization of political donations and vTaiwan, an online policy-making discussion platform. Funding of this project Around 6k USD for bi-monthly hackathon per year, by crowdfunding or monthly donation. Around 166k to 250k per year for Civic Tech Grant project and 1.5 staff from 2016 to 2018, funded by private sectors (CSR sections of Telecom, Media and Tech companies) Objectives g0v.tw is a community that advocates transparency of information, also known as open data. We are passionate coders, designers, activists, educators, writers and citizens from across Taiwan. Through working together to bring data into the open, we hope to build a better Taiwan for its citizens. To join g0v, all you need is to be ready and willing to use your expertise or energy for our cause. Freedom of Speech and Information Transparency Built on the spirit of the open-source community, g0v stands for freedom of speech and information transparency. We aim to use technology in the interest of the public good, allowing citizens easy access to vital information. Opening up and making data public allows the people of Taiwan to take a closer look at politics and important issues. This gives them the tools needed to evaluate their government and exert their democratic right to decide how politicians act. Independent and Transparent We cooperate through our website, g0v.tw, and through open platforms, such as IRC, hackpad and github, among others. Our work is also done through open events, such as our “hackathons”. Everything we produce — source code, documents, formulas, analyses and processes — is made available for anyone to view, react to, use and improve. Sanguine on Fostering Change At g0v, we love to seek out problems and explore solutions. Further, we are willing to take action to implement these solutions. Through various types of cooperation, we multiply the impact and creativity of our ideas. We aim to bring about change and are not willing to resort to cynicism or apathy. Liquid Democracy g0v doesn’t have a leader or spokesperson. We are a liquid democracy. Participants decide what to work on and are at the heart of our communal culture. Using Liquid Democracy techniques, our community makes decisions on important issues and strategic direction. People What is the core team carrying the project? How many (groups of) individuals are currently involved as members or users? How would you characterize the people participating in the project? Is access to the project open or restricted? g0v hackathon organizers “jothon” is the executive team of g0v.tw bi-monthly hackathons. There are 8 persons in the team with different types of profession, like elite hackers, lawyer, NGO/NPO activist, writers, filmmakers and arts administrator. The team also work on g0v community infrastructure and launched g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant. Learned What has worked / what has not worked in the process of realization of your project? g0v bi-monthly hackathon gathering engineers, designers, journalists and government officers, to propose their projects in collaboration with other professions, meanwhile, g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant encouraging NGO/NPO activist, especially people who don’t use civil tech very well. Through the g0v Civic Tech Prototype Grant, we know there are a lot of people who can realize the problem in the society but can’t use technical tool to help themself, even if entire society. We need to put more focus on eliminating the problems generated by digital differences in the society, or encouraging more creative ways to make things easy. The best civil tech is let every civilizations know how to use it to solve the problem for better future. Solution If your submission is a software, please describe the problem it is answering to, what solutions and most important features it offers. Not Applicable. Although there are many software projects in the g0v community, the nominee is the community itself. Statement of Reasons why the submitted project is deserved to win a price The g0v community is unique in similar civic tech efforts around the world, in the way that the multi-centralized community organizes itself in extremely transparent and inclusive ways, attracting contributors from not just open source software developers. Planned Use of Prize Money 80%, bi-monthly hackathon 20%, operation costs Work Technical Details Development Team Not applicable. STARTS Prize Do you want to submit your project additionally to prize consideration for the STARTS Prize (starts-prize.aec.at)? The jury preferentially select projects with a European dimension and/or a clear reference to one of the European priorities such as innovation, education, inclusion or sustainability. Please indicate, if applicable, the core European aspects of the submitted project: Materials Submitted material https://g0v.tw/en-US/ https://grants.g0v.tw/power/en