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# g0ver × NDI: interviewing g0vers for a civic tech video
Hi there! My name is Victoria from [NDI](https://www.ndi.org/) and I am working on a short documentary-like video on civic tech/g0v/and democracy. My organization has been a friend of g0v and Code for All for many years (I have met a few of you at various times in Taipei :)) and I am really excited for this opportunity. You can read more about the schedule of filming here: https://g0v.hackmd.io/HaIQVQpLQ8i-ixUDyXtBCQ
Please find my interview questions below which will be used for the video regarding g0v and your work (I will be interviewing three people from the community - someone representing 0archive, someone representing cofacts, and someone from g0v who is also in government), I look forward to your input!
## Questions
### What is civic tech (generally no one definition, it empowers people)?
Tech that strengthens the civil society.
### What is civic tech’s role in democracy?
### Can you speak towards the civic tech scene in Taiwan?
### What falls under the civic tech umbrella?
### What is g0v (what is g0v’s history)?
it started with a group of people in 2012. back then when they faced the government of Taiwan at the time was promoting certain policies in a "just trust the gov and don't worry about it" attitude, they decided to roll up their sleeves and find out what the government actually is doing, using tech tools. by inspiring more people to join their cause in an open collaborative way, we as a community established our values on open collaboration, hands-on spirit to solve the problem instead of talking about it, and care for civil society.
### What does g0v do?
g0v is a community of people and projects.
### As an individual, can you tell me how and why you got involved in g0v?
I was curious of how g0v works and the only way to find out is to get involved.
### In your opinion, what makes g0v unique from other similar organizations?
g0v is not an organization. it is a community of people and projects.
### What is your role in g0v?
I was a programmer in the early days, and now I do more and more organizing works.
My first project at g0v was an interview as an outsider. Now I’m a project coordinator & a task force organizer.
### What projects are you working on right now?
g0v international and 0archive.
g0v international and 0archive.
### Can you tell me about cofacts?
### Can you tell me about 0archive?
Archive of Taiwan’s info space. 0archive has many starting points.
### How does this project work to combat the issues they look to fix?
Issues: information manipulation/operation, media literacy education
Collect data, conduct analysis, produce content.
### Why are you and others doing this work?
So that I (we?) have things to do, not just worries to talk about.
### How do these issues affect the Taiwanese people?
### Do you think these issues affect or will affect other people in other countries?
YES. In different ways. There are always weaknesses in ourselves and our societies.
### How can other people get involved and help in their countries?
Open-source collab.
Spread the word about Taiwan, an independent democratic country that is not part of China.
### What is your advice to other citizens, civil activists, or civic technologists in other countries?
Get data. Data is a platform for conversations.
## Licensing
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.