--- tags: cofacts, meeting note GA: UA-98468513-3 --- 20200603 會議紀錄 ===== orz, bil, 文武, Lucien ,darkbtf, ggm Workis > 上次開會紀錄:https://g0v.hackmd.io/@mrorz/SJD9LwoiL ## 台南小聚、講座檢討 文武:更新了偵測尚未領取的 tab 的 script orz: 已同步更新到樣板檔 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oijd-RfLOZGVhyhE4h-Sw8PxcyJ9oy7VL82Jxf_wD7c/edit#gid=2128743333 Before: - 圖片無法ctrl-c + ctrl-p,必須整 sheet 複製 - 程式要分開複製 After 1. clone https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oijd-RfLOZGVhyhE4h-Sw8PxcyJ9oy7VL82Jxf_wD7c/edit#gid=2128743333 2. import need-to-check xlsx to cloned 分配表 3. 設定 trigger (但程式應該已經就位) bil 台南人都很誠懇 台南大學共 12 人,一人分 2 tab,處理了 400 多篇 好想工作室的環境 - 記得先申請 iRent - 廁所在對角線 - 飲水機的水滿冰 - 交通方便也有電梯 - 高雄人不少,可以一起經營 ## Youtube API audit (Deadline: 5/29) > Subject: YouTube API Services Form 寫了信說 - ombed 拿 title - 把所有連結丟去第三方 archiver - 無法趕上 5/29 Youtube 回說 > 1. Please confirm that the API Client is completely removing the YouTube API services from the API Client website > 2. Kindly confirm, whether you want us to close this Audit request ? 我回問「close audit request」是什麼意思惹。 ## Google analytics [![](https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_8cee75784749874883234c0f5676516a.png)](https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#/report/content-event-events/a98468513w144848466p149536672/explorer-table.secSegmentId=analytics.eventLabel&explorer-table.plotKeys=%5B%5D&explorer-table.rowStart=0&explorer-table.rowCount=100) - Article reply 顯示的字數真的太少了,導致「閱讀全文」一直被按 ## Devs :rocket: Production launch ### Website - Search page PR: https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-site/pull/256 - Hooks: https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-site/pull/258 ### API - Fix `ArticleReplyFeedback` filter bug: https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/pull/171 - `articleRepliesFrom` for `ListArticles` https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/pull/172 ### Chatbot - Cannot read property 'sessionId' of undefined: https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-line-bot/issues/192 ![](https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_d9088f68feea779161585f8d1be7b729.png) ## 開發計畫 MrOrz - rumors-api + rumors-db: userId & appId ( https://g0v.hackmd.io/ZcoUOX_-RQSkJyl5xz4_Zg ) - rumors-line-bot: line ID token processing ( https://g0v.hackmd.io/eIeU2g86Tfu5VnLazNfUvQ#Implementation-detail-2020510 ) orz: 6/4 做 rumors-api + rumors-db 文武: 6/4 整理 LINE login PR ### Cofacts Next! blocking items - Article page analytics API: https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/issues/166 - Archiving all hyperlinks in data archiving services - Mitigate Youtube API audit: https://g0v.hackmd.io/6f87Zwo7QAOGx7rYK-QRfw - Increase url-resolver's throughput: https://github.com/cofacts/url-resolver/issues/69 - Provide more robust archive: https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/issues/136 - Fix RSS: old RSS is broken by new list page, needs fixing - Also track its usage https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-site/issues/222 > 作為編輯,我希望我有興趣的議題有新訊息時可以通知我,讓我可以即時回到 Cofacts 網站進行回應。 - Cofacts official website - Landing page - Profile page - RSS subscription dialog - Cofacts new production usability enhancement items (a.k.a. bug fixes) - highlight search snippet (searched text) https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/issues/51 - "我在 LINE 外頭看到的" trap bug https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-line-bot/issues/190 - chatbot "sessionId of undefined" bug https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-line-bot/issues/192 - Handle chatbot user did not grant send message permission https://rollbar.com/mrorz/rumors-line-bot/items/216/ - optimize chatbot states https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-line-bot/issues/177 - ## 非營利組織:申請「科技濃湯」 - 免費非營利組織 Google Apps + 每個月一萬塊美金的 Google 關鍵字廣告贊助,用來推廣組織網站 https://www.techsoup-taiwan.org.tw/faq/google - 一年 2000 USD 的 AWS 點數 https://www.techsoup-taiwan.org.tw/node/6290