--- tags: cofacts, meeting note --- 20191106 會議記錄 ===== 文武、Lucien、Orz、kin ko@Likecoin、GGM (沒飲料) > 上次開會紀錄:https://g0v.hackmd.io/@mrorz/r1DlCiIqr > > ## 下次小聚日期 - [ ] 主題: - 世界愛滋病日 - 感恩節(11/28) - [ ] 時間:12/1 14:00-17:00 - [x] KKTIX(bil上班寫) https://cofacts.kktix.cc/events/cofacteditor17?preview_token=fee6a0dfb71fcb379c6721ab931b6dbf - [x] 攜帶貼紙 - [x] 場地:青平台已確認 - [ ] 茶水 - [ ] 麥克風+插座+網路 - [ ] 投影機 - [ ] 延長線 - [ ] 食物 - [ ] 垃圾 - [ ] Talk - [ ] wifi - [ ] Nighthawk M1 + 4G sim - [ ] ASUS RT-N12 Wireless N300 (2x 5dbi高增益天線) - [ ] 誰會來呢? bil, mrorz, 文武, lucien - [ ] 開場使用材料更新:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1QCAPtwkxreQ4EUtIWsOgR4c8h4tkRs22Qvv7jBFNrfI/edit#slide=id.g1ffc87ef17_0_23 ## Likecoin 討論 :::info 前情提要: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@mrorz/Sk6jmRvvS#%E8%87%A8%E6%99%82%E5%8B%95%E8%AD%B0 ::: - Cofacts 介紹 chatbot 使用者「覺得有用」機制 - 如何把 LINE bot 使用者轉化為 liker - 或者平台方透過 likecoin 發放「查核獎勵金」? ![](https://g0vhackmd.blob.core.windows.net/g0v-hackmd-images/upload_3fad95337a1c24a6e4637d3194b6b0a7) ![](https://g0vhackmd.blob.core.windows.net/g0v-hackmd-images/upload_ce5ace2d0382ee9ef242acfedb4a8a31) ## ~~MCOT ([Sure and share](http://www.mcotglobal.com/content/57fcb61c2f01f3c06fff56fd)) 來訪~~ Didn't make it ## 11/30, 12/1 Open UP Summit > Lucien 報名完成了嗎?可以更新 calendar Lucien: 對方還沒有回應,我要再 follow up ## cofact.org (OpenDream) 約時間討論社群 subject: Greetings from Cofacts - Connecting with FNF Thailand 再約 RR + Hazel ## ITS Rio > Subject: CoFacts and ITS Rio :) 採訪共筆:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bkGBKTYxm7mHIErzKystxM-8PkwBADQoLgxbDELokUk/edit 回應格式:(暱稱) 想說的話 Orz: bil 填完了 <3 ## 12/6 ~ 11 - Google Trusted Media Summit APAC 可以去的人: - 比鄰 (五六) - HC & Jane (main conference 兩天) Agenda: - (五) Product Working Group (Dec 6) - (六日) Main Summit (Dec 7-8) - (一) December 9: Misinformation in Medicine Forum: A one-day event to build collaboration between journalists, doctors and technologists to combat the misinformation epidemic in health in Asia. - (一) December 9: Responsible Reporting Workshop: Standards and best practices for creating and disseminating verifications/ fact-checks in multiple mediums (text, photo, video), led by First Draft - (二三) Dec 10-11: Taking Verification to the Next Level: For experienced fact-checkers/ verification experts, led by OSINT expert Eoghan Sweeney - (ㄧ~三) December 9-11: Media Literacy Bootcamp: A three-day meeting for journalists, community groups and educators focused on building a network of media literacy practioners in Asia-Pacific, evidence-based best practices and measurement. 問: - 12/9 "Misinformation in Medicine Forum" 的部份我們要問社團嗎? - 私下問 a***** - 將台灣 google 手上的的 fact checker 名單與 Google News Initiative sync 一下 - 回信時要帶到其他 fact-checker 與台灣研究團隊,讓 Irene 想想要邀誰 :::success MrOrz: ::: ## Facebook bot > discussion with HC > Last discussion: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@GuJ5fZ3uR-O09mlTi1w2UQ/rJUCYp2SB#Facebook-chatbot > Github issue: https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-fb-bot/issues/4 介紹了新的聯絡人,HC聯絡中 :::info TODO - Production deployment - HC 這兩天會更新 token,放 heroku free dyno - 等 Facebook 回應 app review 相關事項,轉手到其他人那邊了 - testing app ::: ## Rumors-site 升級 next9 1. [x] Article list --> PR to dev 2. [x] Article page (見 API 更新) 3. [x] Reply list 4. [x] reply page 5. [x] docker build 6. [x] landing page 7. [ ] 上 staging 8. [ ] All i18n (including levels...) 9. [ ] RSS feed ## 其他信件 ### NHK假新聞現況調查 > Subject: NHK假新聞現況調查 orz: 他們是不是不知道台北支局有來採訪過我們 @@ 已寄採訪共筆,目前尚未回信,不知道會不會有採訪 :::success Update: 可能會來小聚 ::: ### 美國之音 已經轉介國內其他團體,應該不會採訪 Cofacts。 orz: 感覺這份轉介的信件,可以一直複製貼上給其他來訪的人 XD :::success No action ::: ### contact from Nick Monaco ????? :::success Chill :::