--- tag: web3 --- # Studi0 2/9 Meeting Notes 時間:2023/2/9 7PM Taipei time 會議地點:NPO hub 四樓 出席 - Noah - Liying - Mashbean - Isabel - Stephanie ![](https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_5874bb9c00b207a2f4e5408caa9d8e80.jpg) ## Recap - PL 近況更新 - 團隊組成確認:Noah, Liying, Isabel, Stephanie (Mashbean as early consultant) - 報酬形式確認:Core team, Guerrilla team Hypercerts - 假設目標確認:To prove retroactive funding is possible - 開會時間:每週四晚上七點在 NPO Hub ## Compensation - 目標 - 為了後期 Hypercerts 資金籌措建立典範標準,並從中學習經驗 - 參考數據 Fund management fee - VC : 0.2%~2% of AUM(Asset under management) - American Red Cross : Ops<5%, 91% to programs - World Vision : 85% to programs - Doctor without Borders : 89% to programs - Nature Conservancy : 71.2% to programs - 暫定募資目標為 500K 美金 - 75% to programs = 375K USD - 15% to Studi0 contributors = 75K USD - 10% to foundations = 50K USD - Among 15% to Studi0 contributors - 8% buys back core team Hypercerts - 5% buys back guerrilla team Hypercerts - 2% operations fee (會提早從 PL fund 提出) - Issuance of Hypercerts - Core team - 10 Hypercerts per month per person - Estimated 10 months - 400 total Hypercerts - 如果時程拉長,我們再以多數決討論解決方案 - Guerrilla team - 總發行數與 core team Hypercerts 數量相同 - 豆泥 will be taking consultant role,並領取 Guerrilla Hypercerts - 如果沒發完,建議還是用 5% 買回,增加市場的故事 - 是否發行給外部人員則也同樣多數決決定 - FtC Showcase - Showcase this new funding model at FtC to inspire possibilities ## Decision making - 五人多數決 - Noah - Liying - Mashbean - Isabel - Stephanie ## 募資項目及主題 - Goal : 證明慈善企業及慈善家們願意甚至偏好用溯源方式捐款,也證明成功的影響力創造者可以獲得比預期更高的財務報酬 - Rationale : Focus on high impact, high effort project, accompany this with low effort, high diversity projects - 減塑:台灣連鎖加盟協會 - Goal : 證明企業的 ESG program 資金可大量導向此處 - High impact, high effort - 社企與連鎖廠商都應該是捐助對象 - [Previous relevant success case](https://readers.ctee.com.tw/cm/20191115/a44ac8/1021920/6c44038fc509ad93357fb030d6267a75/share) - [Example alternative view](https://si.taiwan.gov.tw/Home/sdgs/environmental) - 評量方式、人力分配、可行程度 to be verified by Stephanie - 新聞:在場 - Goal : 證明產業內在乎特定議題的企業願意讓資金注入,並示範改變不健康的產業生態的可能性 - Mideum effort, high signal - 教育:da0/小學校台大課程 - Goal : 證明個人慈善家資金可用 Hypercerts 注入課程,改變未來教育生態的可能性 - Low effort, high signal - FAB DAO initiatives - To be shared by 豆泥 ## 募資目標 - To be discussed - 需要 Stephanie 在減塑上的預估 - 需要 Noah 跟在場確認金額預估 ## 稅務法律架構及合作對象 - Isabel 詢問開拓的可能性 ## Hypercerts 中文 - da0 協作層提供的選擇 - 影響力憑證 - 超級證書 - Hypercerts - Isabel 問 AU ## FtC 時間 - Noah 問 Jacky,看適不適能接在前後 ## Action Items - 減塑評量方式、人力分配、可行程度、募資目標範圍 to be verified by Stephanie - Noah 確認在場的資金需求 - 豆泥準備分享 FAB DAO 的執行方式與專案 - 豆泥確認是否承接 Hypercerts - 募資目標需要 Stephanie 在減塑上的預估 - 募資目標需要 Noah 跟在場確認金額預估 - Isabel to explore possibility of working with 開拓 - Isabel to explore Hypercerts translation with AU - Noah to explore FtC dates with Jacky - 豆泥請確認下次開會時間點 ## 下周會議時間地點 - 時間:2/15 週三 12:30PM - 地點:台北車站附近