--- tag: web3 --- # Studi0 1/18 Meeting Notes 時間:2023/1/18 11AM Taipei time 會議地點:NPO hub 四樓 出席 - Noah - Liying - Mashbean - Isabel - Stephanie ## Action items for each - Noah:Team structure & Incentives - 豆泥:Conitunue to explore projects with Noah - Isabel:Explore potential problems with model through Sch00l 以零時小學校為例探索模式的潛在問題 - Liying:Structure contracts with legal entities 與資金捐贈者如何以合約介接? - Stephanie:How might we design metrics so corporations might buy in? 從企業角度 Metrics 該如何設計? ![](https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_f28c58f3fee6e7d9f4a3e610f92cbe1a.JPG) # 釐清問題 Clarifications ## Purpose & scope of the experiment #### Main goal/main experiment : Create Market Signal - Objective : Create Market Signal for Hypercerts - Corporate, foundation and other traditional funding WOULD invest/donate to proven impact with this retroactive, alternative method called hypercerts - 企業、基金會與其他傳統金援對實際發揮影響力的組織,會將溯源投資當作未來的實際選擇之一 - The experiment : 以 Studi0 作為『企業代表』以資金買回 Hypercerts,代表本期企業願意這麼做,達成短期目標,給其他企業參考跟進 - Showcase corporates might buy - Showcase contributors might earn - Metrics for success - Contributors get paid more than expected - Volunteers would expect anything above zero, but paid work by NGOs and projects who already receive donations might think differently - 專案貢獻者得到比期望更多的報酬 - ex 1. 志工的期望薪酬是 0,任何數字都比 0 高 - ex 2. 若是本來就有薪酬者,則期望會比原先薪資更高 - ex 3. 有既有捐款的專案,期望收到更高的捐款 - 這其中有個弔詭的點是本來的捐款都是給到專案主理人手上,現在的金援會直接到 Hypercerts 的擁有者手上,專案在中間是否願意這麼做?一個可能的方式是讓專案主理人保留原先捐款,Hypercerts 只做額外,而不是跟既有捐款分割 - 如此一來我們就能對募款目標有個大概的掌握,可試算應該募到多少金額,並定義多多少才算是 "More than expected" - 我們是否可以只 target 志工? - Key results - Raised amount : Twice the expected pay of contributors? - 募款金額:貢獻者 Expected pay 的兩倍總和? - Funder credibility : Legitimate funders makes the signal more true - 資金信任度:若是富邦台新等資金進來,可能比小型基金會的 Market signal 來得有效,如果有二十個金援來源,可能比兩個來的有效 - Number of funders or legitimacy of individual funder? - 這個目標如何設立?是贊助者的數量,還是特定贊助者? - Media target : How might we set a target for awareness? Or would this be a job for PL? - 媒體溝通:我們是否需要為市場的知名度設定目標?或是把這個工作轉交回給 PL。 #### Secondary goal(s) : To show possibilities(optional) - Objective : Show possibilities of Dashboard Exposure & Art Involvement - 目標:溝通曝光造成的買壓與影響力藝術的可能 - Key Results - KR1 : Launch of Opensource Dashboard at FtC (or earlier) - KR1 : 在 FtC 上發佈開源的影響力 Dashboard(或更早,FtC 可以是升級版) - KR2 : Iterations of experiments with art x hypercerts - KR2 : 一系列的影響力展覽實驗,or sth else, whatever 豆泥 think might work - KR3 : Standalone sessions & stage at FtC Taiwan - KR3 : 在 FtC 獲得足夠的曝光 #### FtC Deliverable : Showcase proofs & possibilities at FtC - To be confirmed with PL - Our assumption of FtC would entail - From da0 - Showcase successful projects & experiments - Hypercerts Studio experience sharing - Art x Hypercerts exposure - Hypercerts dashboard exposure - From PL - PL sharing - International case sharing - International speakers - New tech improvement launches ## Why would funders go for Hypercerts? - 既有好處 Existing benefits - 減稅 Tax reduction - 品牌及故事建立 PR, stories, reputations - 運用 Hypercerts 好處 - 不增加企業多餘工作,保有既有好處 No extra work for funders - 參與全球前端公共財實驗(更多故事與品牌建立) Participate in the most advanced global public goods experiment (story & branding) - Funding the Commons 全球曝光(Global exposure through FtC) ## Why would projects go for Hypercerts? - 啟動快速 - Speedy kickoff - 獲得比期望更高的報酬,推測 Studio 的募資能力 - Speculation on Hypercerts Studio's fundraising abilities ## Other TBDs - How many projects? 3, 5, 10? - to be added 四個方向先筆記不確定有沒有需要(偏務實方向) 1. 將 HyperCert 嵌入 FAB DAO 公益 NFT Pipeline 最近 FAB DAO 正在進入分散自治環節,其中已有NPO協力組與HyperCert協力組,或許我們毋需讓他們參與HyperCert 平台執行層次,而是做好 guideline 請他們大量幫忙 NPO 發行公益 NFT倡議或募款(一直以來在做的事),然後這種協力過程同步發HyperCert,創造小規模但多元的 HyperCert 出來 2. 碳權 HyperCert 導入企業 ESG 尋找已經成熟的台灣植樹社企,且最好其碳權標準與國際對接可買賣,在其基礎上另闢 HyperCert 做 MVP,這塊我想預算不用大,可能二三十萬台幣就可以在論壇上報告了,企業也看得懂。 3. 數位產業署正在執行「公益創新100」,要找100個公民科技提案來battle,總計要灑出7600萬台幣,第一期正在評審中,這可能是最好的二級收購方,或許我們可以找執行單位談談,在其基礎上發行HyperCert,在淘汰賽過程中引入民間小額投資。一來幫助申請團體前期資本,而來讓小鵝參與者可能有回本的機會(社會債券) 4. 民主網絡司正在討論未來四年的部門預算,我覺得他們還沒有很懂web3的行動方法,目前正在聯合外部單位與顧問丟議題炸彈進去,但我還不確定如何具體制定這塊。 --- # To be confirmed ## What would be the best time for our routine meeting? --- # Action Item Sections ## Noah:Team structure & Incentives ## 豆泥:Conitunue to explore projects with Noah ## Isabel:Explore potential problems with model through Sch00l 以零時小學校為例探索模式的潛在問題 ## Liying:Structure contracts with legal entities 與資金捐贈者如何以合約介接? ## Stephanie:How might we design metrics so corporations might buy in? 從企業角度 Metrics 該如何設計? ## Other notes ![](https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_f672c6a2492e61f733c5a85d8454b7de.PNG)