tags: digital-resilience, resilience, internet-shutdown, digiresi, civil-defense, 民防, 數位韌性松, DigiResiTh0n, hackathon, civil defense, meshtastic
image: https://adrelien.com/blog/content/images/2024/02/meshtastic.png
title: 來寫一個小白都會用的Meshtastic App吧!開發日誌
# 來寫一個小白都會用的Meshtastic App吧!開發日誌
# 2024.8.31
- **建置開發環境**:到[這裡](https://developer.android.com/studio?hl=zh-tw)下載安裝包,之後都是下一步下一步就是了。
> 我虛擬機裝的Android 11,因為沒有這版本的實體機,不確定全部功能都能否使用。[name=minexo79]
- **新增打招呼快捷按鈕**:利用原有的QuickChat功能,在「第一次」開啟App的時候新增預設按鈕。
> 這是我第一次寫Kotlin就上手,在此之前我都沒有寫過XD [name=minexo79]
## Meshtastic Android Build
以下節錄自[Building the Android App - Meshtastic.org Docs](https://meshtastic.org/docs/development/android/)
- Clone Git / Fork Git From `https://github.com/meshtastic/Meshtastic-Android`.
- Use `git submodule update --init --recursive` to pull in the various sub-modules we depend on.
- There are a few config files which you'll need to copy from templates included in the project. Run the following commands to do so:
rm ./app/google-services.json
cp ./app/google-services-example.json ./app/google-services.json
rm ./app/src/main/res/values/curfirmwareversion.xml
cp ./app/special/curfirmwareversion.xml ./app/src/main/res/values/
新版的 (v2.4.4 / master) 改成
rm ./app/google-services.json
cp ./app/google-services-example.json ./app/google-services.json
- Now you should be able to select "Run / Run" in the IDE and it will happily start running on your phone or the emulator.
## Source Code
- MainActivaty.kt
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
val prefs = UIViewModel.getPreferences(this)
// 2024.8.31 Blackcat: First run Set Default Quick Chat Options
if (!prefs.getBoolean("app_set_init_quick_chats", false)) {
lifecycleScope.launch {
// 2024.8.31 Blackcat: add Taiwanese greet
prefs.edit { putBoolean("app_set_init_quick_chats", true) }
// Next Init ...
- UIState.kt
suspend fun initTaiwaneseGreetQuickChat()
// 2024.8.31 Blackcat: add Taiwanese greet
quickChatActionRepository.insert(QuickChatAction(0, "打招呼", "你好!", QuickChatAction.Mode.Instant, 0))
quickChatActionRepository.insert(QuickChatAction(0, "吃飽沒", "甲霸味?", QuickChatAction.Mode.Instant, 0))
quickChatActionRepository.insert(QuickChatAction(0, "問近況", "最近還好嗎?", QuickChatAction.Mode.Instant, 0))
quickChatActionRepository.insert(QuickChatAction(0, "敷衍他", "喔好喔", QuickChatAction.Mode.Instant, 0))
## Result