# 尋找研究參與者
大家好,我是台大社會學的碩士生,名字叫 “ㄙㄚㄇ”Sam/羅維。我碩士論文是關於台灣公民科技社群的國際參與模式,策略,目的,等。
參與者可自選使用匿名,(g0vslack )化名,或本名。
Slack ID: ㄙㄚㄇ(Sam)
Email: sampeterrobbins@gmail.com
LineID: samluowei
# 研究問題
## Background questions 背景問題
### Question
* In your own words, what is civic tech? What are its goals and how does it achieve them?
* When did you first participate in Taiwan’s civic tech community? Why did you get involved?
* Can you tell me about an event that left a big impression on you?
* 什麼是公民科技?公民科技的目的是什麼?他使用什麼樣的方法達到這些目的?
* 你最早什麼時候開始參與台灣的公民科技社群,當初是為什麼想要參加
* 你可以跟講一個你參與過印象深刻的活動嗎?
### Answer
> [name=ichieh]
> 打造讓一般公民也可以用來關心社會或議題的科技。公民科技希望公民參與可以從下至上,每個人都可以參與討論或決策。將參與的門檻降低,利用簡單的動作,聚集眾人之力來達到目的。例如:g0v 社群參與者與地球公民基金會合作的[農地違章工廠回報系統](https://about.disfactory.tw/?utm_source=ow&utm_medium=orgpost&utm_campaign=20200320debut)
> 最早是在太陽花學運才聽過 g0v,當初用了 g0v 參與者開發的工具,後來有參與了 ronny 開啟的[政治獻金數位化專案](https://campaign-finance.g0v.ctiml.tw/),每天輸入一兩筆,感覺也可以做些什麼。
## Past participation 您個人的參與紀錄
* When I talk about “international participation”, I am referring to participation in international civic tech/open data conferences (governmental or otherwise); participation in direct exchanges (online and in person) with members of civic tech organisations abroad; engagement with foreign media, and participation in international hackathons or other practical collaborative projects.
* 用詞說明:“國際參與”是指是參與國際公民科技/開放數據研討會,直接與國外的公民科技社群參與者溝通/交流,去其他國家參觀當地的公民科技社群,與國外記者的交流,參與國際黑客松/國際坑等活動
### Question
* Which of these events have you participated in?
* Which types do you participate in most frequently?
* When did you begin participating in international exchanges? What are your earliest memories of these events?
* What types of exchanges do you think are the most enjoyable and why? Can you give a specific example?
* What type of events do you think are the most useful or important and why? Can you give a specific example?
* 你有參與過上面哪些類型的活動,最常參加哪些?除了上面所提到的類型意外,你還能想到什麼樣的活動?
* 你最早參與的“國際活動”是哪一個?
* 你覺得上面哪一種活動最好玩?可以據以個例子嗎?
* 你覺得哪一種是最有幫助的呢?可以舉個例子嗎?
### Answer
## 1. Taiwan and the civic tech landscape 臺灣與公民科技場域
### Question
* Which organisations outside of Taiwan would you say the civic tech community has the strongest links with?
* Which partnerships are the most important for your organisation/for Taiwan?
* What differences do you think exist in collaborating with neighbouring countries like Japan as opposed to further away countries like the US?
* Have you ever cooperated with civic tech practitioners in Hong Kong or Macau? If so, when and why? If not, why not and would you be willing to?
* Have you ever cooperated with civic tech practitioners in China? If so, when and why? If not, why not and would you be willing to?
* Do you think Taiwan faces particular challenges in engaging with other organisations because of its international status?
* Do you think it is more important for Taiwan to engage abroad than it might be for other countries?
* Do you feel responsible for representing Taiwan when you are abroad? (If yes, can you give a concrete example of when you felt you had to represent Taiwan? What extra difficulties does this cause?
* 台灣的公民科技社群與國外的哪些機構/社群的連結是最強的?這是為什麼?
* 哪些是最重要的?
* (以你經驗)與鄰居國家的交流是否跟較遠的國家(像美國)的
* 您是否曾與香港或澳門的公民科技參與者合作?如果是這樣,什麼時候以及為什麼?如果不是,
* 您是否曾與中國的公民科技合作過?如果有,為什麼時候以及為什麼?如果不是,你會願意合作嗎?
* 您是否認為台灣因其國際地位而在與其他組織的交往中面臨特別的挑戰?
* 您是否認為台灣參與國際活動比其他國家重要?
* 您在國外代表台灣有責任嗎? (如果可以,您能舉一個具體的例子說明您何時代表台灣嗎?這還會造成什麼額外的困難?
### Answer
## 2. The value of international exchanges (continued) 國際交流的意義所在?
### Question
* the g0v manifesto states that "Through working together to bring data into the open, we{g0v} hope to build a better Taiwan for its citizens" what role do international exchanges play in achieving this goal?
* Do you feel part of an international civic tech community? How would you describe that community?
* What role does civic tech have in international politics?
* When you are participating in international events, what identities are important to you? (eg Taiwanese, engineer, member of the g0v community, female, liberal)
* Do you think that the civic tech community should focus on changing Taiwan, or the world? Or both?
* What information and resources have you obtained through international exchange?
* g0v宣言裡面有寫:“希望透過科技與協作改善台灣的公民環境”,你覺得國際的交流如何可以幫助g0v達到這個目標?
* 你在參與國際交流時與的到什麼樣的資訊,資源等
* 你會覺得有一個跨國的公民科技社群嗎?如有,你會認為自己是一個參與者/成員之一嗎?
* 你會認為公民科技對於國際關係是有影響力嗎?
* 再參與國際活動的時候,你會覺得你知道哪些身分是最重要的?(台灣人,工程師,g0v參與者,女性,自由主義者等)
* 台灣公民科技運動應該注重在改善台灣還是改善全世界?還是一切都是?
### Answer
## 3. Data 數據
### Question
* What data do you commonly use in your work/activism? Where does it come from? Is it mainly from Taiwan ?
* 你在工作或者行動主義當中所使用的數據平時來自於哪裡? 主要來自於台灣嗎
### Answer
> [name=chewei]
> [臺灣好植地 Patch by Planting](https://sites.google.com/view/tree-taiwan/),專案透過衛星資料分析了解 Green Cover,專案使用 Landsat 8 衛星資料是美國的開放資料,主要是因為衛星資料且屬於開放資料,國際上仍以歐美為主;國內目前也有提供福衛五號的申購管道,福衛五號的解析度較佳,但對於專案啟動上先不考慮花費成本於購買圖資。
## 4. Opinions on governmental civic tech discourse 台灣政府以內有關公民科技的言論
### Question:4.1
* How would you describe the Taiwanese government’s current relationship with the civic tech community?
* How has this relationship changed over time?
* 你會如何形容台灣政府跟台灣公民科技社群的關係?
* 這種關係有如何變化?
### Answer:4.1
> [name=ichieh]
> g0v 建立之初是因為政府一隻不清楚的[能源廣告](https://youtu.be/RAbD3AGFX6I),引發大家的不滿,因此其中有過「拆政府,原地重建」的口號。但隨著政府的替換,以及 g0v 社群 8 年的擴張,每個參與者都對於 g0v 都有不一樣的解讀和看法。近年有政府單位,無論是地方政府、工研院、資策會等,都會來和 g0v 參與者討論民眾參與的形式;政府機關也曾到ㄓ g0v 黑客松提案(例:g0v hacka40th - 健保署來黑客松[提案](https://youtu.be/n3URU4yTtEY)討論健保自付差額的資料使用);另一個形式是 g0v 參與者提案後,和政府單位討論合作,例如「資料申請小幫手」、「臺灣好植地」專案都也有去總統盃黑客松黑客松提案獲獎,讓提案可以進入政府的制度內討論。
> 另外唐鳳政委一直都是 g0v 貢獻者,當她進入政府後,也增加了很多 g0v 與政府溝通的機會,今年 COVID-19 時的口罩地圖,就是一個例子。
### Question:4.2
* What were your opinions about the decision to establish the PDIS in 2016?
* PDIS sometimes discusses the success of Taiwan’s civic tech abroad, what do you think about this and how they talk about it?
* PDIS states that it is trying to connect Taiwan and the rest of the world, what do you think about how they are doing this? Is it successful and is it useful to you and your work?
* 你記得你對於PDIS 2016 當時成立的感想嗎?現在對於PDIS的想法是什麼
* PDIS的成員在國外的演講有時候會討論到台灣的公民科技,你對於這種言論有印象嗎?有的話,你會如何形容PDIS的說法?
* PDIS成立的目的之一,也是連結台灣與全世界,你對於他們有達到這個目的?你覺得他們在用什麼樣的方法達到這目的?
### Answer:4.2
> [name=chewei]
> 對於 PDIS,認識的管道來源於 [PDIS 論壇區的新文章定期通知信](https://talk.pdis.nat.gov.tw/)、[YOUTUBE 頻道中的開放政府協作會議影片清單](https://www.youtube.com/c/PdisTwGov/playlists?view=1&sort=dd&shelf_id=3),但基本上沒有透過互動方式、講座方式,了解過實際 PDIS 的運作。
## 5. Opinions on interview 對於問題的想法
### Question
* Do you have any additional thoughts or comments you would like to share?
* Do you have any thoughts or comments about the topic, direction and layout of the interview that you would like to share?
* 除了上面所問到的以外,還有什麼想法或者意見想要分享嗎?
* 你有對於訪談的形式,內容,方向等方面有什麼想法或意見嗎?
### Answer