--- tags: summit2024 --- # 閃電講 Lightning Talk :::info Welcome to g0v summit 2024 collaboration notes! Entry Point: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@summit2024/notes Tap 「<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>」button on the top left to show agenda in mobile devices. ::: :::success 如果需要即時口譯,請參考行前通知中的 YouTube 連結 If you need live interpretation, please refer to YouTube link in your pre-event notice. 這份共筆裡也有更多的資料可以參考:[多語翻譯須知 Notice on Multi-lingual Interpretation ](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@summit2024/SkhfThZfR ) ::: 備註:第一位是奈及利亞講者Idris Bilyaminu Ndasadu’Lau ,因故無法提供更長的內容,經協調後轉為閃電講。 | 編號 No. | 講者 Speaker | 講題 Topic | 簡報連結 slides link | | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | | 0 | 正式講者轉閃電講保留名額: Idris Bilyaminu Ndasadu’Lau | 用科技協助基層發聲,解決公民問題 Leverage technology to amplify grassroots voices and address civic challenges. | | | 1 | Shu & RR | vTaiwan x Moda 理想的利害關係人可能嗎? vTaiwan x Moda: Is multistakeholder model too idealistic? | [簡報](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12_HlkQ9Ib2oFmEniPiARNqpXUwU4tu8WX_uxDJv7hLk/edit#slide=id.p) | | 2 | 台南新芽 雨蒼 | 台南市議會聊天機器人 Tainan city parliament chatbot | | | 3 | | 國王的資料:你說的白不是白 The Emperor's Data: the white you mentioned is not white | | | 4 | FAB DAO 青苔 | NPOxNFT 把摸不到的精神鑄造成NFT NPOxNFT Forge NFT with untouchable spirit. | | | 5 | +0 / Eric | 公民科技實驗場域 Civic tech experiment field |[簡報](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JUOaMLYNB0TzxfHG_ChYMGXvetA6xKwv194HkOQRin8/edit?usp=sharing) | | 6 | 林博仁 | 松鼠跳電 Squirrel blackout | [簡報](https://hackmd.io/@brlin/squirrel-blackout) | | 7 | 小侯 | 台灣教育體制對不同意見者的態度? Attitude of Taiwan's education system to the different opinions? | [簡報](https://www.canva.com/design/DAGEV3g99-A/hKXI8Ga0CXQJKPTjhAM_Ig/edit?utm_content=DAGEV3g99-A&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton ) | | 8 | Ronny | 開放政治獻金十週年 10th anniversary of Open Campaign Finance | [簡報](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hUR_Kwic0ig87eyNO8XLWxXJ0tGzeQ_QqX9NjbZSE1Y/edit?usp=sharing) |