tags: summit2024
# 開放工作坊 Unconference
## 簡介 Introduction
- Unconference 指「非典型會議」(或又直白地稱為「非會議」)。不同於由大會排定的議程,Unconference 裡的主題都由大會的參與者共同排定。在會眾踴躍投遞想要分享的主題之後,再共同票選決定要列在議程表上的講題,因此每個人都有可能是講師,也沒有人可以預料 Unconference 會出現什麼樣千奇百怪的新鮮議題! 今年的 Unconference 怎麼玩?
- An "Unconference" refers to an "unconventional conference," or more bluntly, a "non-conference." Unlike traditional conferences with pre-determined agendas, the topics at an Unconference are collectively set by its participants. After attendees enthusiastically submit topics they wish to share, these are then put to a vote to determine which ones make it onto the agenda. As a result, anyone is likely to be a speaker, and no one can predict what kind of unusual or innovative topics will emerge at the Unconference! How is this year's Unconference structured?
## 形式 Form
- 每場 90 分鐘,共有三個在不同場地的slot(R1 R2 與交誼廳),形式、QA 時間分配由講者自行決定。
- Each session will last 90 mins for discussio, with three slots in different places (R1 R2 and RH). The form and time arrangement is determined by speakers.
## 投稿與投票方式 How to make proposal and vote
- g0v Summit 2024 的 Unconference 採取以貼紙讓參與者現場投票的形式決定議程。
- 投稿者必須在第二天(5/5 週日)的 keynote Speech 結束(10:00)之前,前往3F白板區撰寫提案單,投稿你想要與會眾討論與分享的題目。越早投稿就有越長時間累積票數!
- 每位講者與會眾將會獲得3張貼紙進行投票,3票可以自由分配。投票將在第二天(5/5 週日)的中午12:00截止,將在現場統計結果後直接確認場地分配。請投稿者留意時間,並注意相關結果。
- Unconference of g0v Summit 2024 let participants vote to decide the session.
- If you want to make a proposal, please fill out the proposal sheet and stick it on the white board in 3F. The deadline is 10:00 a.m. on 5/5 Earlier you write, earlier you get the votes!
- Every speaker and participants will have three votes and they can be allocate to different proposal without limitation. The deadline for voting is 12:00 p.m. on 5/5. We will release the result after we count the vote. For those who make a proposal, please be aware of the time and result
## 各場次共筆連結 Links to each session
- [R1共筆:開放工作坊1 Unconference1](/G3RphBTdRQ6Mf4UP_UugWQ)
- [R2共筆:開放工作坊2 Unconference2](/biMTfDmbSHWKxT-pCXDg_A)
- [RH共筆:開放工作坊3 Unconference3](/PEEmFts1SXm77c1e0G7GEA)
## 開放工作坊結果與場地分配 Unconference Result & Distribution
| 地點 location | 語言 language | 題目 Topic |
| ------------- | ------------- | ---------- |
| R1 | 華語/英語 ZH/EN | [開放工作坊1 Unconference1:宅宅(nerd)/我希望的網路工作坊 Nerd/The internet Workshop I want](/G3RphBTdRQ6Mf4UP_UugWQ)|
| R2 | 華語 ZH |[開放工作坊2 Unconference2 性暴力&未成年應該"完全"在網路被消失嗎? Sexual violence & Underage Should be disappeared on the internet](/biMTfDmbSHWKxT-pCXDg_A) |
| RH | 英語 EN | [Web of Things-The W3C proposal for interoperable Internet of Things(IoT) What can we build? Web of Things W3C 提議的可資訊互通的物聯網 我們可以建立什麼?](/PEEmFts1SXm77c1e0G7GEA) |