tags: summit2024
# g0v Summit 2024 多語翻譯須知 Notice on Multi-lingual Interpretation
## 即時口譯 Simultaneous Interpretation (SI)
### Day 1
### Day 2
- R0 https://youtube.com/live/eznHcaQtzS4
- R1 https://youtube.com/live/8GeVcD09RVc
- R2 https://youtube.com/live/XLxldkalL_s
### 說明 Description
1. R0 R1 R2 備有華語、英語雙向即時口譯,RH 不提供即時口譯。 Mandarin-English simultaneous interpretation is available in rooms R0, R1, and R2, and not available in RH.
> Day 1 RH「數位公民教育世界咖啡館」議程坑主有另外自備逐步口譯。
2. 即時口譯的收聽方式為:大會會眾會獲得不公開的 YouTube 網址,自行使用手機等透過 YouTube 收聽,==沒有提供口譯機,請攜帶耳機聆聽直播==。 An unlisted YouTube link will be provided to all Summit participants. Use your own device and listen to simultaneous interpretation via YouTube. ==No dedicated SI device will be provided and please use earphones to avoid disturbance==.
3. 因為並沒有提供口譯機,因此(透過 YouTube 收聽的)即時口譯和現場發言會之間有較長的延遲,建議講者、主持人之間要能彼此用同一個語言溝通。 A longer delay between live conversation and SI (via YouTube) should be expected. Speakers and moderators are advised to communicate on-stage with a single language.
## 即時字幕 Live Subtitle
1. R0 R1 R2 備有 UD Talk 華文、英文、日文、韓文即時字幕。 Live subtitle is available in rooms R0, R1, and R2. Available languages are Mandarin, English, Japanese, and Korean.
2. 請自行使用筆電或 UD Talk app 收看即時字幕,並參考[使用說明共筆](/@summit2024/ud-talk-guide)。 Please use your own laptop or the UD Talk mobile app, and refer to the manual for further information.