tags: vtaiwan
# 0911小松
時間 Time :19:00-20:30
地點 Location :線上 Online
參與者 Participants:
線上參與連結 / Link:https://meet.jit.si/vTaiwan
會後討論參與連結:[MS Teams會議連結](https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_NjM5OTAxYTktODdmYi00YmQyLTk3ZmQtODRlNjM5MDg5YmVj%40thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522b01220f1-ab94-4936-86d7-f3b40f38f4b7%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%25225bc8c876-a7d2-4286-b704-97a05864f58e%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=60db14e5-dd5d-4deb-9817-4a4051f15973&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true)
## 自我介紹與新手導覽
### 自我介紹
- 三個關鍵字
- Amos:研究生 / 榮民 / OCF
### 新手導覽
- [新手簡報](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ELAVIpaPVCmAx7nq-7e8-SVrckZ4ohRwn3V-TSpe78U/edit?usp=sharing)
## 小小的分享
- [數位公共參與工具比較協作共筆](/@Pno233SAS8G5UfL5OvSRmA/SkXZk8UdR/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2Fc%2FSkXZk8UdR%2Fedit%3Fedit)
- 目前已經完成[工具整理](https://airtable.com/appnqolz897UUsm5N/shrEWgvcMceTjrgED/tblP0Z4a05J1Or2P2/viw5fczncGS0h2BgQ?blocks=hide) 接下來就是要分析!
- 下一次預計約訪:
- 9/19 15:00-16:00 許恩恩(審議民主與討論引導師、齊想創造工作室創辦人)
- 9/19 22:00-23:00 林雨蒼
- [vTaiwan議題小聚](/GUe0KXMsQBC-6KTIUPBVnA?both)
- 目標:成為公民團體的數位工具夥伴
- 上週接洽的方向:青平台
- 提供[企劃書](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EnldcKdFahx1xkO63LxxzuqJSL5UGGYrPEXJ7xhjC6o/edit?usp=sharing)
## 議題小聚
- [vTaiwan議題小聚](/GUe0KXMsQBC-6KTIUPBVnA?both)
- 目的釐清的部分必須要討論
- 主題徵集
- 可以透過詢問參與者想要瞭解的議題,來思考接續場次
- 時間徵集
- 協作方式:
- 確認大家能夠投入的方式
- 至少一週一次的短暫會議,有一個非同步的協作方式
- 參考網路自由小聚
- vTaiwan 新辦小聚會需要克服的是
- 1. 場地
- NPO Hub
- Keyholder
- 摩茲工寮
- 市民書店
- 其他場地(跟青平台)
- 2. 找到對的人:前面的場次以鞏固固定參與的人為主,再從這些參與者的回饋中找到新的議題 [name=Amos]
- 法白社群
- 青平台
- g0v slack / g0v 社群平台代 po
- 這樣也可以找到新的講師跟議題。
## 會後分享
- polis 改版分享:芬蘭創新研究發展基金(Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra) 從去年到今年做了大規模的 polis 公民審議專案,並與數位芬蘭(DigiFinland)合作,做了 polis 的新的前端!也因此本週三特地邀請芬蘭創新研究發展基金與數位芬蘭一起來討論polis 的改版與他們從事審議的經驗!
- 會需要請大家
- 目前釋出的[前端改版](https://www.figma.com/proto/lfRsFIqaVP0PIoalJqNYh8/Digifinland-Kerro%2FPOLIS?page-i[…]5EErQa-1&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=1014%3A1755)
- 或許可以討論看看本地化的可能性 [name=mashbean]
- 蠻想看他們的成果與找到的問題的 [name=peter]
- [會議連結](https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ameeting_NjM5OTAxYTktODdmYi00YmQyLTk3ZmQtODRlNjM5MDg5YmVj%40thread.v2%2F0%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522b01220f1-ab94-4936-86d7-f3b40f38f4b7%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%25225bc8c876-a7d2-4286-b704-97a05864f58e%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=60db14e5-dd5d-4deb-9817-4a4051f15973&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&suppressPrompt=true)
### 記錄:
- 自我介紹
- Joonas: SITRA
- Saloranta: SITRA
- SITRA's mission:
- finish paradox of participation
- many people want to participate, but lacking useful interface
- gov wants face-to-face, but citizens want to use digital tools
- Working with Pol.is
- Making pol.is GDPR compliant
- working with local and national government
- 2023 over 30 polis conversation 7 welfare service
- issues including mental health, Finland's future, gov program
- over 18,000 participants totally.
- Problems
- gov often use digital tools for one time
- expensive for single time use
- Design principle
- mobile first
- neutality and usability
- accessibility
- gamification
- some suggestion
- Opinion group
- last chance for adding comments and opinion
- Feedback
- Adding back the grouping is a good idea, maybe make it as an option
- registration problem need to be figured out.
- [Slides link](https://sitra2fi-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/sanna-kaisa_saloranta_sitra_fi/Ef3Av2OjEdlLjw6Dfqo0EjMBHGYid4WBDBWN_NB6qN4GQQ?rtime=ngp0LV7S3Eg)
- Question
- New user interface, but not the report?
- Yeah, the goal is to create a more highlighting for the group
- GDPR compliance > anonymous discussion
- balance on proteciton and ensurance toward the right people to do the discussion
- anonymity v.s. social media
- anonymous v.s. disinformation
- positive social media
- experience: collecting opinion from real social movement scene
- mobile first for the most accessibility
- Who maintain and run the system?
- How about the report page
- participants profile?
- just use the meta statement