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tags: FtO, g0v-intl
# TW-KR-JP Meet&Hack 2019-03-30 meeting
* last meeting: [2019-02-23](https://g0v.hackmd.io/3MgM6M5NS02fbtaP1wLDqQ)
* [Organizing plan](https://g0v.hackmd.io/FyvU-oD-SS-rF_7_oOF2Ig)
## Agenda
* [ ] Reviewing [organizing plan](https://g0v.hackmd.io/FyvU-oD-SS-rF_7_oOF2Ig?both)
* [x] Review the action items at the [last meeting](https://g0v.hackmd.io/3MgM6M5NS02fbtaP1wLDqQ)
* now: 14 ppl have submitted to the google form (chihao + pm5 + isabel + one OCF friend)
* JP(hal): 10 ppl will join (nao + mami + hal included)
* TW: g0v, OCF
* KR: Seul(dot face)..around 3 ppl?(not sure yet)
* google form isn't an official registration but a survery.
* [x] Things to check during the 4/12-13 trip to Okinawa:
* [ ] capacity: hotel 40 ppl, venue 60 ppl
* [ ] we have to confirm how many ppl will actually be there by end of APR.
* [ ] internet access, power supply, tables, chairs, and anything else?
* [ ] check hotel payment method (how to pay deposit, rest of $), what kind of invoice? how to make payment to the Hotel
* [ ] food
* [ ] transportation
* [ ] rough agenda*
* [x] Confirm the name: **Facing the Ocean *Meet & Hack* 2019 @Okinawa**
* GJ: bcs of the name "hackathon", some Koreans think 'Should I code? but i'm not a developer.
* chihao: host hangouts to talk to ppl so they are not nervous..explain what we actually mean by 'hackathon', what we are going to do
* pm5: it's not hackathon..in mandarin. We just add "-thon" to anything we want do.
* facing the ocean and anything else? / facing the ocean whatever
* Facing the Ocean / Face the Ocean / Ocean-facing / We are the Ocean / We the Ocean / People of the Ocean /
* Pacific People / Pan-Pacific of People (PPoP) / People of the Pacific Ocean?(PPO) ?????? / Pacific Ocean People?(POP)??????
* Pooooop? 💩
* ~~Plenty People of the Pacific Ocean Ensemble (PPPoE)~~
* **meet-and-hack**
* chihao+1 / hal+1 /mami+1 /pm5+1
* hal: hack-day (no thon) hackdays
* chihao+1 /pm5+1 /hal+1
* civic hackers' meetup
* mami+1
* whatever
* chihao+1 /gj+1
* anything goes
* gj+1
* hack-and-chill
* gj+1/hal+1
* ELSE: meet-up, network, networking, hang-out, hacking party, beach party, party at the beach, ideathon, civictech day for PPoP, day1 for PPoP, hangout-thon, Civicthon, brain work-out days lol, prepare-thon, Okinawathon, asian civic tech festival, Open civic day, Okinawa whatever
* [ ] Registration ~~How many friends will attend from KR-TW-JP?~~
* Open registration on 4/1
* Notify 14 early responders
* Use FCFS to decide who gets free accommodation
* reserve 15 ppl(5 for each country), they will be funded.
* notify ppl on the early survey that formal registration is open
* you will pay for your own flights
* we have transportation from the airport to the hotel.
* we will provide food during the event
* [x] When to start the formal registration? Early April because we need to confirm the number of ppl before the end of April.deadline: 4/20.
* [ ] List of Organizers/staff during the hackathon.
* [ ] livestreaming: 3 volunteers
* [ ] driving: no one yet(maybe Japanese participants)
* [ ] Budget proposal
* [ ] still checking on the process (but expected to submit by end of APR)
## Action Items
- [ ] next meeting 14th, April(8pm TW, 9pm JP, 12pm UK) ~~or April 12(friday), if we are still sober~~
- [ ] make formal registration form @pm5 @chihao (@gj)
- editing 3/30~3/31
- open 4/1~4/20
- [ ] close registration by 4/20
- [ ] start to host community hangout?
- the 1st: someday in APR?
- [ ] send out the form
- [ ] ask hotel how do they accept deposits
- [ ] confirm # of ppl with hotel & venue
- [x] rename?
- [ ] explain hackathon in organizing plan & formal registration (expectations: eating, networking, beer,...)
## Registration form
* basic info.: name, country, email, diet preference, ..
* logistics:
* do you need accomodation?
* if say yes,
* if say no,
* how many ppl are you with?
* if say alone,
* if say with someone..
* notice:
* 0. what can be covered/ what can not be
* 1. you might have to accept what type of room will be given(single/4 beds/7 beds room)[hotel website](https://ar-okinawa.com/home-en/)
* 2. if we have enough room for your family, you can stay but have to pay for them; if we do not have rooms for them, then you cannot stay.
* travel info..?