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tags: digital-resilience, resilience, internet-shutdown, digiresi, civil-defense, 民防, 數位韌性松, DigiResiTh0n, hackathon
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# g0v 數位韌性松之 <大家來更新公眾的數位韌性韌體> Digital Resiliency Firmware Update
本專案源於:[g0v DigiResiTh0n 第零次數位韌性松](https://g0v.hackmd.io/oyNRfe4lTuaZ5RbcPSS7TQ?view)
## 軍事社會學
### 社會動員
#### 資源動員論
#### 框架理論
#### 認知解放
#### 軍事化的身體
### 待整理
## 烏克蘭案例
### 待整理
- [x] [The ukrainian internet under attack: an NDT perspective](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3517745.3561449)
- [x] [Digital resilience in wartime: The case of Ukraine
- [x] [Ukraine’s Information Front: Strategic Communication during Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine](https://foi.se/rest-api/report/FOI-R--5451--SE)
- [x] [Strategic Communication during Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine](https://www.csis.org/analysis/chinas-strategy-political-warfare)
- [x] [Resisting Russia: Insights into Ukraine's Civilian-Based Actions During the First Four Months of the War in 2022](https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA2034-1.html)
Boichak, O. (2017). Battlefront volunteers: Mapping and deconstructing civilian resilience networks in Ukraine. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Media & Society,
Boulègue, M., & Lutsevych, O. (2020). Resilient Ukraine. Safeguarding Society from Russian Aggression. Pobrane z: https://www. chathamhouse. org/2020/06/resilient-ukraine/2-impact-armed-conflict (dostęp: 15.02. 2022).
Boulègue, M., Lutsevych, O., & Marin, A. (2018). Civil society under Russia’s threat: Building resilience in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. URL: https://www. chathamhouse. org/sites/default/files/publications/research/2018-11-08-civil-society-russia-threat-ukraine-belarus-moldova-boulegue-lutsevych-marin. pdf.
Douzet, F., Pétiniaud, L., Salamatian, L., Limonier, K., Salamatian, K., & Alchus, T. (2020). Measuring the fragmentation of the Internet: the case of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) during the Ukrainian crisis. 2020 12th international conference on cyber conflict (CyCon),
Goodwin, R., Hamama-Raz, Y., Leshem, E., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2023). National resilience in Ukraine following the 2022 Russian invasion. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 85, 103487.
Itzhak, A., & Fer, U. (2023). Russian-Ukraine armed conflict: Lessons learned on the digital ecosystem. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 100637.
Jain, A., Patra, D., Xu, P., Sherry, J., & Gill, P. (2022). The ukrainian internet under attack: An NDT perspective. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference,
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Marciano, H., & Adini, B. (2023). Impact of the war in Ukraine on resilience, protective, and vulnerability factors. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1053940.
Malecki, W., Bilandzic, H., Kowal, M., & Sorokowski, P. (2023). Media experiences during the Ukraine war and their relationships with distress, anxiety, and resilience. Journal of psychiatric research, 165, 273-281.
### 認知作戰
### 公民動員
### 數位基礎建設
## 怎麼擴散影響力
- 整理資料,媒體、團體