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# 5-3 Citizens’ Perspectives and Thoughts on Digital Citizenship Education in Various Countries
This section covers the contents delivered by speakers and participants of Digital Citizenship Education Expert Talk & World Café at g0v Summit 2024, held on May 4, 2024, and g0v Sch001’s past experiences. A total of 45 citizens from Taiwan, Japan, Germany, and the USA gathered at the World Café. Most of the participants are Taiwanese.
## I. What Should Be Included in a Digital Citizenship Education Course?
Based on the research and practice of g0v Sch001, digital citizenship literacy integrates two significant domains: digital literacy and civic literacy. Digital literacy encompasses foundational skills development, application of technological trends, data management, and the healthy use of digital tools. On the other hand, civic literacy emphasizes engagement with social issues, participation in public policy, media literacy, legal knowledge, and emerging needs such as digital inclusion and emotional management. Integrating these two domains aims to cultivate digital citizens who actively participate in society through digital technologies.
Below is a list of citizens’ perspectives on important topics that should be considered or included in the content of digital citizenship courses in various countries:
### (1) Course Content
#### 1. Digital literacy
- Digital literacy
- Development of foundational digital skills (such as operation of digital tools, collaborative editing, Internet connectivity, and information security)
- Understanding and application of technological trends (such as self-media operation, Web3, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and AI)
- Data management, utilization, and protection
- Open-source concepts and their applications
- Healthy use of digital tools
- Understanding algorithmic influence and response strategies
- Navigating digital risks and fostering healthy interactions with others
- Recognizing and reflecting on technological pitfalls
- Ethical considerations in technology usage and development
#### 2. Civic literacy
- Fulfilling the general goals of civic education
- Be aware of social issues
- The sensitivity of considering social issues or any topics in an international context and the ability to collaborate with global partners on any shared social issues
- Understanding and participation in public policies
- Learning basic legal knowledge (such as rights to privacy and legal responsibilities)
- Media literacy
- From awareness to public participation
- Problem-solving and project concepts and implementation
- Emerging needs
- The importance of media literacy in the digital age
- Protecting personal rights and freedoms
- Emotional management, setting personal boundaries, and so on
- Digital inclusion across different generations and groups
### (2) Course Design
- A course that integrates digital competence and civic literacy
- Inviting learners to share their thoughts on the course and even participate in its design
## II. The Current State of Teaching Project Implementation in Taiwan and Collaboration Possibilities and Challenges
Digital project implementation skills are essential for fostering digital citizenship literacy. They are also among the most commonly promoted methods of digital citizenship education in civic tech communities. Therefore, after discussing the content of digital citizenship courses, the following chapter will focus on the developmental status of digital project implementation among students in Taiwan, the integration of digital citizenship education in the current general and compulsory education system, and the potential for collaboration with the private sector.
### (1) The current state of teaching project implementation in schools
#### 1. Course models in the current educational system
In Taiwan, project implementation courses are primarily offered in senior high schools and universities. In elementary schools, computer classes mainly focus on how to use software. According to the Taiwanese government’s newest Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education published in 2019, in schools, the courses that can be designed as project implementation courses in conventional senior high schools include explore and practice courses, various kinds of elective courses, self-directed courses, special courses whose scale and time are designed as smaller and shorter than regular courses to meet a particular purpose, and student club activities. Course topics may include project-based learning/problem-based learning(PBL), design thinking, innovative leadership, exploring social issues, and brainstorming solutions. Additionally, experimental education in Taiwan has, for years, embraced self-directed learning and PBL approaches, resulting in numerous student-initiated projects.
#### 2. Outcomes and challenges
Globally and in Taiwan, there is an active push for self-directed learning and PBL teaching. As a result, some teachers and private organizations in Taiwan have tried to implement these approaches, with several schools even integrating PBL into their curriculum as a mandatory subject. Project implementation courses, which often start with topics that interest students, can enhance their motivation to learn, cultivate problem-solving skills, foster interdisciplinary communication, and provide a complete experience of brainstorming and developing solutions.
However, during the development process, many challenges have emerged. On the students’ side, the motivation to participate in courses varies among students. The underlying reasons include the students’ learning motivation and the fact that conventional schools in Taiwan still prioritize exam-based academic advancement. If students do not understand the purpose of a course and its connection to their personal development, many will continue to focus on exams and academic progression, resulting in limited engagement in projects within limited time. On the teachers’ side, it is common for educators to perceive project-based courses as highly challenging. This includes difficulties stemming from the large gap in student motivation, varied student progress that is hard to manage, and the wide range of project topics teachers may find challenging to guide. Given teachers’ lack of experience and resources, it becomes difficult to implement differentiated or individualized instruction, which leads to a decreased willingness among teachers to offer project implementation courses.
#### 3. Suggestions
**(1) Teachers do not need to be encyclopedias but rather guides**
- **Keep to the course objectives, but make adjustments with students depending on their situations**
The objectives of each project implementation course can vary depending on students’ conditions, including clarifying and analyzing issues to find solutions, attempting to follow the project process, or using digital tools to execute projects. Different course objectives will influence the course design. When teaching, if the student’s learning status differs from the preset goals, the teacher should observe and adjust accordingly and directly communicate with students to understand their real challenges and expectations.
- **Mastering project methodology and steps**
The focus of project-based teaching is understanding the key points of each project phase and connecting the steps with the project methodology. For example, students often jump straight to finding solutions, simplifying issue analysis, and targeting the wrong problems. The teacher’s role is not to directly deny or provide answers but to ask follow-up questions that guide students to think more deeply about the underlying issues and find answers on their own, helping them clarify the real problem they want to solve. Additionally, teachers could consider initiating their projects to grasp the project methodology and steps better. This experience will allow them to design more effective projects for students. By mastering the method and steps, teachers can better reduce inefficiencies and prevent students from becoming overly dependent.
- **Understanding students’ status**
Teachers should act as companions, guiding students through the process rather than running the race for them. Therefore, staying attuned to students’ status and providing appropriate guidance is crucial. This involves deeply understanding students’ motivations, starting abilities, learning styles, and teamwork dynamics.
- **The process is the goal**
Project-based learning focuses on awareness, reflection, and action throughout the project process. Its value lies more in the learning experience than in achieving a perfect result. Therefore, it is recommended that students be provided with more opportunities for reflection, peer feedback, and documentation in each part of the course.
**(2) Linking existing educational directions and systems to strengthen the importance of project implementation**
Under Taiwan’s newest Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, students are encouraged to create their own learning and school performance experience portfolios. Because of that, in addition to regular university entrance exams and applications, students with unique talents or experience have also been added as a new admission option to the university admission process, along with an increase in individual applications. The aim is to emphasize students’ learning journeys and encourage multi-dimensional development rather than focusing solely on exam results. However, while the policy's purpose is positive, it still requires recognition and collaboration from schools, teachers, students, parents, universities, and society as a whole. Teachers are encouraged to integrate learning portfolios into their classes and guide students to see how projects can benefit their career development. Furthermore, the courses can be linked with universities or industries to foster collaboration among educational stakeholders, thereby highlighting the value of project experience.
(3) Increasing external collaborations for schools**
Faced with project-based learning challenges, teachers should consider leveraging collaboration and becoming coordinators rather than bearing the burden alone. Several external organizations offer resources such as project guidance and methodologies, project consultation, and teacher training, which can reduce the teaching burden on educators. These resources allow students to engage with real-world issues and methods while expanding their networks. However, there are still significant challenges in external collaborations, including limitations and concerns from administrative units, the potential for commercial partnerships to appear as advertising, unequal distribution of resources, limited resources in rural schools, and the sustainability of external resources. In light of these challenges, teachers may consider participating in external activities that address relevant issues and internalizing these resources into their courses.
**(4) Introducing project-based learning in teacher training systems**
By having teachers experience project-based learning from the start of their training, they can more effectively grasp its methodologies and key elements through hands-on practice.
## III. About Project Launched by Student: Topic Selection, Solutions, Trends, Impact, and Required Support
From the discussion in the World Cafe and our previous experience, we have also summarized students’ expectations, patterns, and the help they need when trying project-based learning or initiating projects as below:
### (1) The characteristics of student projects
The topics and content of student projects are usually related to learning, daily life, and personal needs, ranging from school assignments to individual interests. These include their topics for participating in science fairs, psychological issues that young people encounter, difficulties in finding learning resources and study mates, and social issues of concern. On the other hand, elementary school teachers in Taiwan have mentioned that adults choose most project topics for their students. However, in recent years, some teachers have also started to use the “design for change” teaching method, guiding students through a design thinking process to identify and solve problems. As for solutions, student projects generally use free or low-cost, easy-to-learn skills and tools, such as open-source software, existing datasets, OCR technology, simple robots, and API integration.
### (2) The challenges of projects launched by students
Students who work on projects often need help with their budgets, time, and experience. This leads to overly ambitious topics or misjudging the complexity of the projects, making it more difficult for them to develop their projects. Additionally, student projects are usually short-term and less continuous, lacking sustainability and long-term impact. Currently, students in experimental education in the g0v community demonstrate a stronger sense of engagement, as they may have more time and flexibility to explore and complete projects. In formal schools, Taiwan’s newest Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education provide time for independent learning, inquiry, and practice, and some teachers have begun implementing PBL. However, the number of teachers guiding such projects is still limited. Issues such as assessing students’ project capabilities and integrating projects into the formal curriculum remain challenging. Furthermore, the availability of community support for students varies across regions and schools.
### (3) The motivations and benefits of projects launched by students:
The motivations for students participating in projects primarily include personal interests, mandatory course requirements, incentive rewards, seeking recognition, and self-validation. After going through the project process, students could gain the following benefits:
- Learning new knowledge and skills:
- Broadening horizons by learning about more social issues while enhancing technical and data collection techniques
- Problem-solving skills
- Project-management skills
- Knowing how to apply what has been learned
- Early insight into what skills will be helpful in the future
- Deepening and expanding interpersonal relations with others
- Learning how to connect and collaborate with different age groups
- Gaining a sense of belonging and recognition from teachers, parents, peers, and society
- Fulfill or enhance self-value:
- Experiencing and witnessing the impact of one’s actions
- Boosting self-confidence and gaining a sense of accomplishment and self-worth beyond academic achievements
- Enriching personal experiences, which increases chances for further education and employment
Moreover, some students even become opinion leaders (KOLs) of their generation or continue to propose ideas to the government and businesses, creating a broader social impact.
### (4) How civic tech communities support projects initiated by students:
Civic tech communities exert considerable influence on supporting student projects. This includes providing students or teachers with guidance frameworks, enhancing teachers’ project guidance capabilities, establishing more environments suitable for students to develop projects, and helping students better understand project procedures and related case studies. Moreover, it is also essential that digital citizenship courses are offered. Such courses ensure that students learn to use tools in general and apply digital tools in projects and their collaboration with others.
Other than offering methods and resources for developing projects, building a sense of belonging for students in communities and sites for incubating projects is crucial. A positive community atmosphere helps students realize they are not alone and can work with others. Additionally, even though some projects launched by students are challenging to implement, civic tech communities can still make them new project topics, allowing other community participants to challenge themselves by trying to implement these projects. Moreover, such complex projects can also be collected into a database for students or professionals to test their skills, thus ensuring the continuous progress of these projects.
Moreover, long-term participants need to pass on their experience. Communities can invite past participants to share their experiences and offer strategies and suggestions to new participants, such as using certain new methods and knowing who to seek help from.