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tags: 模擬亞洲人權法院(AHRCS)
# 模擬亞洲人權法院組織法(英翻中)
## Statute of Asian Human Rights Court Simulation
## 模擬亞洲人權法院組織法
### Confirmed by the Founder of AHRCS on 22/11/2018
### 2018年11月22日經AHRCS創辦人確認
We, as individuals concerned with human rights protection in Asia, hereby resolve to establish an independent court of the peoples, by the peoples and for the peoples of Asia, to promote human rights protection and deliver judgements to Asian governments, and proclaim the foundation of the Asian Human Rights Court Simulation on 7 October 2018.
### Article 1. Definition
### 第1條 定義
For the purposes of this Statute, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. the expression “Plenary Court” means the Court sitting in plenary session.
3. the term “Chamber” means a Chamber of 7 judges who preside a specific case together.
5. the term “Court” means either the Plenary Court, or a Chamber.
### Article 2. Composition of the Court
### 第2條 法庭之組成
1. The Court shall consist of up to 21 judges, and 7 of them form the initial Chamber to preside over the first case, serving as individuals, nominated from among recognised experts in the field of human rights and confirmed by the Founders of the Court.
> 從概念上看起來應是21名。不然21名法官當中只有7名由人權專家提名,其他人選應該怎麼產生就沒交代了。[name=howie]
2. After the confirmation under paragraph 1, all the judges shall organize the Plenary Court to work independently to adjust or update its composition when it is considered necessary or appropriate.
3. The Plenary Court shall decide the term of judges and the rotation mechanism of judges in presiding cases no later than the release of the first case judgement. All of the 7 judges who presided in the first case shall remain in their office after judges’ term decided, unless they decide otherwise separately.
### Article 3. Resignation and Dismissal
1. Any judge who wishes to resign from office shall notify the President of the Court of his or her intention, in writing.
2. No judge may be dismissed from office unless the other judges, meeting in a plenary session, decide by a vote of at least one-half of all elected judges that he or she has ceased to qualify as a judge or is no longer able to carry on his or her functions as a Judge. Before deciding on a judge’s dismissal, the judge concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Plenary Court.
4. Any judge may set in motion the process for the dismissal of another judge from office after notifying the President.
### Article 4. Election of the President/ Vice-President of the Court
1. The member of the Chamber presiding a case shall elect its President and Vice-President of the Chamber.
3. The President and Vice-President of the Chamber shall be the President and Vice-President of the Court until the Chamber presiding the next case has been organized.
5. The President of the Court shall direct the work and administration of the Court and represent the Court.
7. The Vice-President of the Court shall assist the President of the Court. The Vice-President shall take the place of the President if the latter is unable/inappropriate to carry out his or her duties or the office of President is vacant, or at the request of the President.
### Article 5. Case Application
The Court may receive applications from any person, non-governmental organisation or group of individuals claiming to be the victim/s of a human right(s) violation by any government in Asia.
### Article 6. Admissibility Criteria
1. The Court may exercise its jurisdiction in any matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted, according to the generally recognised rules of international law. If the matter before the court is de facto or de jure impossible to be settled by way of any domestic remedy, such a matter may, by special permission of the Court, be admissible. The ‘domestic remedies’ referred to herein includes the conclusion of investigation(s) without any possibility of review, appeal or objection.
3. The Court shall declare inadmissible any application :
(a) it considers to be incompatible with paragraph 1; or is manifestly ill-founded; or an abuse of the process of the Court; or
(b) if the applicant has not suffered a significant disadvantage, and the Court think rejection is appropriate.
3. The Court shall reject any application which it considers inadmissible at any stage of the proceedings.
### Article 7. Interim measures
1. The Court may, at the request of a party or of any other person, group of people, tribe, or organization concerned, or its own motion, indicate to the parties any interim measure it considers appropriate to be adopted in the parties’ interest or in the interest of the proper conduct of proceedings.
3. The Court may require the parties to provide the Court information on any matter connected with the implementation of any interim measure.
### Article 8. Joinder and simultaneous examination of applications
### 第8條 合併審理
The Court may, either at the request of the parties or by its own motion, order the joinder of two or more applications.
### Article 9. Third-party intervention
### 第9條 第三方介入
1. When notice of an application lodged under Article 4 is given to the Respondent, a copy of the application shall at the same time be uploaded onto the Court’s website so that any Asian state – one of whose nationals is an applicant in the case – shall have the right to submit written comments and to take part in hearings.
2. Once notice of an application has been given to the Respondent, the President of the Chamber may, in the interests of the proper administration of justice, invite, or grant leave to, any State which is not a party to the proceedings, or any person, group of people, tribe or organization concerned who is not the applicant, to submit written comments or to take part in a hearing.
3. Any invitation or grant under paragraph 2 shall be subject to any conditions, including time-limits, set by the President of the Chamber. Where such conditions are not complied with, the President may decide not to include the comments in the case file or to limit participation in the hearing to the extent that he or she considers appropriate.
### Article 10. Public hearings and access to documents
### 第10條 公開審理及文件取得
1. Hearings shall be in public and broadcast live on the internet.
3. Documents deposited with the Court shall be accessible to the public unless the President of the Court considers otherwise.
### Article 11. Just satisfaction
### 第11條 [正當適足??]
Where the Court finds a human rights violation, and if the Respondent’s domestic law allows only partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the injured party.
### Article 12. Judgement
### 第12條 裁判
Judgements of Chamber of the Court shall be final.
### Article 13. Rules of the Court
### 第13條 法庭規則
1. When considering a case before it, the Chamber may adapt and amend the Rules of the Court if necessary.
3. Except the regulation of Article 2, 3 and 14, the Rule of the Court may provide any supplementary provisions to the Statute when the Chamber think it’s necessary or appropriate, but it shall not be inconsistent with the Statute.
5. In the situation of paragraph 1, which will affect the case the Chamber presiding, both parties shall be informed of any proposals by the Chamber to amend the Rules of the Court which directly concern the conduct of proceedings before it and invite them to submit written comments on such proposals.
### Article 14. Entry into force of the Statute
### 第14條 生效
1. The Statute shall enter into force upon adoption by the Founders of the court.
2. Any amendment of the Statute may be made upon a motion made after notice where such a motion is carried at the next session of the plenary Court by a majority of the judges in a Chamber which is presiding a case.