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# Code for All Summit 2018
- https://heroesoftech.com/
- https://www.sli.do/ #codeforall2018
- [see live ](https://www.facebook.com/code4romania/videos/330458224178212/?notif_id=1539076933091397¬if_t=live_video_explicit)
# Day 2 Scaling Civic Tech
How to best curate knowledge and how to build or scale to meet the global challenges? What are the best ways in which we should be curating knowledge, how will we be scaling from local to global, how do we build global civic tech, what are the best examples of global impact, collaborations & co-creation?
## Alma Rangel (Codeando Mexico)
Code for Mexico 介紹在地震災害時,社群如何用公民科技解決過多分散資訊以及假新聞的問題。以及怎麼將同樣的工具帶到羅馬尼亞:了解不同的文化與社會背景,以及重點不是在打造工具,而是打造人與人的連結。
- [Live video](https://www.facebook.com/code4romania/videos/271457580166092/?hc_ref=ARSaZW6mH9Ftwetuf5FJ4ueZRgmRtBYeCzUmBEg2E0UfjusO4NtCzofduPRlKKwI6t8&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDFnmOisNIBevXVQ59YG_t_zw5YYRs7j6dwi_n9bVBTINRcbeBZ-2F9uhDKrGFON8a7ZjXmdwQMnBW-Ysk4cSCvYatlG5sz2L5zSUPciOdukzqPdvtJHSucQMOiQom1gf4l6xcdp5MuK2-hrN4dzNFZUfoNLA2hf_ZSfue-_dXqws6GwE6Ryg&__tn__=FC-R-R)
## Tatiana Proskuryakova (World Bank)
來自羅馬尼亞的 Tatiana 介紹世界銀行如何在災難時提供經濟及災害評估工具,尤其是開源的公民科技與開放資料在這災難救助與復原工作上的重要性,並且如何將這些工具和經驗推展到全球其他角落。
- The economics of resilience and disaster risk management -- and how civic tech can help to understand, predict, and mitigate the effects of future diasters.
- No data = No analysis = No insight
- World bank and global facility for disaster reduction and recovery
- highlighted open source, especially for people who couldn't afford
- mapping the unmapped
## Sandra Pernar (OGP)
- What has OGP taught us on the use of civic tech for open gov
- "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -> [Arthur C Clarke ](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%8B%E6%8B%89%E5%85%8B%E5%9F%BA%E6%9C%AC%E5%AE%9A%E5%BE%8B)
- example 1
- Open Coesione, Italy
- https://opencoesione.gov.it/en/
- OpenCoesione is the open government initiative on cohesion policy in Italy. The portal provides access to searchable data on resources planned and spending, locations, thematic areas, planning and implementing authorities, the time needed to complete initiatives and payments for individual projects. Everyone can therefore assess how resources are being used to meet the needs of the territories involved.
- 很多 data 實際使用 not like most open data portal
- ProZorro, Ukraine
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prozorro
- vendor, tinder, governmet contracts, all the procurement open online
- dozorro
- save money
- not only about citizen monitor but for cso
- find wrong doing (red flags) => CSO 會去回報警調單位
- a stroy about a father -> playground for his child
- eyes and ears, Kaduna State
- http://kadunaeyesandears.org/
- app on smartphone for civil servant
- lessons learned
- civic tech is most powerful when public participation and transparency are combined
- think of what people really care about, of what might spark their interest and engagment
- civic tech can do a lot when it comes to public service delivery but think about how to secure the two way feedback
- think of sustainability and scaling
- tech is NOT A PANACEA
## Matt Stempeck (Civic Tech Field Guide)
new website: https://civictech.guide
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FzmvVAKOOFdixCs7oz88cz9g1fFPHDlg0AHgHCwhf4A/edit
- one trend: using private data for social good
- tools and social process (conf,fellowship..etcs)
- 2093 entries
- 78 countries
- impacts: phandeeyar used the field guide found the similar project from Malaysia before build a new one
- Civic tech graveyard: also learning from failures
- 4500 tech works, 1 mission: get democrats elected ... (心路歷程)
# Day 3 Civic Tech & the Wider Context
Collaboration is key. How do we engage other stakeholders and build for and with them? What are the best practices in designing for social good, how do we map problems to solve, what is the best way to approach both Civic Tech and Gov Tech, how can we work better with civil society, how do we develop into enablers for other actors, what are the best tools and the best education models?
## Olivia Vereha (Code for Romania)
- [live](https://www.facebook.com/code4romania/videos/2077821302548644/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAryOt7q547gtE5u3kl3ALC6dX6qz4puuPXDdGLEt__SnbgJ3LHZi9I4NB0IkFNww1k6cmSV2r2W05OTUutxUqV8YZDg3OuuRiFjbC81zetJzwuWeFqHvmS5zH9L5eNG9CsJqHoYTDUku7-PVL2wNT6a8mG8RYwrDuxzzcJrasA4N1eR2DGoA&__tn__=-R)
## Fletcher Tembo (Make All Voices Count)
- [live](https://www.facebook.com/code4romania/videos/239205673619068/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDMs4aNu15OpcuJVbXAIBZqenKCDaCOlh6aTclTEzLwr44Kc8BvQvtiqjg2ZgeLfdhVgA1tlDyFynIqVb-B7ZbH7ePyJeLbI-ofj9kOLO1q9ymg2g_0sxmDPv77dXY3xp3jicLpLcm1sVXxHtoLbtYJzGYcBQDRJnsbmetm_rwnDSseLafe&__tn__=-R)
## Alvaro Maz (Code for Australia)
- [live](https://www.facebook.com/code4romania/videos/248070642544501/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC2zF5WV2xztmsKGKlwDpyIOXKREC14qocVrZ9qJaPMtQumDXE7oeTcD2ulzyn3O6czuCOvZzJznodsp4EHgVCoyitOWRsi4Z3ACJBEdxtib73JDDOcHA8kCUdDQysCA-a3UIxCMfP3vlntCEma9tEwoh6fu5wORPCQazSrXv39swmruLf5&__tn__=-R)
- why the same mistake
- outsourced tech knowledge
- procuement processes
- political environment & gov structures (top-down policy making)
- capability
- why foucus
- people like learning (and can chage)
- tech is becoming unavoidable
- capability building is becoming sexier
- what is it
- one day, hands-on workshop
- 20 people from inside and outside govt
- foundational and yet, transformational
- "i'm having much more informed conversations with my IT director and the IT team now"
- We're accelerating digital maturity
- executive support
- budeting for success
- expanding tools
- different skills
- #whatnow (take a deep breath)
- invest in capability
- and make new friends
- the argument: if we couldn't introduce to funders and govt (differnet sectors) what we're doing, we can't never change the problems we face
## Greg Kempe (OpenUp)
### Writing and the future of civic tech
- [live](https://www.facebook.com/code4romania/videos/1034807786680541/?__xts__[0]=68.ARCnnaYCgeMKwfFyGjuYO7SGRD6P_nFSpd9nnpbLMNNkOx-tMeiI9I9QEHmFQDlxbSwAybcopPpgA_K5IVRLn88GDRnLa1LB_S6UqdbcBJLx1C47HDybnx0EfJhhCOmVcuR1NN7miqwBDXaXv3p_eX9Xxl0pVoJsG-EpD4Hd78r-HkewHgRUWg&__tn__=-R)
- World literacy rates -> change
- 1800 only 10% know writing, 2014 more than 90%
- writing for all, "we write anything!"
- write me a poem => The poem doesn't work.
- why someone will ask poem to writing a cooking book?
- the argument: people ask things and funding things they don't really know / want
- writing is a skill
- putting ideas into written
- civic is not an app, a website
- civic tech is a process
- software + user-centerd design + systems thinking + iterative delivery, applied to civic issues
- points
- the future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed (quote)
- big changes happen slowly (not over night)
- Imporving civic tech literacy (not digital literacy)
- teach govt, cso and funders
- promote supply and demand for civic tech
- talk about tools and processes
- talk about outputs and impact
- good vs poor uses of civic tech
- be patient, expect failures
- future
- growth and generalisation
- spin-offs and specialisation
- by subject area and output
- full impact is 1-2 generations away
- http://ourworldindata.org/literacy
## Day 3 - Curricullum Building [WG]