owned this note
owned this note
tags: FtO, g0v-intl
image: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/g0v-hackmd-images/uploads/upload_3dce609cc46e0a32a8aef8b6e7c35f92.png
description: FtO Jeju 2023 brings together civic hackers from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan — the three neighboring countries that share and “face” the same ocean.
# FtO Jeju 2023 Organizer Meetings
## 2023/06/07
* Code for Korea will share the room allocation results
* Go through the program in more detail - would be good to finalise the list of moderators for each session.
## 2023/05/24
* Questions
* Add info on T-money (transportation tips), cash/credit card usage in Korea for international participants (on info page)
* Try to put NDI students together when we allocate rooms, but mix up nationalities if possible
* Next Meeting 6/7 (Wed)
* Check program details e.g. moderators, presenters
* Code for Korea team to share room allocation result
## 2023/05/10
- Confirm everyone
- [Registrations (organizers only)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gB4ZUI2NVb6nJ9wwfVW-0MrjcSzBvwaTd0jJ2FG7v30/edit#)
- Country Summary
- TW [name=chihao]
- 19 participants confirmed
- 2 no ticket yet
- Special conditions
- 1 food allergy
- ✅ 1 single room
- JP [name=Saya]
- 16 participants confirmed
- Special conditions
- 1 participants doesnt need 9th dinner and 11th lunch
- 2 ppl from NHK(reporters not participants)would like to join the dinner and lunch
- ✅ beds for 5 ppl on 6/11
- KR
- 39 participants
- 3 ppl Brian Impact Foundation(no beds)
- 3-5 ppl from NIA + Ministry of General Administration
- HK
- 1 participant confirmed
- IN
- 1 confirmed
- “will bring some friends”
- KR team will discuss and decide
- Total = 19 + 16 + 39 + 1 + 1 + [...] => 76 + [...] ppl
- Meeting with governor is cancelled
- Agenda - Projects and Talks
- Day 2 9:30 3-min Pitch
- How many? [name=chihao]
- Day 2 15:00 Sharing & Talks
- How many? [name=chihao]
- Collective Slide
- Confirm sponsors
- NIA (National Information Society Agency) - venues, foods
- Brian Impact Foundation - 10,000,000 won
- FYI Brian = founder of Kakao
- Parti & List - 1,000,000 won
- Japan Foundation (need to check)
- NDI - for student travel
- Info Sheet & Guides
- Public page for all event info
- https://g0v.hackmd.io/@fto/book/%2F8xxkO_0ZQqm-ZeA7909V5g
- Design - Banner, T-shirts

- Confirmation email to participants, including things to do before Jeju
- [Draft](/nOGYAaooQdWOjdpy-H8hcw)
- Send by 5/17
- What’s for dinner?
## 2023/04/26
- Registration closed \o/
- Confirm everyone by next week (with ticket)
- Sponsorship logo (sensitive?)
- Session moderators
- Info sheet
- Collective slides
### Sponsors
- NIA, Brian Impact Foundation, Japan Foundation, Parti, LiST, etc.
## 2023/03/22
### Registration
- [Registration form draft](https://g0v.hackmd.io/mXpv5u_eQXKmCFj5x_DmpQ)
- [Registration form](https://forms.gle/XbiRm2hRnYmnNezLA)
- Need to include/mention privacy policy e.g. pictures, handling personal data before the event (C4J including this in their registration form)
- Need to send confirmation letters to those accepted
- Situation in Taiwan
- Need to push people to actually sign up
- Situation in Japan
- Next Hackday = April 22
- March is end of year so it might be difficult for Japanese people to decide to attend
- Keep 6 spaces for students (try to finalise list of students before April 23)
- both for the event + accommodations
### Next steps
- ~~C4K organisers will do a site-visit in early April~~
- ~~April 23 - Closing reg~~
- April 26 - Next meeting to discuss registration status
- Send confirmation emails
- May 3 - Deadline for confirmation of attendance
- Code for Japan to give list of speakers for Japan Foundation sponsorship
- Info sheet -> collect projects -> individuals add to 1 collective google slide (5 slides per project)
- Decide moderators (g0v) - different moderators for different sessions
### Budget
- total budget for food, snacks and opening party = 6,000,000 won / 600,000 yen / 140,000 twd / 4,500 usd
- 5 meals & snacks for 50 people 3,000,000 won
- 1 opening party 3,000,000 won
- c4k talking with NIA (not confirmed yet) and other sponsorships from KR
- separate the necessary and nice to have
- g0v-international could provide some funds
### Travel support
- 2 students from TW/JP/KR (NDI, not confirmed yet)
- some g0vers (g0v-international)
### Good to have
- T-shirts - a volunteer of C4K started to design.
- Budget?
## Graphic design for FtO Jeju 2023
* Banner
* T-shirts?
### Cover image (2:1) by chihao
> Good for general use :) [name=chihao]

### Banner image (4:1) by chihao
> Good for Google form :) [name=chihao]

Images used:
- Robert Simmon, using Landsat data provided by the United States Geological Survey., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jeju_Island.jpg
- NASA Goddard/MODIS Rapid Response Team https://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/japanquake/japan-20110405.html
- Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:South_Korea_record_snowfall.jpg
- Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Taiwan_NASA_Terra_MODIS_23791.jpg
- Image Science and Analysis Laboratory, NASA - Johnson Space Center. "The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth.". https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Okinawa_Island-ISS042.jpg
- https://www.mapsland.com/asia/hong-kong/detailed-satellite-map-of-hong-kong
## 2023/02/25 g0v international cowork
### Travel sponsorship
- Students sponsorship: Application sent by Sch001, 2 students from each country (TW, KR, JP)
- TODO: Sch001 civic tech handbook feedback from 20 people
- (before: feedback in Chiang Mai)
- National Science Council
- 可能
- Travel Sponsorhip for TW contributors by g0v-intl:
- 140-150k
- 這筆錢是 g0v 社群拿到要拿來辦 FtO 的錢
- [name=chihao] 也許是部分贊助?這樣可以贊助更多人
- [name=isabel] 10k per person
- 申請資格/審查條件
- 之前有去過的人優先/松友補助
- 有提案的人優先? [name=chihao]
- 還好 [name=pm5, isabel]
- 僅限台灣人?g0v社群參與者
- g0v 社群貢獻者 +1 [name=chihao]
- 公開徵件的 timeline
- 申請日 即日起
- 截止日 3/24
- 公告日 3/31
- 撥款:活動後
- [申請 + 報名辦法](https://g0v.hackmd.io/MqZLm3TbRJSHxibWj0KgSg)
### Registration Status
- existing timeline
- 3/1 open registration
- 4/1 checkpoint
- 4/28 registration close
- open registration
- invitation
### Design
- Not sure if anyone from Korea is interested
- chihao will make a basic version
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeju_Island#/media/File:Jeju_Island.jpg
## 2023/02/22
> This meeting: https://meet.google.com/wfm-ptwa-xqa
### Next meeting: Mar 22 11AM TW & HK / 12PM KR & JP
FTO meeting
Wednesday, 22 March · 12:00 – 1:00pm (+9)
Google Meet joining info:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/wfm-ptwa-xqa
### March 1st, Open for registration
* prepare registration form in slack
### Sponsorship
* Flight tickets
* Travel grants for students
* 3-4 students from Japan
* Venue & Accomondation => NIA
* Food & snacks during event
* Printouts
* Transportation in the Island
* souvenir? T-shirts!
* inviting students from Jeju University
### Venue = Jeju NIA Global Center
- https://www.nia.or.kr/site/nia_kor/04/10401070200002016090610.jsp
- Address in Korean: 제주특별자치도 서귀포시 서호중앙로 68-11 제주NIA글로벌센터
- Address in English: Jeju NIA Global Center, 68-11, Seohojungang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
- map
- https://goo.gl/maps/nAtz3ZiJoujxkjaq6
- NIA building is across the street [from this location](https://goo.gl/maps/1QUzpPFtvoe1FbXN8) to the east
- Available bedrooms
- Room for 2 => 7
- Room for 3 => 11
- 18 rooms, 50 people total
- Conference rooms
- room 1 for 70 people
- room 2 for 40 people
- 1 & 2 can be connected
- beam projector, mic available
- other
- 5 washing machines, 1 dryer
### Other accommodation options
- [Eastern Hotel Jeju (이스턴호텔)](http://www.easternhoteljeju.com/)
- Rooms from KRW84,000 (max 2 ppl) to KRW170,000 (4 ppl)
- [Grand Millions Hotel Seogeipo (그랜드밀리언스호텔 서귀포)](http://www.grandm-s.com/)
- Double rooms from KRW34,400 to KRW53,000
- [Shinshin Hotel Worldcup (신신호텔 월드컵)](http://www.shinshinhotelworldcup.com/)
- Double rooms from KRW 30,000, Triples from KRW 60,000
- Website reservation system unavailable - check Agoda or other external sites
- Some close Airbnb options:
- [3-bed apartment for 6 guests KRW205,412/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/43599358?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=8453b561-bf02-45cb-9c8c-87546650be14&source_impression_id=p3_1676796492_ecK66HmFZ8iPcB%2Fd)
- [2-bed house for 6 guests KRW285,295/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/11148099?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=5d03653c-09f7-4e0b-8dc7-99c715848511&source_impression_id=p3_1676796407_j92XtIEypKP6PBvT)
- [2-bed house for 4 guests KRW260,000/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/725028255662648463?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=8453b561-bf02-45cb-9c8c-87546650be14&source_impression_id=p3_1676796606_Ng9q4kcp060FGAEt)
- [1-bed house for 4 guests KRW170,000/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/11148491?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=2009d5f5-163a-4dd0-8f5f-bcec7e9b54df&source_impression_id=p3_1676796855_pVjlL%2FOYI6sjsoCz)
- [Unique Hanok experience KRW595,000/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/43763039?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=8453b561-bf02-45cb-9c8c-87546650be14&source_impression_id=p3_1676796446_QXbWnNjql0mcSjFH)
### Directions & transportation
#### From airport to venue:
- Public Transportation
- Take Bus 800 from G/F Gate 5, get off at 국세공무원교육원 공무원연금공단(혁신도시) (Government Employees Pension Service).
- Bus comes every 15-20mins between 6:00 - 22:00
- Total journey takes 1hr 10mins
- Rent a Car
- recommended! [name=ohyeon]
- Note: It seems that they have made it more difficult for foreigners to rent a car in Jeju. Many rental companies require you to speak Korean, be registered in Korea, or only allow foreigners to be registered as the secondary driver (with a Korean person registered as primary driver). Need to check in advance if you can rent as a foreigner - if they do, it seems they require an 'International Driving Permit' (which is different from an International Drivers License - though they say an International Drivers License from Macao and Hong Kong is allowed)
- Q: Can TW ppl drive in Jeju?
- Before pandemic cannot drive in KR [name=isabel]
- TW-KR memo in 2022 [name=isabel]
## 2023/02/01
> This meeting: https://meet.google.com/egv-mwhh-ctc
### Next meeting: Feb 22 11AM TW & HK / 12PM KR & JP
FTO meeting
Wednesday, 22 February · 12:00 – 1:00pm (+9)
Google Meet joining info:
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/wfm-ptwa-xqa
### Basic info
- June 9-11, 2023
- [Proposal to NIA](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cIxE6ewLsArZDJm0uFCD2gkv8avKJ6xJn3mfGTGdhSA/edit#heading=h.s47s28etcp0k)
### Venue = Jeju NIA Global Center
- https://www.nia.or.kr/site/nia_kor/04/10401070200002016090610.jsp
- Address in Korean: 제주특별자치도 서귀포시 서호중앙로 68-11 제주NIA글로벌센터
- Address in English: Jeju NIA Global Center, 68-11, Seohojungang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
- NIA building is across the street [from this location](https://goo.gl/maps/1QUzpPFtvoe1FbXN8) to the east
- Available bedrooms
- Room for 2 => 7
- Room for 3 => 11
- 18 rooms, 50 people total
- Conference rooms
- room 1 for 70 people
- room 2 for 40 people
- 1 & 2 can be connected
- beam projector, mic available
- other
- 5 washing machines, 1 dryer
### Other accommodation options
- [Eastern Hotel Jeju (이스턴호텔)](http://www.easternhoteljeju.com/)
- Rooms from KRW84,000 (max 2 ppl) to KRW170,000 (4 ppl)
- [Grand Millions Hotel Seogeipo (그랜드밀리언스호텔 서귀포)](http://www.grandm-s.com/)
- Double rooms from KRW34,400 to KRW53,000
- [Shinshin Hotel Worldcup (신신호텔 월드컵)](http://www.shinshinhotelworldcup.com/)
- Double rooms from KRW 30,000, Triples from KRW 60,000
- Website reservation system unavailable - check Agoda or other external sites
- Some close Airbnb options:
- [3-bed apartment for 6 guests KRW205,412/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/43599358?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=8453b561-bf02-45cb-9c8c-87546650be14&source_impression_id=p3_1676796492_ecK66HmFZ8iPcB%2Fd)
- [2-bed house for 6 guests KRW285,295/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/11148099?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=5d03653c-09f7-4e0b-8dc7-99c715848511&source_impression_id=p3_1676796407_j92XtIEypKP6PBvT)
- [2-bed house for 4 guests KRW260,000/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/725028255662648463?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=8453b561-bf02-45cb-9c8c-87546650be14&source_impression_id=p3_1676796606_Ng9q4kcp060FGAEt)
- [1-bed house for 4 guests KRW170,000/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/11148491?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=2009d5f5-163a-4dd0-8f5f-bcec7e9b54df&source_impression_id=p3_1676796855_pVjlL%2FOYI6sjsoCz)
- [Unique Hanok experience KRW595,000/night](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/43763039?adults=2&location=Jeju%2C%20Jeju-do&check_in=2023-06-09&check_out=2023-06-11&federated_search_id=8453b561-bf02-45cb-9c8c-87546650be14&source_impression_id=p3_1676796446_QXbWnNjql0mcSjFH)
### Directions & transportation
#### From airport to venue:
- Public Transportation
- Take Bus 800 from G/F Gate 5, get off at 국세공무원교육원 공무원연금공단(혁신도시) (Government Employees Pension Service).
- Bus comes every 15-20mins between 6:00 - 22:00
- Total journey takes 1hr 10mins
- Rent a Car
- recommended! [name=ohyeon]
- Note: It seems that they have made it more difficult for foreigners to rent a car in Jeju. Many rental companies require you to speak Korean, be registered in Korea, or only allow foreigners to be registered as the secondary driver (with a Korean person registered as primary driver). Need to check in advance if you can rent as a foreigner - if they do, it seems they require an 'International Driving Permit' (which is different from an International Drivers License - though they say an International Drivers License from Macao and Hong Kong is allowed)
- Q: Can TW ppl drive in Jeju?
- Before pandemic cannot drive in KR [name=isabel]
- TW-KR memo in 2022 [name=isabel]
### Organizational timeline
- February - asking around / PR! [name=shine]
- February 22nd - meet
- make google form
- add info about jeju data to attract hackers
- March 1st, Open for registration
- April 1st, Checkpoint for adjusting/expanding the event
- April 28th, Close for registration
- June 9-11th, Event
### Event agenda

- 6/9 Day 1
- 6/10 Day 2 Full day hackathon
- 6/11 Day 3
### Themes/Tracks
- Jeju data
- Biosphere, coral reefs
- Climate change
- Air quality
- Tourists
- Traffic
- Students/teenagers
- participants from CCC, c4j
- participants from sch001, g0v [name=isabel]
- travel grants
- Educational projects / Digital citizenship
- Mis/disinformation
- Democracy and participation
- ... and more
### Sponsorship
- Flight tickets
- Travel grants for students
- Venue & Accomondation => NIA
- Food & snacks during event
- Printouts
- Transportation in the Island
- souvenir? T-shirts!
### g0v HackMD team
- [x] [Application](https://g0v.hackmd.io/zNfe2MGfTrWo_5GZI0E5pQ?both)
- [ ] Team creation by super admin
- [x] Doc ownership
### Pre-event in Tainan!
### Action Items
- [x] Check the size of the Venue
- [x] Check the transportation from airport and additional hotels around, whether foreigners can drive/rent a car
- [ ] Sponsorship with Jeju government
- [ ] Asking around for who want to join the event, PR
- [ ] inviting students to the event
## 2020/05/06 FtO online hackathon
20:00-20:50(KST, JST)
19:00-19:50(TST, HST)
- KR: mee, sl, jiwoo, gj, sshony, jeonghye, jin
- TW: bess, isabel, chihao
- HK: Calvin
- JP:
* #check-in how are you?
* mee: going to jeju next week
* gj: finished watching 'Anne with an E'
* FtO online hackathon
* g0v Hackath39n: https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-hackath39n
* idea 1
* AM : pitching, Introduction, move to project room / C4J room / C4K room
* PM : pitching, presentation, coming up with some common project
* idea 2
* choose subject and have session/talks like FtO Anywhere
* collaborate several project like herstory, sch00l
* idea 3: mixing idea 1 + 2
* idea 4 : if we have different schedule,
* pitching & sharing : C4J project, C4K project, g0v project, FtO projects ex) herstory, sch00l
* Hack following our own schedule
* FtO organize,have common session/8min presentation&talks and touring program for all, foreigner who want to join
* need to provide english translation / using udtalk app
* OBS (built by ronny, tmonk)
* May 23rd : g0v jothon, C4J Hackathon, C4K Hackathon with FtO organizer
* G0V https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/g0v-hackath39n/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2F%40jothon%2Fg0v-hackath39n
* C4K https://hackmd.io/aQ-_qDk4Tr2KAV3aY4Gjeg?view
* March 14th : g0v jothon + C4J Hackathon chatting room (COVID19) : https://g0v.hackmd.io/OEaERJUzTkOFovq8QfDABQ?both
* Intorduction-pitching-selfIntroduction(recording play)-move to their own channel-hacking-8mins short speech via youtube-hacking-sharing-ceremony
* different channel
* g0v jothon: chatting room-ronny
* C4j social hack day: zoom
* C4K hackathon : need to decide
* FtO: won't make its own hackerthon but willing to join other hackerthons
* share how to join each hackathon and moderate/guide them to join
### 4 questions
- Would there be a Korean event on 5/23? yes.
- C4K: We will.
- How do we exchange info about "how to join TW/KR/JP hackathon"?
- we already have hackmd/website in English
- provide link to each hackathon
- if g0v project pitch in KR/JP, we use g0v channel with collaboration
- Would JP/KR be ok with a g0v guided tour? a g0v "tour guide" will join all the project chatrooms in TW&JP&KR and talk to the host.
- OBS + jitshi : OBS / Zoom : C4J, C4K
- minimal international projects (in English) : each project per a country + FtO projects
- tour program with jothon : streaming by youtube/OBS.
- does Fto want to give a presentation/talks/session?
- sl: introduction of fto to C4K \o/
- mee and gj wrote a blog on fto 2019
- we can share proposals and FtO projects
- talk(20mins): isabel/gj/chihao(designated moderator), 3 person (@??+ @?? + @??) free to share our experiences of FtO
### Actions
- [ ] the next meeting to share process and checklist that we procceed
- [ ] Ask date to have a next meeting in telegram
- [ ] each hackthon's invitation + registration form + timetable
- [ ] inviting ppl to share their experience on Telegram
- [ ] FtO project list
- [ ] follow up for JP friends who missed this meeting.
- [ ] English version of Hackthon information
* FtO in Jeju
* May -> Aug -> Oct
* will decide in June
* December
Record for FtO Jeju 2020 below
## 2020/4/22 meet up + collabo work
20:00-20:50(KST, JST)
19:00-19:50(TST, HST)
- KR: mee, sl, gj, sshony, ohyeon, jiwoo
- TW: Isabel, chihao
- JP: Nao, Hal
- HK: Calvin
* #check-in how are you?
* helding this event Next FtO(Aug)?
* ~~🙅🏻♀️ Option 0. GO ahead\o/~~
* ?? Option 1. Cancel in 2020 Aug (will decide in June)
* 🙆🏻♀️ **Option 2. Postpone AUG? -> OCT**
* 🙆🏻 **Option 3. Online meet&hack**
> FTO anywhere
* --> will share situation Korean sponser
* Current situation
* JP, HK are prohibited to travel up to AUG
* Not sure to improve corona virus outbreak
* hope to be safe and healthy 🙏
* what should we do if we postpone this fto jeju?
* ~~monthly meeting -> bi-montly~~ meeting?
* online meet&hack
* g0v online jothon(May 23rd/30th)
* proposal projects and participate other projects
* C4J: joined as domestic issue on last jothon. possible to participate. C4J April 24th social hack day(11am-6pm). May plan not yet.
* C4K: prepare to do online hackathon(May/June)
* CAN meet&hack from diverse background/nation
* We can do discussion of 1-2 topic like FtO anywhere.
* check list
* prep
* english presentation
* english version info sheet for jothon
* have discussion session of common topic
* discussion with community,coworker and confirmed
* Next meeting
* 6th May 20:00(KST, JST), 19:00(..)
* please share
* whether you can have a joint hackthon
* theme
* format
* date
- can join 0archive and collaborate with \TW KR JP HK/
- https://0archive.tw
- similar to Factcheck platform with association of broadcasting journalist, producers(ohyeon)
- share difficulties to analyse because of language
- HK difficulties to participate and share schedule
Discord as a tool for online-hackathon
12Jun2020 PM - Model: Board discussion or Talk.
- JP social distance game, http://gamingchahan.com/mitsudesu/
* #check-out
## 2020/3/12 organizers meeting
19:30-20:00(KST, JST)
20:00-20:30(KST, JST)
* KR: mee, sl, gj, youn
* TW: isabel, chihao, Bess, yuen, jerry
* JP: Hal, Mami, Nao
* HK: Angel
### Agenda
* reusing google calendar
* facing the virus
* hal san's article in 4 languages + more perstpectives from each country
* comparing for 4 countries gov response / civic hacking case
* interview to Ohyeon, Hal san, ..?
* vote for holding the event https://townhall.kr/meetings/719
* Vote or Consensus
* to postpone to Aug
* Next FtO
* Aug, @Jeju, Korea
* 3th Dec, @Tainan, Taiwan
* Two viable options for convening event
1. postpone (the latter half of this year)
2. proceed as planned (in May 2020)
* _Major (dev) conferences have been cancelled or deferred (IFF - API, Google I/O - May, Facebook F8 - June)_
* Expense issue
* OCF agree to extend the period
* NIA support to our decision
* Online meet-up
* monthly meeting
* Date: 15th April
* [NOTICE] March 18th g0v Jothon
* youtube streaming
* Join us!
## 2020/2/13 organizers meeting
* KR: gj, sl, mee, jin, sshony, ohyeon, jiwoo
* JP: mami, Nao
* TW: Chihao, Isabel, pm5, yun-chen
* HK: Calvin, Angel
19:00-20:00(TW, HK); 20:00-21:00(KST, JST)
### Agenda
* GitHub org goverance...
* main website `fto.asia`
* i love it! - gj, mee
* using github pages
* fto.asia is good
* is it integrated with CI? Let's move it to GatsbyJS.
* corona virus
* should we cancel or postpone?
* Deadline to decide: mid April(April 16th)
* if we postpone, notice to NIA before 2 weeks
* Need to tell ppl we might postpone or cancel the event in registration form.
* If postpone, until August or September.
* October and November are usually really busy for NIA.
* ==Autumn is good in Jeju.==
* g0v summit in late-Nov OR first week of Dec
### Brief of local organisers' discussion
* Date
* [x] May 15-17 (confirmed by NIA, the main sponsor)
* ~~5/16 might be g0v-hackathon, but no need to worry for now because everything is being rescheduled~~
* considering corona virus we delayed the date ALAP
* Location
* [x] [NIA global centre](http://eng.nia.or.kr/site/nia_eng/04/10406000000002016093002.jsp)(Seogwipo-si)
* Funding
* [sponsorship proposals(KR)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UNZeEWMRWe6M6O8V914NZIO-quSBvtvWm1_-8jFOWuY/edit)
* estimated expense (40 ppl)
* Venue: 2,200 USD - 3,000 USD(2.3-3.5mil Won)
* Accommodation: 2,800 USD - 4,100 USD (3.2-4.8mil Won)
* Foods: 2,000 USD - 3,600 USD(2.24-4.2mil Won)
* Total (Max) 10,700 USD (12.5mil won)
* NIA covers
* ~around 5,000 USD
* including venue(need to check), accommodation, (flight tickets)
* (TBD) food and beverage; 7 meals, fancy dinner, snack
* g0v-intl budget, TW
* ~6,600 USD
* (TBD) food and beverage ; 7 meals, fancy dinner, snack
* limit
* spend before the end of May; if we can pre-pay something with this, then let's do it.
* receipts
* Need some pre-arrangements if wire transfer is needed.
* No flight ticket
* HERE Technologies Private company [sponsorship](https://t.me/c/1482517341/2816)
* HERE Technologies https://www.here.com/
* ohyeon: maybe good for them to pay some sponsorship for flights?
* hal: "The company were a one of the sponsor of Code for Japan Summit. And they sponsored the Asian Open Data Hackathon last year. Their motivation is that recruiting developers who uses their APIs. https://www.here.com/ If they can promote their API and some of the developers make an account of their platform, they would be happy."
* Might be good for them to sponsor flight tickets, especially because JP to Jeju flights are a bit expensive(multi flights). Currently we have no fundings for this.
* pm5: want to more about the company, also trust the company cus they were working with hal. hal worries about their commercial motivations though.
* +1 for pm5 (22)
* chihao: need someone to work out the terms of the sponsorship deal
* need to be clear what happends if the community cannot achieve what the company expects...
* Timeline
* - [x] venue needs to be confirmed
* - [x] perhaps site survey
* only KR organisers
* Maybe virtual site survey for non-KR organizers? -- let other organizers know the time
* - [x] confirm accommodations
* - [ ] mid-MAR: open registration form
* [previous regis. form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1955ZpUBPieR3GZ4azSLzqH4O5_qR5wh1cfRXvFzQBqA/edit)
* [main folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Qyg6QHq5L8pCykPj6MKIpbGmevuODKHM)
* [Jeju folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T_7vsGaJswkMdWWHgS0Z3aslfcSNz6ax)
* should be careful public(sheet)/private(org only)..
* KR can decide.. (minimal disclosure would be good for private info)
* - [ ] draft program
* - [ ] mid-APR checkpoint: cancel or postpone (due to coronavirus)?
* - [ ] mid-MAY: event!
* VISA and border control
* Korean government is not banning ppl from HK and TW at the border as of now.
* Korea only limit to No-entry visa in jeju
* You need to provide a working phone number at KR border before entry
* Let's pray together for things to turn out better.
* TW banned China/HK/Macau citizens from entering.
* It likely that KR government will ban HK ppl from entering in April.
## 2020/1/23 Organizers Meeting
* KR: gj, sl, mee, jin, sshony, ohyeon, jiwoo
* JP: mami, Hal, Nao
* TW: Chihao, Isabel, pm5
* HK: Calvin, Angel
19:00-20:00(TW, HK); 20:00-21:00(KST, JST)
### Agenda
* gj(Parti)
* back to KR! catching up w/ friends. just settling in, going to IKEA a lot..
* Calvin
* prepare open source conference in june. 12 & 13 June 2020 Call for proposal link: https://bit.ly/hkoscon2020CFP
* chihao
* busy with work
* working on g0v project [0archive](https://0archive.tw) w/ isabel, pomin
* sl
* I have a tough day. I'm very sleepy. so I hope have a short meeting.
* Let’s make it short! (chihao)
* Mami
* busy w/ research
* going to TPE and meet with g0v edu team
* mee
* had a good two weeks break.
* happy new year!
* Isabel
* lunar new year holiday
* less sons today
* Have a cold now (!?!?), a bit worried about the corona virus
* sshony
* a little busy
* had a Korean bbq w/ Nao & Hal in Seoul
* hal
* Working / walking (lol) kkkk
* No holiday in Japan
* went to seoul earlier this month, invite by ohyeon to a program (AYARF) very good! gave a workshop <333
* Jin
* thinks hackathons can make impact
* just quit my job
* need to study chinese again as seeing g0v slack
* Pomin
* Tainan vacation after Tainan hackathon
* in Taichung with parents & sis left to us today
* lunar new year holiday
* ohyeon
* busy day in seoul
* impressive collabo at AYARF with hal & nao
* Vacation to Thai next week
* Nao
* Moving out new place
* sharing Japan civic hacking case at AYARF
* jiwoo
* Jiwoo from Nullfull.
* Nice to meet you all.
* Let's have fun in Jeju together!
* nullfull \o/ (chihao)
### Brief of local organisers' discussion
* Date (Candidates)
* [ ] May 8-10
* then maybe... may 8-10 is better?
* 5/2-6 is golden week in Japan & Korea
* [x] May 15-17
* 5/16 might be g0v-hacka39n just in case we want to avoid collision :)
* isabel: could be adjusted :)
* considerations
* g0v-intl $ end date
* golden week in JP
* Location (Candidates)
* [x] Seogwipo-si NIA (NIA global centre)
* NIA: https://www.nia.or.kr/site/nia_kor/main.do
* just sent email
* https://goo.gl/maps/5URgwfRjaaLaekC49
* distance 1hour 10mins via bus
* ~~[ ] Jeju-si JCCI W360~~
* distance 30mins via bus
* Funding
* sponsorship proposals:
* https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UNZeEWMRWe6M6O8V914NZIO-quSBvtvWm1_-8jFOWuY/edit
* estimated expense (40 ppl)
* Venue: 2,300,000 ~ 3,500,000 (Won)
* 2,200 USD - 3,000 USD
* Accommodation: 3,200,000 ~ 4,800,000 (Won)
* 2,800 USD - 4,100 USD
* Foods: 2,240,000 ~ 4,200,000 (Won)
* 2,000 USD - 3,600 USD
* Total (Max) 10,700 USD
* g0v-intl budget from TW (time limit)
* ~7,000 USD before the end of May
* OCF’s rules
* food
* accommodation
* local transportation
* car rental, taxi, bus,...
* A bit tricky
* flight ticket
* NO
* salary
* equipment
* in Korea (Candidates)
* [x] NIA(National Information society Agency)
* [ ] ~~Jeju center for creativity & innovation~~
* [ ] ~~NIPA(National IT Industry Promotion Agency)~~
* No. of ppl
* Max 50 ppl (ideally 40)
* guidelines
* don’t open all the seats
* keep some seats for inviting people from outer Korea (maybe 10 per)
* ask them what do they plan to work on,
* tell them that organizers will consider
* maybe don’t have to limit no. of people during registration, limit no. of people getting confirmation
* what about reserved some seats for each country?
* (chihao) at least 3 from each country?
* (chihao) I think it’s good for the organizers to reach out & invite people actively
* Program
* to be discussed in next hangout in March?
* want to be open for suggestion
* Timeline
* venue needs to be confirmed
* perhaps site survey
* g0v-intl is thinking about visiting Jeju for site survey in March
* mid-MAR: open registration form.
* confirm accommodations
* draft program
* early-Apr: registration closed
* mid-Apr: registration confirmed (selected)
* confirm food
* confirm program schedule
* mid-MAY: EVENT!
* Issues
* pass info from TW organizers to KR organizers
* gmail groups (list of emails)
* [google drive folder](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Qyg6QHq5L8pCykPj6MKIpbGmevuODKHM)
* anyone can view
* editors:
* chihao
* pomin
* mami
* nao (2 accounts!)
* gj
* isabel
* ohyeon
* hal
* Checklist
* start a github organization - @sl
* ftofto
* ftomeetandhack
* ftomeethack
* ftopeople
* facing-the-ocean - selected
* (bcuz I created)
* (chihao) sl++
* (Jerry) sl++
* chihao+1
* ohyeon
* jiwoo bb
* calvin
* pm5
* please invite these github accounts as collaborator
* @halsk
* @rest515
* @chihaoyo
* @pm5
* @mamisada
* @constmoon
* @debugtsang
* @gjkimpam
* @
* @
* @
* some ideas for repos under this org
* github pages introducing fto
* archiving past fto
* Next meeting date and time
* **2/13** birthday of hal
* chihao, pm5 gj, sl, isabel, mami, Mee, nao, Sshony, Calvin, Angel, jiwoo
* 2/20
* chihao, pm5, ohyeon, sl, gj, Mee, hal, nao, Sshony, Calvin, Angel,isabel, jiwoo
## 2019/12/22 Organizers Meeting at FtO Tainan 2019
* Location: Jeju it is
* Date: end of April or start of May
* Some dates to avoid (civic tech conferences in [2020](https://g0v.hackmd.io/4qcnxbsYSdqHYpifHb-Vng)):
* April 20-24 is Internet Freedom Festival
* April 23-24 is Personal Democracy Forum CEE
* We will work together on this.
* Some major tasks
* Find venue and exact dates
* Accommodations
* Find local communities
* Transportations
* Check if foreigners can drive there.
* Hangout every month
* ** 1st in late January 23rd 8pm JP/KR 7pm TW ([Google Hangout](https://meet.google.com/hyz-bejj-neb))**
* Visit Jeju in March???
* Maybe a [OneButton](https://github.com/g0v/OneButton) for FtO
## OneButton FtO
* There is a [fork](https://github.com/g0v/fto-onebutton) from g0v jothon OneButton now.
* [Hackfoldr template](https://ethercalc.org/fto-onebutton) ([result](https://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-hackath37n))
* [Hackathon sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l02S2rRpcOuMX0Y6MInWKnjcLD0xU0-ivk58SOFKj2M/edit?usp=sharing)
* We did a few things differently in the past FtOs.
* We use info sheets like [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14y6K737zTnMqkOmTECmXjWYkEHFWtu6u0wCfXwtRUCc/edit#gid=880205619) on Google Spreadsheet.
* We use a [Hackmd book](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@pm5/rJriRnlqE/https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fspreadsheets%2Fd%2F1W7m11EOosq2n-gc0w4SBht2CuwoYr5L6ZbuBaKyZ2RA%2Fedit%23gid%3D1?type=book) instead of Hackfoldr. Hackmd does not have an API.
* Organising works happen on Hackmd docs like [this](https://g0v.hackmd.io/O-Yj2fBPREefIHQFOEyfYQ).
* We use Google Forms to do [early survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XiBdBgFENjIh26M1B6MwqdGmez2oYBKz2E_0ifnIy8Q/edit) and [registration](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1955ZpUBPieR3GZ4azSLzqH4O5_qR5wh1cfRXvFzQBqA/edit).